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My stomach twisted in on itself when she said she was leaving. I didn't want that. I still had every intention on helping her, if it were possible. "No," I replied, louder than I should have. "Did you say something?" I heard Addy call from the bathroom. "Uh no. Watching something on my phone," I replied. I didn't even have my phone on me. It was still outside on the lounge chair. I lowered my voice and kept talking to Anna. "Don't leave. I promised that I would help you and I will. I'm supposed to go see the Dream Walker guy soon. I need to talk to you Anna. Soon. You can't keep running away from me." I felt her sigh, more than I heard it, then a slight pressure against my cheek, that felt a lot like her kissing me. Then she was gone. Her presence was gone. I didn't feel like anyone was watching, no scent, no nothing. I vaguely wondered if she were back in the Darkness, and my chest ached again. I really didn't want her in that horrible place. She didn't deserve it. I just didn't know how to stop it. Yet. "Who are you talking too? You don't even have your phone out." Addy's voice, coming from right beside me, surprised me so much that I jumped. "Damn it," I exclaimed, running my hand through my hair. "Don't sneak up on people like that." She looked shocked but laughed. "I didn't. I just came out of the bathroom like a normal person. I can't help that you were so immersed in the riveting conversation that  you were having with yourself, that you didn't notice." I wanted to snap at her. This entire situation had me on edge. Anna had just left, yet again, and this girl was all up in my business, where she didn't belong. I really was getting tired of people we didn't know, just popping up at the damn house. It wasn't a fucking boarding house. Hell, it wasn't even a party house, like our first house together. I thought back to that time for just a moment, and reminisced over simpler times. "Are you going back out to tell Tara or whoever, that you're done with the pool?" I asked, gruffly, still annoyed. She looked at me, confusion evident in her expression. "Yeah, I guess. I'll probably just stay out there and talk to them. Won't be able to go to sleep with everyone still up anyway. I can find my own way out though." She didn't wait for me to reply, so I watched her walk away then sighed, and leaned back against the wall again. I wanted to punch something. "Fuck," I groaned, remembering that my phone was outside. I would have to make my way back out there anyway. I dragged my feet back to the sliding glass door and looked out of them. The pool was still slightly illuminated by the lights, so I could make everyone out. The girls had gotten out and were standing with towels around them, while they put their hair up in buns or whatever it was they were doing. Addy was standing next to Tara, a disgruntled expression on her face. The way Tara was glaring in my direction, I could only guess what she was telling her. I didn't care. Fuck it. I opened the doors and walked straight over to where my phone was lying on one of the empty chairs. "Brotheeeer, you gonna join us in the hot tub?" Sam asked. I met his gaze and shook my head. "Nah, I think I've had enough for one night. I'm gonna go chill in my room. Maybe do some research on the next video." He saw straight through my act. I could tell by the concern that flashed in his eyes. "You sure? Need any help?" In other words, did I need to talk. I nodded. "I'm sure. Everything's good." I smiled for good measure, picked up my phone, and turned away from them. "See you guys later," I said, holding my hand up, without looking back. A general chorus of "Goodnights" and "see yous" came my way in return. I headed straight to my room, grabbed my laptop and fell on my bed. What if this Ash guy couldn't help me? What was I supposed to do then? Would he tell what to do? Would he even know? I didn't have a lot of faith in this at all. A few more days. I had to wait a few more days to even find out. This was driving me crazy. It was a repetitive torture that I had been enduring day after day. She was giving me an out. Anna was giving me an out. I knew that, if I chose to walk away from this, from her, that she would let me. No argument. I shook the thought from my head. I wasn't ready to give up just yet. A knock on my door brought me back to reality and out of my own thoughts. "Yeah?" I said loudly. My bedroom door opened, and Tara stepped inside, a towel wrapped around her. I let out a sigh that was more of a groan. "Tara, not now. I'm not in the mood. I didn't say anything to your friend, so I don't know what she's telling you, but-" She held her hand up, interrupting me. "Colby, shut up. Adelaine didn't say a word against you. It was actually sickening, the way she was taking up for you when I knew something was wrong." I raised my eyebrows at her. "Adelaine?" I repeated. She rolled her eyes at me. "Addy. You know who I'm referring too. Now, what is going on? Why is she acting weird?" "She didn't say anything to you?" I asked, in surprise. I, honestly, expected her to run back to the girls and tell them that I was a jerk, who didn't know his mouth from his asshole. I almost smiled at that thought. It was something that my mom used to say, although she usually refrained from cursing. "No!" Tara exclaimed, annoyance breaking through her voice. "That's why I came up here. Everyone is downstairs now, but I want to know why my friend is acting like her feelings are hurt." I shrugged. "I didn't say anything to her, Tara. I also didn't return her flirting. I'm not interested and she probably picked up on that." "Oh for fuck's sake, Colby!" She exclaimed, smacking me in the chest. "Of course she thinks you're cute, and even asked if you were single, but the girl just had her heart broke. She's not trying to meet you at the fucking alter."

Out of the DarknessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant