Sabo x Reader {Secret Santa Pt.1} AU

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"Who did you get for Secret Santa (Y/n)?" I looked at the piece of paper in my hands as I told my friend who I got. "Hm... Sabo. He's a part of Dragon's gang, right?" The name sounded familiar but really, I didn't get involved with the gang activity much since most of them were a little on the crazy side.

"You're so lucky and yeah he's one of the top guys. He's also Ace and Luffy's brother. I got Kidd, what do I even buy for that guy!?" Oh, so that's where I heard the name before, I wonder how the boys were doing I haven't seen them in years. "Lipstick... maybe some eyebrows? Hehehehe"

"Do you want to be the cause of my murder (Y/n)! You might be able to tease your brother but the rest of us aren't so lucky" I looked over at my friend and decided to tease her a little bit. "You know something, Kidd might actually have a thing for you Yuki... or he's planning your murder... either way why don't you come over for dinner? You can tell me all there is to know about this Sabo guy"

"K-Kidd has a thing for me!? What are you talking about, why would you say such a thing!?" She was freaking out but I was enjoying every second of it, maybe it was time my brother got himself a girlfriend. "He keeps a photo of you in his wallet and he has some of his men follow you around... I highly doubt Killer is following me right now, take a look behind us"

"What are yo- Holy shit! Killer stop following (Y/n) I'm bringing her home right now!" I continued to laugh at Yuki as Killer jogged his way over to us. "I'm not following (Y/n), I have orders to watch you, Yuki. Will you be staying for dinner?"

"Yes, she is. What are you making for dinner Killer? Oh, and maybe you can tell Yuki here how Kidd has a weird obsession with her as of late"

"I'm making pasta, come along Kidd's waiting and I won't comment on Kidd's love interests (Y/n)"


"I'm home and I brought you a girlfriend, Kidd!" I heard a loud thump as my dear brother started yelling before he could even see who I brought with me. "(Y/n) stop bring whores into my ho- Ah, Yuki what are you doing here!?" Kidd started to brush back his hair as he leaned against the counter and began to check out my friend.

"H-Hello Kidd!" Yuki sent a greeting towards my brother as I watched a blush spread across his face. "A-Are you staying for dinner?" Awe this was such an adorable moment between the pair, maybe I should help their relationship move along.

"Yes, she is Kidd and she'll spend the night as well but can she sleep in your bed?" Yuki smacked my arm as she started to turn bright red. "(Y/n) stop it!" I pushed the angry Yuki towards Kidd as I went to help Killer with dinner.


"Killer, what do you know about Sabo? I need to buy him a present but I know nothing about this mystery guy" I leaned against Killer as he was cutting up some peppers for the pasta sauce though the only 'help' I would be giving Killer was talking with him while he did all the work. "Sabo... are you talking about Dragon's guy? I don't know him personally but he might be at the poker game tonight you want to meet him"

"Hm... The last time I went to poker night I woke up on Doflamingo's couch and that guy refused to tell me how I ended there!" I separated myself from the man as I took a seat on the island as I overheard Kidd talking with Yuki in the living room but my attention quickly went back to Killer when he spoke again.

"Kidd didn't tell you? He told Doflamingo to take you home with him since he didn't want to deal with your drunk ass" My eyes widened as I turned and walked into the living room to comfort my brother. "H-He did what!? Kidd, did you get dropped on your head as a child! Why in the hell would you give me to that creep Doflamingo!?"

"He offered and I didn't want to carry you home. Now why don't you make yourself useful and get me a drink"

"Fuck you, get your own drink! I'm going for a walk!"


30 Minutes Later...

"Stupid Kidd, I need to find my own place to live!" It had been growing colder outside and my stupid ass didn't grab my coat when I stormed out of the house. I could have gone home and grabbed it quickly but that would have meant Kidd would have seen me. "It's fucking cold out here!"

"Why don't I warm you up~" Before I knew it my face was pressed against a shirtless guy's chest... wait a minute what kind of person doesn't wear a shirt in weather like this. "If you don't unhand me, I'm going to kick your ass!"

"Ace leave that girl alone, that's Kidd's little sister and we don't want to start a fight with him-yoi" Did they just say, Ace? My head tilted up as I meant the eyes of my 'attacker' and before they knew it, I wrapped my arms around their neck. "Ace! It's been years, how have you been and why are you not wearing a shirt!?"

"You know me (Y/n) shirts are so restricting and I don't get that cold anyways but the real question is why are you wandering around without a coat?" I would have answered him but then another thought crossed my mind. "I was told Sabo is your brother! I'm his Secret Santa so can you help me out with telling me a little bit more about him?"

"Sabo? We're meeting him for dinner why don't you join us. Marco, give (Y/n)-chan your coat! The lady is cold and you don't need yours anyways!" I was still in Ace's arms when he asked his friend for his coat, I recognized this pineapple head from the news but he didn't look amused with the order. Since I knew that I didn't have any money I thought it was for the best if I denied his dinner invitation and went home instead.

"Sorry but I can't join you for dinner, I don't have any money on me, Ace"

"Don't be silly (Y/n) we're eating at Pop's restaurant so it'll be on the house. Now let's go and Marco don't make me ask for your coat a second time" With his friend's coat wrapped around me we started to walk down the street until we were standing in front of the restaurant.

"Let's go we're already late" When we entered the building all eyes were drawn to us as the room went quiet but it was Luffy who broke the silence. "(Y/n)! What are you doing here!? I've missed you!" I was almost knocked to the ground as Luffy jumped into my arms but thankfully a tall blonde stepped in and pulled the boy away.

"Luffy stop that. My apologies for brothers' actions Miss... (Y/n), right?"

"Sabo, (Y/n) is my friend and I haven't seen her in years! Let me go!" So, this was the mystery guy I'm supposed to buy a present for? He's kind of cute... I wonder if he's single... get that thought out of your head (Y/n)! "Please just call me (Y/n) and you're Sabo?"

"So, you're Ace's date for this dinner then (Y/n)?" I couldn't help but start laughing at that as I looked over at the freckled-faced man beside me. "Hahahahahaha. Don't make me laugh! Hahahahah. Me on a date with Ace? No, that's not possible"

"Hey! Stop laughing at me (Y/n)-chan!" A few others in the room started to giggle at Ace's reaction but as I recovered, I quickly apologized to the male. "Sorry, Ace but I know that you're with that 'smoking' hot police detective and the whole city knows it too. Isn't that right Luffy?"

The whole room started to laugh at Ace's bright red face as Luffy started to speak about the detective I was referring to. "Oh, are you talking about Smokey? Yeah, I saw Ace sneaking out of the apartment last night and get into his car before they drove away. I don't even think he came home last night"

"Is it too late to go home, Marco?" Ace was leaning against Marco as I took off the man's coat and handed it back to him. "Gurararara. We all already knew my boy, now come sit down so we may begin. As for you (Y/n) I believe there's a seat free next to Sabo" When I looked at Sabo, he took my arm in his as he led me over to where he was sitting then he pulled my chair out for me before he took his own seat beside me.

"Now that everyone's here, let's eat!"


End Pt 1

One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon