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"I'll try to peek out first. If the door is forced open more, then we just run as fast as we can. If we have to fight, we fight with everything we have. Are you ready?" Ash asked. I nodded, forgetting that he couldn't really see me. "No, but yeah," Sam answered. "As ready as we can be," I spoke up. "Okay then," he replied. We waited another minute, and I was about to ask what he was waiting for, but then I saw a small strip of red light. He had cracked open the door. "I don't see anything but the tracks and a costume shop vampire," he whispered. "The exit is to the right. Are we ready to run?" "Yes," I answered, pushing him just a little. "Let's just get it over with." Just then, a voice coming from behind us had all of us turning in that direction. "EHEHEHEHEHE looky looky who it is," that damned clown's voice bounced off the walls. I couldn't see anything, but I knew he was close. "You can't escape us. I really don't know why you keep trying so hard. Stay. Enjoy the fair," the little boy's voice joined the clown's. "GO NOW!" I yelled, pushing harder against Ash's shoulder. I reached down and found Sam's arm so that I could be sure that he was with me. We ran out of the dark hallway, into the red light, and took a hard right. The sounds of the demons' laughter was loud and seemed to be right behind us. "RUN FASTER!" Ash yelled. "We're almost there!" I didn't have a clue how he knew that we were almost to the exit, because I could see nothing that indicated it. Just the dim red light and the stupid, knock off horror decorations. "SHIT!" Sam yelled. I skidded to a halt to see what had happened. He was holding his hand over his chest, breathing hard, and staring at a skeleton that had popped up on the side of the wall. I reached over and yanked him forwards again. "No time for that, Sammy!" I yelled, running faster than I ever had before. I knew they were close behind us because I saw them when I stopped for Sam. Maybe a few feet separated them and us. "Where the hell is this exit?" I screamed at Ash, as my breath started to give way. I was going to be slowing down soon and that could only result in one thing. My death. "Almost there!" he yelled back. We took a hard left, and I saw it! The big red EXIT sign that indicated the end of the ride. Heavy looking double doors were underneath that beautiful sign. "What if we can't open them?" I said, my breath heaving in and out of me so hard, my chest burned for relief. "Then I hope the two little boys from Kansas know how to put up a good fight," he breathed out as we finally reached the doors. I glanced behind me and saw the clown and the little boy walking towards up, big grins on their devilish faces. They thought they had us cornered. They were confident that this was it. Their confidence fueled me with rage. I took that rage and slammed into the double doors as hard as I could, with my shoulder. "UUUGRH!" I groaned, as the pain shot down my arm. "It won't open like that. There has to be a switch or something," Ash said, looking along the wall. "We don't have time to find it!" Sam yelled, looking behind him. They were only a few feet away now. Ash was running his hands over the wall, looking for a switch, but having no luck. We were seconds away from the demons reaching us. I had no desire to know what would happen when they did. "Hurry the fuck up Ash!" I exclaimed, pulling the screwdriver out of my pocket. Sam did the same with his hammer and looked at me. "If we're doing down," he said. "We're going down together," I replied. Sam raised his hammer, as I took a stance that would enable me to jab whatever I could with my screwdriver. I really wished that I could've brought that chainsaw with us now. Their laughter got louder, as they stepped in front of us. "You think you can take us down? With that? We've been torturing people stronger than you eons before you were even born," the little boy replied. Then I did the unthinkable. I laughed. My adrenaline was running high and seeing this tiny kid speak about torturing people "eons" before I was born was all it took. A loud shout of laughter bubbled it's way up out of my throat before I could stop it. It seemed like time stood still as everyone, including the demons, looked at me in astonishment. "You find me funny? You do realize that you are only still alive because I have allowed it, correct?" the child asked. More laughter bubbled up, stealing what little bit of breath that I had left. Tears stung my eyes, and I grabbed my stomach from the sharp pains of laughter. "Found it!" Ash yelled, before the dimly lit area filled with blinding white light. "NOO!" The child screamed, just as the clown lunged forwards. It grabbed Sam before we could move, dragging him away from us. I grabbed his arm and yanked as hard as I could. It was too strong for me though, and I could feel my grip slipping. Just then, a sound so guttural and disturbing filled the air, I felt tears sting my eyes for a completely different reason. Sam had swung his hammer, connecting with the side of the clown's head. It shrieked with pain, holding the side of it's head, as blood pooled over it's white gloves. I pulled harder and Sam stumbled into me. We were both yanked from behind, then collapsed in a heap, before the double doors clanged shut. The white light dimmed, until our vision was normal. "Where the hell are we now?" Sam grumbled, standing up.

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