Shanks x Reader {Eggnog, Rum, & Babies} AU

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"Pass me another bottle of rum (Y/n)" I looked at Shanks as he held out his hand towards me, we had plenty of rum left but I wasn't sure if I should give him another bottle. "Don't you think there's enough in it? Someone is going to take one sip and die from alcohol poisoning"

"This is a party (Y/n) and this is my grandmother's recipe. Everyone is going to love it~" My mind started to wander as I started to mutter under my breath. "Is everyone in your family an alcoholic? Hopefully, it skips a generation..." 

Shanks hand gripped my chin and pulled my head up as he pressed his lips to my forehead. "Don't worry about the baby so much (Y/n) you're due any day now so take it easy... here why don't you eat something while I finish making the eggnog?" I turned back to my plate that was sitting on the kitchen island and took a sit as I bit into a carrot stick. "Boss~ Come and party with us~ Ah (Y/n)-chan we're going to steal your husband for a minute~"

"Someone, carry the eggnog for me and come sit in the living room (Y/n) so I can keep an eye on you"


"So, Mihawk~ Have you tried the eggnog yet? It's really good~" I was sitting next to a sober Mihawk but he was beginning to bore me so I decided that he needed to try some of Shanks eggnog. "No, I haven't. You made it (Y/n)?"

"Yes, and since this is my party it would be rude with you didn't at least try a cup or two" I watched as he stood up and walked over to the table where the bowl sat as a wave of pain came over me, it had been happening most of the day but I didn't think much of it since the pain would only last a few seconds. "Are you sure this eggnog is good (Y/n)? It looks quite watery to me"

"Don't drink it then, I need to go to the bathroom. Keep my seat safe while I'm gone" I didn't look back at Mihawk as I headed upstairs to my bedroom but the pain, I had felt earlier was worse than before as I had to stop and lean against a table until it passed. "(Y/n)-ya what are you doing?"

"Oh, hey Law. Shouldn't you be downstairs with the othe- Ah!"

"(Y/n) don't panic but your water just broke... wait right here... Shanks your wife's water just broke get up here!" Law quickly returned to my side as I heard someone running up the stairs behind him. "(Y/n)! Are you in pain!? What do we do Law, do we call an ambulance!?"

"I need to check how far she's dilated, if she's too far along we'll need to deliver the baby here. You two move (Y/n) to her bed and someone bring me the first aid kit! Hurry up!"


A Short Time Later...

"He's got your hair, Shanks~ He's so perfect~" I was staring down at my baby as Shanks remained by my side. "And he has your eyes (Y/n)" Shanks gave me a quick kiss before he turned towards Law who was sitting a few feet away. "Thank you, Law! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here tonight" 

"It was no trouble at all but we should get those two to the hospital so they can be checked out"

"You're right... I didn't think I would need to cut back on my drinking so soon but I made you a promise (Y/n) and I'm going to keep it. I love you"

"We are never having another kid but I love you too"



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