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 "Yeah, let's do it! I'mma go change clothes." "Yeeesss," he said, grinning and nodding his head. I started to walk out, then turned back to him. "Just us?" I asked. "Just us brother. Like the old days," he answered. I grinned and nodded, before walking out towards the stairs. It had been a while since Sam and I had done anything without anyone else. I missed it. I started stripping as soon as I walked into my room, throwing my clothes in the corner. I heard a light gasp and then an embarrassed giggle that had me covering my privates. I stood there in my boxer briefs, glancing around my room. "Anna?" I whispered, feeling the heat rush into my cheeks. "Yes," her voice came, followed by a light giggle. "Could you, like, go in another room or something?" I asked. I saw a shimmer, like the space by the window was warping for a moment, then it disappeared. "I'm closing my eyes," she said, her voice full of laughter. I sighed, then walked into my closet to find my clothes. I pulled out a hoodie and a pair of joggers that I used to go exploring in. Jeans wouldn't work because I didn't know if we would be climbing or anything. I had already made that mistake a few times. Once I was dressed, I walked back into my room. The fruity scent that I was becoming accustomed too filled my room. "Are you leaving?" Anna's voice floated around the room. "Yeah, I'm going to go out with my friend for a while," I answered. It still felt weird talking to the room when I didn't see anyone. "Oh..." her voice was sad now, and I felt my chest tighten a little. "What's wrong?" I asked, sighing as I sat down on my couch to put my shoes on. "It's just been so long since I spoke to anyone. I've really enjoyed talking to you." I felt sad for her then, and wondered if I should stay home. Then I remembered what happened to George. Nope, while I didn't think that she was purposely dangerous, I wasn't taking any chances. "Well, I won't be gone for too long. Want me to leave some music on for you?" A breeze drifted next to my face, and I saw that shimmering again, distorting the space beside me. "Oh yes, that would be bitchin'!" I laughed at her choice of words. "Bitchin'?" I asked, walking to the little stereo that I had in my room. I usually just hooked my phone to my speakers but it did have IHeart Radio and things like that built into it. "Yes, bitchin! As in cool, awesome, happen'in," she answered me, her voice indicating that I might be stupid for not knowing what she meant. "I know what it means Anna. I just don't think I've heard anyone say that in a long time. What would you like to listen too?" I don't know. I don't remember what I like. Whatever your jams are, is fine." I paused for a moment then shook my head and decided not to say anything. I set the the radio to one of my favorite playlists, then turned around to...face her, I guess? Kind of hard to face someone that you couldn't see. "Alright, I'm gonna go, but I'll be back soon," I said to the empty room. "Okaaayy, you're so lame for leaving me here alone." I could hear the humorous pout in her voice. "Right. Stay in here and don't scare the roommates, okay? Otherwise, they'll start trying to figure out how to cleanse the house and I'm not sure what may happen to you, if they do that." "No, duh. I'm not stupid. Staying put. Yes sir." I couldn't keep myself from laughing at her response. "Alright, see ya," I said, throwing up my hand to wave goodbye. Only I didn't know which direction to wave at so I just let my arm drop slowly back down to my side. I heard her cute little giggle as I walked out the door, and closed it behind me. On the way down the stairs, I wondered if I should tell Sam what was going on. My only problem with that was him not believing me. We've had paranormal experiences before but this was...insane. They would think I was crazy. I needed to ease them into this, and see if anyone besides me could even hear her. The thought that maybe I was crazy and all of this was in my head, crossed my mind. I really hoped it wasn't. Sam was at the bottom of the staircase waiting for me. I grabbed my hat off of little table that in the middle of the entryway, then turned to him. "We ready to go?" I asked. He held up a duffel bag and nodded, with a smile. "So ready." We took my car, as always, and headed to the place that he had mentioned. It didn't take us long, maybe 20 minutes to get there. I felt my excitement growing with each mile we crossed. I glanced over at Sam and saw that wide grin across his own face. This was what we did. This is who we were. Just two guys from Kansas who loved to explore the history of abandoned places. I pulled into the driveway, where Sam told me too, and killed the engine. The place was off the road, but there were other buildings off to the sides of it. "Good thing we have permission," I said, looking through the windshield at the old abandoned place. It had a faded gray exterior on the bottom floor, with faded black walls on the second floor. The door and windows were boarded up and I couldn't stop the chills that ran up my back. In that way, and in that way only, it reminded me of that dreaded house. It was daytime though, and this place wasn't haunted. This was just for fun. "You ready?" Sam asked, his hand on the door handle. I grinned and nodded. "Hell yea, let's do it." We stepped out of the car, and Sam grabbed the duffel bag. 

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