146 Anna's POV

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One second, I was in Colby's room with someone knocking on the door, and then the next second, I was in the Darkness. Only this was a different part of the Darkness. Usually, I couldn't tell. It was all the same. A giant empty void, with no sight or touch. You were left alone with your worst thoughts, and the pain. I could tell it was different this time, because I wasn't even sure that I was in the Darkness...at first. I was in what looked like an old timey room, maybe Victorian era. The walls were a light mint color, with candle flames dancing around, giving it an even softer edge. There was a chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, in the middle of the room. I felt no breeze, but the little chimes swayed gently. On one side of the room, the wall was covered with a china cabinet, and other shelves, that were decorated with porcelain dolls, little figurines, and books. On the other side, there was a curved white couch, with plump cushions. I hadn't noticed her before, being in awe of the room that I was in, but now I saw her. She was sitting there, on the plump white couch, her legs crossed at the ankles. She wore a white blazer, low cut, a white pencil skirt that went past her knees, and white heels. Her white blonde hair shimmered in the candle light, almost looking silver. She was so beautiful, it almost hurt to look at her. "Anna, my darling girl, come sit next to me," she cooed. I knew that I should've been scared. I usually was when she showed herself to me, or even when she spoke to me, but I didn't feel that way now. I was as much in awe of her, as I was the room that I had appeared in. More so, even. "Don't dawdle, dear. Some of us have lives to get back too," she said, then laughed. Her laugh was a tinkling one, windchimes on a summer night's breeze. I walked towards her, slowly, then sat on the other side of the smallish couch. "There, isn't that more comfortable?" she asked, then took a sip of something out of a glass that appeared in her hand. "Would you like some? It's just lemonade," she said, catching my eye while I watched her. I shook my head, and turned my eyes away, ashamed for being caught watching her. "No need to be fearful, dear. We're all friends here," she replied, reaching over to pat my knee. Her fingers were so soft against my bare skin. She was supposed to be bad. This evil person, or entity, that did these horrible things. To me. She did horrible things to me! Didn't she? I wasn't sure anymore. My brain felt foggy, like nothing was real. "So, we have some things to talk about, don't we?" I looked back over to her, and swallowed. "You aren't doing the job that you've been assigned, Anna. You wouldn't want me to have to be mean. I don't want to be mean to you. I love you like you are my own daughter." I opened my mouth, to speak, to apologize, but only an embarrassing squeak left my lips. I didn't remember what job I was supposed to have. Something was wrong with me. She smiled sweetly at me, stood up, and twirled around the spacious room, her arms over her head. Her clothes had changed into an old ballroom dress, mint, the color of the walls. It was beautiful, made even more beautiful because it adorned her. "Would you like to stay here, Anna? There are so many books to read. I know how you love to do that." She reached her arm out, indicating the massive bookshelf against the other wall. "So many stories. You would never run out of new material. Oh, and the food, Anna! The food is simply to die for! Oh, well, I guess it's too late for that," she laughed again, the tinkling sound echoing around the room. It brought me happiness. "Here try this," she said, then passed me a small plate with yellowish squares on top. It looked like there were pecans inside of the squares, and they were topped with vanilla ice cream. "Are these Blondie bars?" I asked hesitantly, as I picked one up. "Yes. The most delicious ones that you have ever tasted, I promise. The brown butter makes them exquisite! Go on. Taste it," she said, smiling at me. I lifted the gooey bar to my lips and took a small bite. Then nothing else mattered, except this heaven that I had just put into my mouth. "Oh my God," I exclaimed, after I swallowed the bite down. "These are amazing!" "I know," she replied, smugly. "And you can have them every day. Or you can have whatever you wish. The best part is that you will never gain weight, no matter how much you eat. Isn't it an amazing place?!" Her energy was infectious. I grinned and nodded at her, then took another bite of the heavenly dessert. "That's not all though. This place is pure magic. You can do whatever you wish, own whatever you wish. Clothes, every name brand, shoes, books, even pets! Here, would you like a cute, cuddly kitten?" Suddenly, my plate was gone, and there was an adorable silver, gray kitten in my arms. It looked up at me with the most soulful eyes, and let out an adorable meow. "Awww," I gushed, and rubbed it's little head. "Whatever you want, Anna. It can be yours. I just need you to do something for me." "What?" I asked, looking away from the kitten, and back to her. "Well, really, it's for you as well. You like it here, right?" I nodded, and waited. "You like being with Colby, as well, right?" "Colby?" I echoed the name. I remembered him, a little. Everything was still so foggy. The blue eyes. "Yes, Colby. I like Colby," I answered. "Good," she said, nodding in approval. That made me happy. "Wouldn't you like to live in this amazing place with him? Both of you getting everything that your heart desires?" I nodded my head again, more vehemently.  "But he's not here," I answered, sadly. "Oh, my sweet girl," she cooed, then sat down next to me. I looked down into the kitty's eyes, to hide my tears from her. "But he could be. You could have him all to yourself, right here. No one could ever take him from you. Especially not that nasty Addy girl." 

Out of the Darknessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें