181 Anna's POV

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"Maybe we went to the same school or something?" I suggested, when she said nothing. She just shrugged and kept picking at her nails. "It's possible," she whispered so lowly, I almost didn't hear her. "What's your whole name?" I asked, letting curiosity get the best of me. She looked up and met my gaze, staring hard, before she answered. "Christine Summers," she answered. I rolled the name around in my head, but nothing seemed familiar about it. "Is that what you went by when you were younger?" She shook her head. "No. I got married and took my husband's name. I use to be Christine Whitman. I went by my middle name though." "Whitman," I whispered, trying to figure out if it was familiar. I felt a tug of some kind but no real memory came up. "Oh, your middle name!" I exclaimed, finally registering what she had said. "What is it? Maybe I know that name." "Um," she started, a slightly scared expression on her face. "How long does it take them to pack one set of clothes?" I scrunched my face in confusion and shook my head. "They'll be down soon. Why are you changing the subject?" "I'm not! I was just wondering what was taking so long. The sooner we leave, the more time we'll have to work on your memories," she replied. "Yeah, but it won't take but a second for you to answer-" "Okay, all packed! You ladies ready to go?" Sam asked, as he and Colby walked back into the room, carrying a duffel bag. "What's that?" I asked, pointing to his hand. "Oh, my camera. I figure why not be prepared," he replied, shrugging. "You never know when the next great video moment will be." Colby laughed and shook his head. "Always ready." "You know it, brother," Sam laughed. "Alright, let's head out," Colby said, taking my hand in his. I turned back to Christine for a second. "Seriously, what's your middle name?" She smiled, and picked up her purse. "I'll tell you later. We should go." I started to protest, but Colby pulled me along with him to his car. I didn't get another chance to ask her, because she kept up a steady stream of conversation with Sam and Colby about their videos. I still didn't understand a lot of what they did, or how they made money from it. There was just too much new technology and words that I didn't understand. So, instead of joining in, I lay my head back against the headrest, and closed my eyes. "You okay?" I heard Colby ask quietly. I nodded, but kept my eyes closed. I wanted to remember Holly. I wanted to remember her face. It was important, and I felt like I was so close. Like it was right there, in the forefront of my thoughts, just unable to break through. I kept picturing the memory that I had early, hoping that it would show me a little more. Maybe give me a hint or something. Over and over again, I played it in my mind, but nothing new showed itself. "We're here," Colby said, reaching over and patting my leg. I opened my eyes and sat up. The hotel that was in front of us made me gasp. I leaned forwards, peering out the windshield to try and see the top. I couldn't. "Wow," I whispered. Colby chuckled. "You never stayed at a hotel when you were...well, before?" I rolled my eyes. "How would I know? I can't remember anything!" He laughed, along with Sam. "Well, here's to new memories." I felt my excitement rising, as I got out of the car and stared up at the massive building. There were fountains spewing water in the front courtyard area. The water looked like diamonds sparkling in the midday sun. I glanced over at everyone else and sighed at their blasé expressions. "Am I the only impressed with this?" I asked, hearing the whine in my tone. "Of course not!" Colby exclaimed, taking my hand again. "We're always impressed. I guess we've just been to so many gorgeous hotels, we just don't show it anymore." "Yeah, I travel a lot, so I've stayed in a lot of hotels just like this one. Still impressive but it's just normal now," Christine chided in. "Well, lucky you," I mumbled, walking towards the clear glass doors with them. "Wait," Colby said, stopping in his tracks. "What?" Sam replied, stopping so suddenly, Christine bumped into him. Colby turned to me. "Are you feeling okay? Not like you're gonna phase out or disappear or anything? That wouldn't be good for a hotel full of people to see." I sighed and moved my limbs, one at a time. I didn't feel like I was getting weaker, or that I would phase out...but it just happened sometimes. "I guess I'll disappear now then. Just to be safe," I replied, then willed myself back to my invisible form. Christine was staring at me, with her eyes and mouth wide open. "You don't see that everyday," she whispered. "Is she still here?" I moved to stand right next to her and leaned closer to her. "Yes," I said, a little loudly, and laughed when she jumped. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, grabbing her chest. "Yeah, she likes to give people heart attacks," Colby said, wryly. "Mission accomplished," Christine gasped out. I felt a little bad, considering she was a little older. I didn't know how good her heart was...but it was still funny. "Let's get this over with, so that I can come back," I said. "Let's go," Colby said, and they started to walk again. I phased through the glass doors and waited for them at the front desk. It didn't take long for them to check in, and get in the elevator. Since they were the only ones in the there, I phased back into solid form. "So, what floor are we on?" I asked. "Jesus Christ!" Christine exclaimed, jumping again. "I don't think I will ever get used to that." I giggled and put my hand over my mouth. "Sorry." "They have cameras in here, Anna," Sam said, motioning towards the top left corner of the elevator. I looked up and saw the little red blinking light. "Oops. Too late now," I said, shrugging. "This is us," Colby said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the elevator with him.  

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