40 Anna's POV

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"It terrified me, chilled me to my soul, with what happened in that house. I am not ready to talk about it. Okay?!" I looked towards the bedroom door, distracted from what I was watching as I heard the yelling from downstairs. "Yes Sam. That's exactly what I wanted. Just a reason as to why we're all acting like it didn't happen. This is stupid. We know it did. We saw what we saw. It wasn't a freaking hallucination unless we were all on acid or something without knowing it! I just want to fucking talk about it!" That was Colby's voice. I knew that voice well by know.  "Well I don't!" The other voice almost sounded a little crazy. I drifted through the door and down the stairs so that I could hear better. I didn't really know exactly what had happened in the house either. Only that I was in the dark place. I was cold, but the Dark One wasn't around yet. I heard Colby's voice, then his face somehow broke through the darkness and was all that I saw. It faded back out, then I was surrounded by darkness again. Occasionally, I would hear his voice, and even someone else's but it wasn't until they used the spirit board that I was able to fully see what was happening and hear what was going on around me. I tried to warn them. It took all of my energy to tell them that HE was coming. I guess it was a he...I didn't really know. That's just how I had always thought of him..it. I was confusing myself. It didn't matter what gender the evil was or even if it was a gender. I just knew that when it came, the darkness grew colder, painfully cold, and I could feel bits of my soul being ripped away. It always left me so tired, and praying for death. A final death, not this stuck in limbo thing that I had going on. When I finally made it to the room that Colby and his friends were in, he and the other one were standing up, staring at it each other, both of their chests heaving in anger. There were two girls, so pretty that I could feel myself become jealous of them, in the room as well. One, I recognized as the girl Tara, who had been playing with the spirit board with her boyfriend. What was his name again? Jack? Jake? I couldn't fully remember. The other girl was just as beautiful. I could see that she was a pure soul, a sweet person, just from her eyes. She was standing next to the guys, almost like she were waiting to jump into the middle of them. "I don't want to fight with you Sam," Colby said, letting out a heavy breath and slumping back down into his chair. He ran both of his hands through his thick hair, tousling it even more. "We have to face it though. We need too. To try and understand what happened. To warn others maybe." "Warn them of what exactly, Colby?" the other guy asked, sitting down in seat next to Colby. The one he had called Sam. "That there is some kind of evil there? If all of the disappearances, and the workers going crazy, and just the all around eerie feel of the place, hasn't done the trick, what are we going to do? They'll just think we're insane. We can post our video and talk about the experience on camera. I think that'll make me feel better about it. Knowing that I can't react too heavily, since so many people will be watching us. Deal? We'll film tomorrow and add that onto the full movie version of the video." Colby looked up and met Sam's eyes. "Deal," he said quietly. The other two guys and girls in the room hadn't said a word since I had made it downstairs. It was eerily quiet for a few minutes with Sam and Colby staring at each other, almost sizing each other up. "Okay, well glad that's settled. If it's that serious, why haven't you spoken to me about it Sam? Is this why you've been so weird and jumpy lately?" The girl who stood next to them asked. Sam looked at her. "Yeah, I guess it is. I hadn't realized that I was being that obvious. Let me just film it with Colby, and I'll let you guys watch it before we edit and post it, okay?" She looked at him, worry in her eyes, but bit her lip and nodded. "Okay." "Jake, why didn't you say anything to me? Was it really that bad? You haven't been acting any weirder than usual..." The girl Tara said, eyeing her boyfriend. He shrugged. "It was bad. Didn't want to talk about it, if no one else was. No reason to worry you." "Aw Jakey," the small girl said, wrapping her arms around his waist. He hugged her tightly and closed his eyes before resting his head on top of hers. The other guy still sat at the table being silent as he looked at a small, flat screen that he had in his hand. "Guys," he said, looking up. Sam had the girl sitting in his lap now, as she hugged him. Colby had out a flat thing that I had seen him with before. Looked just like the other guy's. I didn't know what it was though. He kept touching it with his finger, making the images on the screen move. "Yeah?" they both asked, looking over to the guy. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but I do have something to tell you before you film. It's important and I just found it." Sam gave him a look then nodded towards the girls. "Let's wait until tomorrow or something, okay Corey?" The other guy, Corey, nodded, and looked back down at the screen thing. "Ah God, I need a drink," Colby said, standing up abruptly. He walked right by me, and didn't even notice. I knew that he couldn't see me, but, for some reason, it did kind of hurt that he didn't realize that I was there. I knew that I was being stupid, and that I had only been around the guy for a few days, but the longer I was, the more I liked him. "Stop that," I whispered to myself, scowling at the floor. "Yo," one of the guys said. I looked up, and saw the one they called Corey, staring right over at me. "Did y'all hear that?" he asked, furrowing his brow as he stared at the spot where I was floating. "Hear what?" Sam asked, after kissing his girlfriend. I was guessing that she was his girlfriend because, well, she was in his lap and they were kissing. Had I ever experienced anything like that? Had I ever been in love? I didn't remember and it made me sad. "Y'all didn't hear that? It was like a really low whisper saying stop or something like that." Sam shook his head and looked towards Jake, who also shook his head. "I didn't hear anything, but I know something is in this house. It moved the planchette on the Ouija board last night." 

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