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Over the next few days, leading up to Sam and I going to see Ash, I felt sluggish and basically too tired to function. The dreams, correction: the nightmares, kept me up every single night, and the memory of the nightmares haunted my days. Anna never made an appearance, even though I begged her too. I was convinced that I had smelt her scent a couple of times, but every time I looked for her, she was never there. I felt like I was losing my mind again, craving and missing something that now felt like a fever dream. Tara's friend, Addy, came over a couple of times in that time, so I caught her by herself in the kitchen one day. "Hey Addy, can I talk to you?" I asked, standing with my hands in my pockets, feeling sheepish. "Huh?" she asked, jerking up so fast, she hit her head really hard on a random cabinet door, that was open. "Ow, shit," she said, swaying a little on her feet. I reached out to steady her, my hands on her waist. "Hey, you okay?" She looked up at me, her face flushed red, as she felt on the top of her head. "Yeah, I think. It's just hurt. I'm such a klutz." I chuckled and shook my head, before I removed my hands from her and stepped back. "No, that was my fault. Shouldn't have surprised you like that. Sorry." She kind of giggled, then shook her head, before she abruptly stopped. "Ow. Okay, maybe don't shake my head." "Is it really bad? Here, let me get you some Tylenol or something." I opened the cabinet that had our random medications, ranging from Claritin to Pepto Bismol. "Um, will Ibuprofen work?" I asked, rummaging through the contents of the cabinet. "Yeah, that'll be fine," she answered softly. I dumped a couple of the red tablets out into my hand, then grabbed a glass to put ice water in from the fridge. "Here ya go," I said, passing her the pills. She tossed them back then reached for the glass of water. I handed it to her, and watched as she used it to swallow down the pills. "I hope that helps," I replied. I felt bad for making her hit her head. "I'm sure it will," she replied. "I've hit my head harder than that before. I'm a touch cookie." She balled her manicured fist up and flexed her tiny muscle. I couldn't help but laugh at her tiny form with the pretend scowl on her face. "I bet you are," I said. We laughed for a couple of seconds, then let it fade awkwardly into silence. "So, um, what did you want to talk to me about?" "Oh yeah," I said, leaning back into the counter. I had almost forgotten my entire purpose for talking to her. "I wanted to apologize for being rude the other night. I wasn't having the best day and I think I let myself take a little of it out on you." I fixed my hair nervously, and shifted my weight from foot to foot. I had never been that great at heart felt apologies. Besides, I didn't really think that I had been that rude, either. "Oh nooo," she said, her face going red again. "I told her not to say anything to you! You weren't rude, not really. I-" I didn't think her face could get any more red, but I was wrong. "Okay, so I might have been a little put off because I was flirting with you, and you didn't seem to notice, or care. I didn't say anything to Tara. She confronted me and said that I was acting weird, then asked what you had said to me. I told her nothing! Honestly, Colby. It's not a big deal. I'm so sorry that she said something to you. She shouldn't have." She gently shook her head and looked down in embarrassment. "It's okay. I was acting a little rude, and I know that. Speaking of, I knew you were flirting but you're right. I'm not interested." She kept her head down, but I heard a small gasp escape her lips, before I realized how rude that sounded. "No, not because of you!" I hurriedly said, trying to stop the water works before they started. "You're amazing. Beautiful, funny, all of that. I'm just...I have feelings for someone else." She looked up and gave me a tiny smile. "Okay. She's a lucky girl. I'm not really ready for a relationship or anything anyway. How about we be friends instead?" I grinned back at her. "I'd like that." "Me too," she answered, before giggling. "Hey, hey, what are we doing in here?" Corey asked, as he walked into the kitchen. "Nothing. Just me apologizing for being a dick," I answered. He nodded, like he understood then promptly turned to Addy. "Yes, you see, Colby suffers from Dickitis. He can't help being a dick sometimes. It's part of his affliction." "Shut up," I said rolling my eyes, and trying to trip him as he walked by me. He looked at Addy again, then motioned towards my outstretched foot. "See? A dick!" I smiled and walked away to the stairs, yawning. "Colby, you're not going to join us?" Jake asked, walking through. "Nah, I haven't been sleeping very well. I need some rest." I made my way up to my room, knowing good and well that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight either. My only hope of ever getting Anna or a good night's rest, was this Ash guy. I could last a couple more days. I dragged my feet across my carpeted floor until my legs hit the bed. I let myself fall forwards, and sank into my mattress. The small burst of energy that I had downstairs talking to Addy was gone. I felt like death again. Death was probably more peaceful...actually maybe not. Not if Anna was any indication. I fell asleep quickly, knowing that the nightmare would come, but unable to stop it. Again and again, I awoke in a cold sweat, my sheets stuck to my drenched body. 

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