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"See, the kid is braver than you. That's sad, brother." He rolled his eyes at me, and turned his head back to the front. "EHHEHEHE," sounded through the extremely loud speakers then, shutting me up. I did NOT like that laugh. "Now who's scawed??" Sam said, laughing at me. "Shut up," I replied back, my eyes scanning the dimly lit area for anything weird. We passed a few boxes/coffins that had the cheesy pop up jump scares with vampires and skeletons. As expected, it wasn't scary, but the red lights and sound effects did make it a little creepy. "It's almost over," I said, pointing ahead of us. "There's the exit to take us back outside." The little boy laughed behind me. "Oh, you won't be leaving yet," he said, his voice almost angelic. Sam and I both turned to look at him. "Or ever," he replied, his eyes flashing red. "What-" Sam started. I didn't waste any time trying to figure out what was going on. I caught Ash's eye, and saw the surprise in them. I fumbled with my seatbelt, and tried to keep the boy talking while Sam did the same. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to stay calm and keep my movements slow, so that he didn't see what we were doing. The little boy giggled, and waved at me. Only it wasn't at me. It was at something that was in front of us. I turned to look and saw the same clown as before, with the doll heads as buttons, standing in front of the exit. They weren't going to let us leave. "Shit,'" Sam whispered. I nudged his arm, so that he would look at me. When he did, I gave him a slight nod, then did the same to Ash. "See ya!" I yelled, then all of us jumped from the slowly moving cart and headed back the way we  had came. We ran at full speed down the tracks, trying to find the entrance so that we could get out of this place. "Wait!" Ash yelled. "Stop!" I skidded to a halt, causing Sam to run right into me. I grabbed him, trying to keep us both from falling. Instead, we tumbled to the ground together. "Ow, fuck," I groaned, as Sam's elbow landed in my stomach. "Sorry,oof," he said, trying to stand up. "We can't go out the entrance," Ash said, watching us stumble over each other as we finally stood. "Why not? You saw that thing guarding the exit," Sam said, his voice going up an octave. "I'd bet money that's not a regular clown. It's a demon," I said, looking at Ash for confirmation. He nodded. "I didn't notice it at first, because we are in a nightmare, but yes. It's a demon...and it's after us. The little boy is also a demon. A very well cloaked demon. They are doing everything they can to stop us. If this is THE exit, then we need to go out that way. If we go back out through the entrance, we'll be stuck here." A loud creepy laugh echoed through the hallways, followed by an angelic voice. "Ready or not, here we come," it said, then the little boy's giggle filled my ears. "We have to keep moving," Ash said, walking in between us. "We have to find a way to draw them out, so that we can circle back around to the exit." He started examining the walls as he walked ahead of us. "If this is modeled after a simple fair ride, then there should be a way to get behind the walls. Like for maintenance." His fingers ran over the frail looking wood, until they found a groove. He put both hands on it, and dug his fingers into it. "I can't, urgh, get it. It's stuck." He shook his hands out then tried again. "Help me," he grunted. I walked over to him, and dug my fingers into the same groove. It looked like it should've been easy, but it wasn't budging. "Shit," I said, when something stabbed my finger. I pulled my hand back to look, and saw blood dripping down my wrist. "What the hell?" I sighed, then stuck my finger in my mouth. "Maybe this is something," I heard Sam say. I looked over to him and saw a large metal lever that I could've sworn wasn't there a moment ago. Sam pulled it, then lay his entire body weight against it, to help move it. It creaked at first, barely moving, then slammed down with a loud clang, knocking Sam to the floor. "OOF," he grunted, as his breath heaved out from the impact. I darted over to him, and held my hand out. "You good?" I asked, trying not to laugh. He rolled over onto his back and met my gaze. "We're being chased by clown demons who are trying to stop us from helping your ghost girlfriend, and will probably kill us...but you're laughing at me right now?" I shrugged, and chuckled as he took my hand. I hefted him to his feet, then patted his back. "Gotta find the humor in everything, I guess," I said. "You're mental," he said, laughing a little. "Um, guys." We both turned to look at Ash. "Oh," Sam said, quietly. "You did it," I whispered. The part of the wall that we had been trying to open, was now swung wide, showing nothing but blackness in it's depths. "So, who's first?" Sam asked. "FOUND YOU!" A wicked, shrill voice shrieked behind us. We all swung our heads in the direction of the voice and saw that fucking clown at the end of the small hallway. "SHIT! JUST GO!" I yelled, darting into the blackness behind Ash. Sam was right behind me, yanking the door closed by the metal bar on the inside, just as the clown reached it. "EYAH, YAH!" we heard it yell, as Sam held the door closed. "A little help here!" he yelled, as the door tried to bounce back open. I darted forwards and dragged it closed, just as the clown got it's glove covered hand through. The blood curling scream that it let out when I slammed the door on it's wrist, let me know that it could at least be hurt. 

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