149 Anna's POV

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A/N:   Hiii! So, I know that I've been gone for a little while. I'm sorry about that. Life is so hectic and crazy and I'm honestly not sure if that will ever change. Writing used to be my escape but it feels like it's turning into this job. I started feeling like I needed the likes, the follows, and the comments, like I had on Addicted, for my writing to be valid. That's not what it's about tho. Writing was and is my happy place. I can't treat it like a job. Not when I had so many stressful things in my life already. I will be posting again but I can't promise every day. I can't even promise some semblance of a schedule. If you stick with me, thank you. If not, well, thanks for being here for a little while. I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day.

"That's what hair does," Colby replied dryly. Addy shook her head. "NO! Not like this! It was like someone picked up my hair, like this, and made it dance in front of my face." I almost blew my cover from laughing when she demonstrated. Everyone was looking at her like she was crazy. Except Colby. He just had a slight grin on his face. "I think the movie is getting to your head, Ad," Tara said, shaking her head and smiling at her friend. Addy glared at her. "I wasn't imagining it! I already told you what happened the last time that I was here! There is something in this house!" "We already told you that," Corey said, standing up to stretch. "There's something everywhere we go. I don't think anything has really bothered anyone here though. A few weird noises or whatever." He shrugged, like it was no big deal. Oh, he was so going to be next! "I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back," he said, then walked out. "Are you okay?" Colby asked her. She shivered, but nodded. "Yeah. It was just freaky, is all. I feel like your resident ghost is always picking on me." "I'll have a talk with her," Colby joked, but I stiffened. "Her?" Addy asked, raising her eyebrow. "How do you know its a her?" His face automatically reddened, and he started stuttering. "Oh, uh, well, I- I guess I don't. I just, um, assumed? I don't know." Addy didn't say anything. Instead, she stared at him like she was trying to solve a puzzle. I poked her in the arm just for the fun of it. She shrieked so loudly, that even I jumped. She backed up as far as she could, practically melting into the couch. "SEE?! SOMETHING JUST TOUCHED ME!" They didn't laugh this time. "Do you need to take a break, Addy? We can walk outside for a few minutes, if you want," Tara said, sitting up on the couch. "You think I'm crazy, don't you? I swear, Tara, something is fucking with me. Something isn't right about this house!" she exclaimed, flipping her hair behind both of her ears. "Yes. Please. I would like to go outside." "Okay, no problem. You're gonna be okay," Tara said, standing up and holding her hand out to Addy. "It's not me I'm worried about. I can always leave," she replied, following Tara to the door. "You guys have to live here." After they walked out, the others started talking. "You think something is really here?" Katrina asked nervously. "Of course there is," Corey replied, walking back into the room with a bag of chips. "I keep trying to tell everyone. WE. ARE. HAUNTED. Why is no one getting that?" "Then why haven't I experienced anything?" she asked. I saw Sam exchange a glance with Colby. "Maybe she...it likes you," Sam said, hugging her to him. I didn't much like being called an It, but I guess it was necessary. "Oh," Kat said, looking around the room. "Um, thanks, Mr. Ghost. Ms. Ghost? Whatever you are." Colby chuckled lowly, and shook his head. "You think Addy will be okay? She looked pretty freaked out," Jake said, stretching out on the couch, his arm behind his head. "She'll be fine. If she plans on hanging around us, she'll have to toughen up," Colby replied. I felt that strange but potent fury flare up inside of me. I didn't want her to hand out with them. Why would he say that? Did he want her to hang out with them? With him? I couldn't bear it. "You can have him all to yourself," I heard a voice inside my head whisper, blocking everything else out. "You can keep him forever." "Forever," I whispered. A loud bang brought me back to reality, followed by a sharp scream. "Jesus fucking Christ, Jake! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Tara was standing at the door with Addy, her hand over her chest. Jake was lying on the floor for some reason, a turned over end table next to him. "My bad. I fell," he replied, crawling up on his knees. "Clumsy ass," she replied. Her and Addy walked back over to the couch and took their previous seats. "Feeling better, Ad?" Katrina asked. "Not really," Addy replied, with a small grin. "But I guess I'm okay. It just freaked me out. Let's finish the movie." "You sure?" Sam asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I want too. I need to know what happens." Sam chuckled. "Okay, let's get to it then." Jake jumped up and flipped the lights off, then took his seat with Tara. Corey stretched out on the floor, and put his hands behind his head. The movie started up again, right where they had left off. I wanted to wait until everyone was invested in the movie again, before scaring anyone. The problem was that I got invested in the movie too. The ending scene was coming up before I knew it. "Shit," I muttered. Guess I only had one good scare left to do. This was going to be for all of them. I got up and walked to the front of the room, in front of the television screen, then turned back to face them. I took one deep breath, then let out the most piercing scream that I could muster up. The girls started to scream with me, and the guys all jumped and yelled loudly. When I finished, everyone was quiet and looking around at one another. "Okay, which one of you did that? That shit wasn't funny," Corey said, holding his hand over his chest. He looked around the room at everyone with wide eyes. Katrina shook her head. "Wasn't me," she said, quietly. "Not me," Tara replied. "Nor me," Addy whispered. "Sam? Colby? Was it one of you?" Corey asked. They both shook their heads. "Can't scream like that anymore, brother. We hit puberty," Colby said, with a slight grin on his face. "Then what the fuck was that? I know that there is something here, but it's never been so obvious," Corey exclaimed. "Maybe she just wants to fuck with us, since we're watching a horror movie," Colby said, with a shrug. "Why are you so convinced that it's a she?" Addy asked. I watched Colby's face turn a little red, when he realized that he had, once again, gendered a ghost. "Uh, well, the scream sounded like a girl, and, I don't know. She just feels like a girl," he answered, looking away from her. 

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