103 Anna's POV

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I watched the ball swish through the hoop, then her jump up and down. "In your FACE Brock!" she exclaimed, as he walked over to her. "Yeah, yeah, you're not bad," he said, smiling at her in a way that caused my chest to ache again. "Anybody up for another game? That was a short one," a nice looking dark skinned guy said, twirling the ball on his middle finger. "Nah Chazz, I think I'm done for now," Colby replied, motioning for Jake to throw him a can of White Claw. He caught it expertly and popped the tab. "Yeah, I think I'm going to take a break too," Sam replied, holding his hand on his lower back. "Back is kind of bothering me." I vaguely wondered why his back would be hurting him. He was young, and pretty athletic, I thought. I knew he liked to run every morning, at least. When everyone would be sleeping, I had been roaming the house with nothing to do and saw him leaving for his morning runs several times. "You should take a break," Katrina said, her face concerned. "Yes ma'am," he said, smiling at her. He pulled her to him and kissed her softly. "I'm okay," he said, quietly. I caught Colby watching them with an expression that I couldn't read. "So, you want your clothes back?" The Addy girl asked, nudging him with her arm. "Huh?" he asked, looking over to her. "Your clothes? Since we're finished with the game," she said, smiling at him. She even went so far as to bat her eyes at him...but he didn't notice. The man was blind when it came to girls flirting with him. Wow. "Oh yeah, I guess. If they're more comfortable or you just want to wait, that's fine too," he replied, glancing away from her. He shifted from one foot to the other, uncomfortably. Tara rolled her eyes at him, but he didn't notice. Addy smiled and blushed, looking down. "I'll wait then. They're pretty comfortable." Colby nodded at her, a stern look on his face, then cleared his throat. "So, we moving the party inside?" The girls looked at each other and laughed, then shook their heads. "Nope. We're going swimming!" Colby looked like he bit back a groan. Sam shrugged at him and pointed towards the pool. "And I'm getting in the hot tub. Good for the back." Colby glared at him, and Sam just laughed. "You don't have to join us, ya know." Colby looked relieved, but only for a split second. Then his eyes widened, along with his mouth, as his feet lifted off the ground. Both Corey and Jake had picked him up, and were headed towards the pool. "No, guys, NO! Put me down! I mean it!" He struggled, but they held him firm, and laughed at his feeble attempts to get away. "This isn't funny! Jake, I swear, if you don't put me down right now!" When Jake just laughed, he switched to trying to reason with Corey. "Corey, brother, don't do this man. I thought we had something special. Corey, I-" Whatever he was about to say was cut short, with a short yell coming out of his mouth, as they tossed him into the pool, shoes and all. He came up sputtering, and wiping his wet hair back from his face. "I fucking hate you guys," he growled. Corey put his hand on his hip, and leaned towards him. "Maybe you should've thought twice about trying to sweet talk me, Colby Brock. I know you've been talking to Sam!" He pretended to flip his non existent long hair back and proceeded to stalk away. Even Colby had to laugh. "Yo, for real, I'm gonna go change really quick, and then I'll join you in there," Corey yelled, then jogged to the house. Colby climbed out and trudged up to the house in his soaking wet clothes. I walked over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder, only to be reminded that I didn't belong in this world when my hand slid through him. I had momentarily forgotten that I wasn't human. I tended to do that a lot with him...and that was dangerous for me. I sucked in my breath, when he turned towards me, staring me straight in my eyes. I thought he saw me somehow, but I knew that was impossible. "Anna?" he whispered, his voice barely audible, even to me. I wanted to answer him. I almost did...but then SHE showed up. I hadn't even realized that Addy had left, but apparently when the pool was mentioned, she had run off with the other girls to get changed. Now, here she was standing in front of Colby, her boobs barely covered in her white string bikini that looked too small for her...features. "Wow," he said, making me huff and roll my eyes. That's all it took to make a straight man stupid. A naked girl, or almost naked. She blushed, looked down, then back up, biting her lip. I wanted to punch her in the face for that obvious flirtation. He didn't seem to notice what she was doing with her face, however, since his eyes were stuck on her body. "I didn't have a bathing suit, since I didn't know that we would be swimming tonight. I borrowed one from Kat, but this was the only extra one she had over here besides the one she's wearing. He looked up, meeting her eyes like he was surprised she were able to speak, then cleared his throat. "Oh, yeah, um, you look fine. Nice. You look nice. I like it." She smiled, and tilted her head back to look up at him. "Thanks. Are you going to join us?" She asked, motioning towards his clothes. He shook his head. "No, I think I'm going to go back to my room." "Oh come on, Colbyyy!" Kat's came up behind me with Tara and Devyn. I guess the other girls had left.

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