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"Yeah, answer that one Sam. Why the fuck do you want to go if people disappear when they go there?" Corey's voice was starting to get a little high pitched and I knew he was getting freaked out by the prospect that he might have to go to this creepy ass house. "Because it's what we do bruvaa," Jake said, laughing at Corey's wide eyes. "No bro, why the fuck do you guys do this? I swear we're all going to die one day because y'all don't know where to draw the line," he said. "Then why do you keep going with us, if you think that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows with a small smile. I couldn't stop myself from antagonizing him just a bit. His mouth clamped shut as he stared at me with those wide brown eyes. "That's not the point. I go so that I can stop you from making even worse decisions. Now, when are we leaving? I need to go get all of my anti possession and protection amulets," he said, pursing his lips as he looked at Sam. We all laughed at his dramatization, and I was honestly grateful for it. It broke the tension that I was feeling. I always felt a little nervous before going to these places and I knew that I would feel it again, when we actually headed to it. It would pass though, and we would have an amazing experience that we would share forever. "I'm down," I said, sliding the laptop back towards Sam. "Next thing you know, Sam is gonna whip out the Ouija board when we get there and try to contact those missing people from the 70's. What are their names again? Kenneth and Mary. Yeah, those two are going to come back home with us and befriend the Shadow Man," Corey said, shaking his head. Sam rubbed his chin and looked thoughtfully at Corey. "Sam NO. I didn't mean that. I was just talking shit. SAM DO NOT BRING THE OUIJA BOARD. I MEAN IT! I'm not going." I was laughing so hard by that point, I almost couldn't breathe. Teasing Corey was one of my favorite past times. He knew it was all in good spirits though. "I didn't say anything!" Sam exclaimed, a humorous smile on his face. Corey shook his head again. "You didn't have too. I see it Sam. I know you. It's in your eyes. You're gonna bring that fucking cursed ass board. I'm not touching it. You can't make me." We were all laughing by now, and even Corey had a big grin on his face. His eyes were still wide and nervous though. "Well, it doesn't matter right now anyway. We don't even know if we can go yet. It's late now, so I'll take the necessary steps and call whoever I'm supposed to call tomorrow. It's not too far from here. Like an hour drive, maybe a little more, so we don't have to worry about a hotel or anything" Sam said, closing the laptop and passing it to Corey. "So this is where you want to go for our next video? What kind of treasure are we supposed to find there?" I asked Sam. "We still need to keep that aspect, because that's what we do now." He shrugged. "The history of the place is a treasure, in my opinion, but I read that people have found old crystals or gems that were used in rituals, protection amulets, and other stuff. It even said in that article that it was rumored that the place had a secret room. No one had found it, so it's probably not true, but it's worth a shot. Don't you wanna know what's there?" I had to admit, the more I listened to how excited he was about it, and the way he explained it, the more excitement coursed through my veins. "Yeah, I do," I answered. "If we get to go, this is going to be amazing." A wide grin spread across his face, and he brushed his blonde hair back. He was naturally blonde, but had dyed it brown for a while. He was back to his natural color now though. His blue eyes, that almost matched mine, were shining with excitement. Sometimes, people would say that we were each other's Yin and Yang, perfectly balancing out the other. My dark features and sometimes moody personality, complemented his light features and almost always sunny view on things, and vice versa. We worked well together. Sam was and always would be my very best friend, no matter who came and went in our lives. I wouldn't be where I am, or who I am, without him. So, the days came and went, and we got closer and closer to Halloween. "I've finally got the permit!" Sam exclaimed one day, as he walked through the front door. "Huh?" Jake asked, laying on the couch with his head hanging off the edge, his legs and feet across the back of it. "The permit for that old witch house. I had to pay the owner a good stack but I think it'll be worth it. The catch is that we can't go until Halloween, because he has a couple of workers clearing out some trash that someone dumped on the property. Doesn't want us to interfere with that. So that means, our video will be about a week late, but that's fine. Not like we haven't had to postpone before. The fans will understand." "Sweet," Jake replied, spinning around and sitting up. "You gonna tell Corey?" I asked, propping my feet up on the table as I dug into my fruit bowl. Sam laughed and shrugged. "I don't know. Might be funny to catch him off guard and get his reaction on camera when we pull up there." "You're bringing the Ouija board too, aren't you?" Jake asked, a wicked grin on his face, his brown eyes lighting up. "But of course," Sam said, laughing and running a hand through his hair. "Yo guys, what's up?" Corey asked, walking into the room. "Nothing," Jake replied, suspiciously. I threw a grape at him, and watched it bounce off of his bright, fire engine red hair. 

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