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"What was that?" I asked, when I was able to speak without my voice shaking. "What did you do?" She shook her head, her nostrils flaring as she breathed through her nose. "I did nothing." "Then what was that?" I asked, the volume of my voice rising. "I was somewhere else, somewhere...dark. Evil." She nodded. "I know. I saw through you. I saw everything." "What did you see?" I asked, curiously. "Everything. Nothing. Emptiness. It was cold and filled with spirits. Many, many spirits, locked away with no way out." She swallowed hard, then met my gaze again. "I did not see your Anna. If she was there, now she is not. I still feel her energy somehow. She is not gone completely, but I do not know where she is." The way she was talking in that proper, clipped manner was starting to annoy me, but it was just because I was so overwhelmed with everything right now. "Tell me how to help her! Please!" I replied, anxiously. Her eyes softened, almost like melting chocolate. "I am unsure. I need more time. I have never felt this energy before, this evil. I need to figure out what it is and how to get around it safely." I sighed heavily, and let my head hang down. "Okay," I said, standing up. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and started to get my bank card. "How much-" I was cut off when I felt her put her hand over mine on my wallet. I looked up to meet her gaze. "No charge. I said that I would help you. I have not done that yet. When I help you, you can pay me." I gave her a small grateful smile and nodded. "Thank you," I whispered, then cleared my throat. "Is there anything that I can do? To help? I can't just sit at home or go on with my normal life. Not knowing that she's probably being tortured...or worse." She gave me a sharp nod of her head and started walking towards the exit. She stopped in front of a small desk that I hadn't noticed before. It had multiple crystals and rocks on it, all different shades and sizes. There were small papers taped down to the table where some of them lay. I picked up a small black crystal, and a sense of calm seemed to wash over me. "Ah, you would be drawn to that one. You will need it," Amethyst replied. I looked over to see her smiling. I set the crystal down quickly, in it's spot. "Why?" I asked. "What's it do?" She picked the crystal up and brought it to her chest, holding it over her heart. "Black crystals are very protective and offer you a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies. Black is a protective color that actually gives you a sense of power. It makes you feel secure, daring, and physically powerful. Here," she said, setting the crystal down, and opening a small drawer that was hidden on the side of the desk. She pulled out a thick chain, with a circle locket hanging from it. She opened the locket, and placed the small crystal inside of it, before she closed it again. Holding her hand out, she offered me the necklace. "Um, so I just wear it?" I asked, taking the gaudy thing from her. I held it out, looking at it, letting the light catch the stone so that it ricocheted off of it, forming a million tiny rainbow fragments. "Yes. Keep it on your person at all times. It will help keep you safe and strong. And above all else," she replied, her voice going deeper. "Wear it when you sleep. The human mind is never more vulnerable that it is when you are sleeping. The human body is weakest during the witches hour, as well, making this an opportune time for anyone or anything to strike against you. Protect yourself." I shivered, thinking about how "anything" could attack me when I was sleeping. That probably wasn't going to help the occasional insomnia that seemed to happen to me. Especially when I was worried about something or someone. "Anything else? What can I do to help Anna? I'm more worried about her than myself," I insisted, shoving the necklace in my pocket. She nodded again and picked up another crystal from the table, one that was set inside of a bulky silver ring. It was a beautiful blue, swirled with white, and the occasional black line. "Take this. You should wear it at all times as well, especially when you are sleeping. This will help you connect with the spirit world, but it also offers protection from anything there that may want to harm you." I took the ring from her when she held it out in her palm, and  brought it closer to my face to inspect it. "It's gorgeous," I murmured, staring into it's blue depths. "It's called Labradonite, or the 'Wizard's Stone.' Be careful with it, because it can be very powerful. Now, you wanted to know what you can do. Wear these. Both of them. Then try to meditate and think of your friend. Concentrate solely on her, the way she looks, the way she is dressed, the way she acts. The sound of her voice, how she makes you feel. Go over each of these things in your mind, over and over again. Maybe, just maybe, you will be able to connect with her and get more information that we can use. Now go. It's almost time for my appointment and I've done all that I can for you right now." She placed her hand on my forearm and slightly pushed me towards the door. I walked to the door and opened it, turning to look at her once I was outside. "Is this all I can do?" I asked, remembering the hopelessness that was inside that dark, empty place. Her eyes turned sympathetic, and she nodded. "I am afraid so. Until we know a little more, there is no way to safely help her. Something evil has her, and it won't be easy to beat. You need to be careful. Do everything that I told you, but if you feel a dark pressure of emptiness gathering around you, grasp your black stone, the Tourmaline, and concentrate on protection and staying home. It's very important that you do this immediately. Otherwise, the Darkness will try to take you and it is rarely unsuccessful." She shivered, then met my gaze again. "The souls that are there...they're in pain every day until they fade into the nothingness.  Don't let that become you. Call me if you need me. Have a good day." With that, she closed the door, leaving me standing there in the dark alleyway. I felt a chill go up my spine as a cool breeze blew down the alley. I pulled my hoodie up and made my way back down the alley, towards my car. 

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