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When I finally fell asleep, soft giggles and maniacal laughter filled my dreams. There was a girl, probably around my age, with long chestnut brown hair that flowed down to her waist, like a river. Her emerald green eyes shone so brightly, I almost wanted to shield my eyes. Instead, I got locked in her gaze and I wasn't sure that I wanted to leave. The dream left me feeling disoriented when I woke up. I opened my eyes and almost fell off of the damn bed. I forgot the damn doll was beside me, and she was staring right at me. Didn't have her lying on her back? I sighed, and sat up rubbing my chest. Definitely a kick start to my heart. I picked her up and just held her there, looking at her for a moment. "Anna?" I asked quietly, wondering if last night was just a dream. "Hello," she said, her voice barely a sigh in the air. "Good morning," I said smiling at the doll. This was so fucking weird. I didn't receive an answer but my room filled with that fruity scent again. I kicked my covers down to the foot of the bed, set the doll down, and got up. I stretched and ran my hand through my hair before smoothing it out with my fingers. I walked downstairs to get something to drink, and heard music blaring in the living room. When I walked into the kitchen, Sam was standing next to the stove, eating a plate of scrambled eggs. When I met his gaze, I knew that he had watched the footage. "Morning," he said. "Morning." I opened the fridge, not saying anything until he did. It felt almost uncomfortable being in here with him when I knew that he wanted to talk about it. After I drank a glass of milk, I set the glass down and looked at him. "What is it Sam? Spit it out." He frowned and set his plate down. "You just woke up. You sure you're ready for it." I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Okay. The footage from the house was severely fucked up. When you were in that room...Colby, what happened in there? It almost looked like you were possessed." I met his gaze, and held it. "I'm not possessed Sam. I don't know what happened exactly, but it was like I was seeing other people's memories or something. It wasn't the same person though. It was like flashes of different eras but it didn't feel evil. Not like that thing that was by the tent..." I let my last statement sit there, leaving a suffocating feeling in the room. We still hadn't talked about that. "Something was in that house Colby. I know we shouldn't, but I feel like we should go back. Try to figure out what is going on." I shook my head, and glared at him. "Are you serious right now? After everything that fucking happened? Sam, we could've DIED! I'm pretty sure that we almost did. I'm not going back to that house. Nope, not happening," I replied, shaking my head. He sighed, and let his shoulders drop. "Brother, we missed something. I don't know how I know, but I do. Something that we need to know." "Why do you think that Sam? What are you not telling me?" He picked up his glass of orange juice and took a large swallow before setting it down and looking at me. "I had a dream. Or I guess it was more like a nightmare. I was stuck in this darkness, this emptiness inside the house. Something was chasing me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it's rancid breath on my neck. I heard people screaming for me to help them." At that moment, I checked out of Sam's story because something caught my eyes. Just a flash, but for a moment, I saw the girl from my dreams. She was standing on the other side of the kitchen island, directly in front of me. Long, shiny brown hair, down to her waist...and her eyes. Green as an emerald, glimmering in the sunlight. She smiled at me, then disappeared. "What the fuck?" I said, staring at the spot she had been. Sam stopped talking and looked from me to where I was staring. "What? What is it?" I turned my head to him. "Nothing. Sorry. Thought I saw something. What were you saying?" He furrowed his brown but started talking again. "Anyway, it was just a really strange nightmare. I didn't understand most of it and I'm worried that something may have attached to us. Might as well use it to our advantage and make a video about it, if we can. Maybe use the Ouija board again. Try to talk to whatever is with us, if something is with us." I nodded, and bit my bottom lip. "Yeah, I guess. As long as we do it here, outside or something. I don't want to go back to that house. Not yet, maybe not ever." "Okay. I'm not sure that I want to go either...I just feel this weird connection." We stopped talking and stood there in a comfortable silence. "What are your plans for the day?" he asked, after he finished his eggs. I shrugged and thought about Anna. "I don't know. Probably just hang around and watch YouTube or something," I answered. "How about we go exploring, old school style," he said, a mischievous little grin on his face. "Brotheeer, we can't get arrested again. We're too pretty for jail." He laughed and shook his head. "Nah, this is legal. I was talking to Kat's manager yesterday, and he told me about a place he owns. Says it's been shut down for years, but he is turning into a club. Said we could check it out, if we wanted too. You down? We could post about it on our personal channels or save for the duo account. Or just have fun." I thought about it and felt the old excitement start building up inside of me.

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