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That was such a long time ago." Kian shrugged. "You never know. I'm glad we checked." "Yeah, me too," Sam said, picking the camera back up. "Better to know." He passed me the camera, and motioned for us to follow him into the bathroom. There was a plague on the wall, that caught my eye. I stepped closer to read it, and realized that it was the grizzly story of the horrific murder that had happened in this room, in this bathroom. I felt chills go through my body as I turned to look at the bathtub. That's where the father had taken his daughter's life and then his own. "Why did he do it?" I asked, quietly. "How could a father take his own child's life? He had to be seriously fucked up to do something like that." "Maybe it was something on this ship that made him do it? Like possession or something?" Sam suggested. I noticed that he was moving his fingers a little bit, fidgeting. He was just as uncomfortable and nervous as I was. "Can we go now? Like to our room or something? I don't want to be in here anymore," Kian said, walking back out of the bathroom. "Yeah. We'll check out your room, then explore a little, maybe play some games. We'll do the Ouija board later," I said, following him. He stopped short, causing JC to run into him as we headed towards the door. "What kind of board? No. No. Nope, not doing that. Y'all are fucking crazy! Why?! Why would you do that? You can feel the bad energy in this damn room. No, fuck y'all. I'm not doing it." He slung the door open, or tried too. It was pretty heavy so it was way less dramatic that he intended for it to be. "Yeah, I didn't agree to that," JC said, following him out. Sam and I made sure that we had our key card, then followed them out. "Oh come on. Don't you want to know why the father did what he did? We can try to ask him," Sam said. "Or we can not. I don't really care to know. He was bat shit crazy and that's all I need to know," Kian said. JC nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's just too far." "Okay, okay," Sam said, holding his hands up. "Let's just go look around and get these games started. We all need to think about something else and then we'll revisit it later. If you guys don't want to do it later, then that's fine. Okay?" They nodded, as I rolled my eyes with a grin. I knew that Sam was going to somehow get them to agree to messing with the board. He was good at that. We made our way down to the boiler room to start, telling the story again of how the workers had gotten crushed by door #13. "So right here is where these men were crushed to death. This heavy metal door, just came down on top of them," I said, zooming in on the door. We moved from floor to floor, telling stories of things that had happened in certain places. There were so many that it was not surprising that there was so much recorded activity on this ship. When we reached room B340, I stopped, holding my arm out in front of Sam to stop him. Kian and JC followed suit. "No," JC said, backing away. Kian laughed, and went with him. "Don't like that room!" JC said once his back was up against the wall. "Yeah, we aren't too crazy about it either," I said, taking a quick pan around with the camera. "Let's not do anything with that room this time. We've got enough going on tonight," Sam said. I nodded, and we moved down the hallway. "When can I come out? I'm bored," I heard a girl's voice in my ear, making me jump. "Whoa, did you guys hear that?" JC asked, stopping abruptly and looking around. "No, I didn't hear anything," I answered quickly, recognizing the voice as Anna's. "Then why did you jump?" Sam asked, eyeing me suspiciously again. "I thought that I saw something at the end of the hall," I said, motioning with the camera. "What did you see? Wasitagirl? Cuz I heard a girl." JC replied, his words coming out so fast, they were stumbling over one another. I shook my head. "I don't know what it was or if I even saw anything. It was just like a dark shadow." I really just seemed to constantly be lying to everyone and I hated it. Didn't really know what to do about it though. I had a feeling that I was going to be forced to tell Sam sooner, rather than later. Somehow, that thought made me feel better. "I heard something too, but I'm not sure what it was. There was a draft too. Did you feel the draft? It was like someone walked by us," Kian said, his head whipping back and forth as he looked up and down the hallway. "Let's just go," I suggested. There was no way that I could answer Anna so I was hoping she just got the hint and stayed out of sight. As we traveled the ship, there were a few times that I was convinced that I saw a shimmer standing nearby, or the outline of a girl. It was always gone when I looked closer though. The other guys kept saying that they saw things as well, and I had a strange feeling that Anna was going to make this a very interesting trip. We went back to our room, JC and Kian following us inside begrudgingly. I took my backpack off and fell back onto one of the beds, tired from all of the walking that we had already done. We chilled for a little while and ordered in some food. We were all kind of nervous being in the room, but the longer we were in there, the more normal we felt. We joked around, watched Kian steal JC's food, laughed over stupid jokes, then relaxed a little more while we let our food settle. Sam met my gaze, and nodded, so I picked the camera up again and started to film. "Okay, are we ready to get started with these games? It's finally dark out..." Sam held his hands up, and cocked his eyebrow at us. "What kind of game are you wanting to play Ham? I'm not messing with demons," JC replied. "Nope, me either," Kian said, shaking his head. "You guys are boring," Sam said, laughing. "Demons can be a guy's best friend." I laughed as the other guys eyes grew wide at Sam's words. "Fucking insane, aren't you?" JC said. "Maybe a little," Sam replied, shrugging with a grin. "Okay, first game is called Monsters in the Dark. Innocent enough." "That does not sound innocent Sam," I said, laughing at him. "Well," he said grinning. "Innocent for me. There's nothing to it. I'm just going to revise it and make it a little more interesting."

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