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I screamed her name more, and swam in different directions, still looking, becoming more and more frantic. I heard my name coming from the shore, so I jerked my head in that direction. There she was! She was screaming my name, screaming for help, as a darker than dark shadow wrapped it's tentacles around her and yanked her to it. I watched, frozen, as it pulled her into it, absorbing her, before it raised it's blood soaked tentacle at me and waved. I screamed in rage, and dove back into the water, determined to swim as fast as I could, to get to that thing, to make it give me Anna. I needed to help her. When I jerked myself into a sitting position, from where my tired body had slumped on my couch, I didn't understand for a moment. My eyes darted around my room, noticing every lingering shadow, every dark corner. My heart thudded in my ears, blocking out any other noise, and my body was covered in a thick sheen of cold sweat. When it finally clicked that I was in my room, on my couch, and that it had been another nightmare, my heart started to slow. I took a few deep breaths to help it along, and wiped my damn forehead with the back of my forearm. Was this what it was going to be like? I was just going to never truly be able to sleep because of these nightmares? I picked my phone up and saw that it was 3am. I rolled my eyes and put it down on the couch. Ironic that I would wake up at the Witches Hour. I stayed awake for a while, just scrolling my phone on social media, trying to put the dreams out of my mind. Eventually, I heard Sam's bedroom door open, so I walked out to meet him. "Morning," he said, walking past me to the stairs. "Mornin'," I replied, then followed him down the stairs. "Did that guy every answer?" He glanced at me, his eyes still a little bleary from being tired, his hair sticking up in weird directions. "No, not yet. I tried several times yesterday Colby. I don't know what else I can do, since we don't know where he lives. I even tried to find his address. There isn't even record of him online anywhere. Either he has no form of social media, or Ash isn't his real name." "Damn it," I said, dragging my hand through my hair as we reached the bottom of the stair case. "I'll keep trying, man. You know I will. Did you find any more information that we can use?" I shrugged, and thought about my dreams. "Maybe, but it's weird. I'll tell you about it later." He nodded, then pointed towards the kitchen. "Gonna make a smoothie. You want one?" I shook my head. I wasn't really in the mood to eat or do too much of anything. The lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me. "I think I'm gonna just go hang out in the backyard for a little while. Get some sun," I answered. I went back to my room and grabbed my laptop, then made my way back downstairs and out the back door. Jake and Tara were already out there, him sitting in one of chairs, with her in his lap. "What's up man?" Jake said, nodding his head at me when I walked outside. "Nothing much," I replied, sitting down and opening my laptop. "Whatchu doing?" he asked. I glanced up and saw Tara staring off absentmindedly, while she had one hand in Jake's hair, curling it around her fingertips. "Just research. For a future video," I answered. What else was I supposed to say? "Hey Colby," Tara said. I met her gaze and nodded. "What's going on with that Anna girl? I really like her," she said, her lips lifting slightly in a mischievous smile. My heart twisted a little, hearing her words. I played it off and shrugged, trying to keep all emotion from my face. "She's just a friend. I don't know if I'll see her again." Her eyebrows went down as she searched my face for clues. "Don't you like her? Honestly, I've never met anyone like her. She's....different, somehow. Innocent. Is she from around here?" I nodded, wanting the conversation to be over. I couldn't keep my heart from thudding hard, every time I heard her name, a sharp pain crossing my chest. I rubbed the heel of my hand over my heart and sighed. "Yes Tara, I like her. I just don't know if there's anything there. I don't know if she wants to find out. She is from California, yes, but she was talking about moving East, so I don't even know if she will be around here for much longer." She was quiet for a minute, biting her lip. "Sorry," she replied quietly. "It's okay," I said, then stared at my computer screen. I didn't see anything that was on it, because my nightmare was replaying in my mind again. I wasn't lying. I really didn't know if I would ever see her again. If I did, she would probably just be a ghost again. I sighed again, and closed my laptop. "I think I'm going to go to the beach," I said, standing up. "Yeah?" Jake said, his head popping up. "We'll join you! We can ask everyone. Just make a day of it." I shook my head and started to protest. "Come on, Colby. I don't know what's going on, but you've been pulling away from everyone again. You need a day with your friends." I didn't reply so he patted Tara's thigh, letting her know to get up. She stood, and he got up behind her. "Colby, please. I need something to do. I'm bored. Keep me company," he said, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout. I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Whatever dumbass," I replied. "Let everyone know. I want to leave asap though." "Yes!" he celebrated, pumping his fist into the air. 

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