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She was about to have a panic attack. I knew the signs. So, I hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, Anna. I'm here. Just breath. You're okay. Just listen to the sound of my voice. Concentrate on that, and your breathing. I've got you." I kept whispering to her, just anything that came to my mind. The same words, over and over again, until her breathing slowed and I felt her body relax against mine. Eventually, she pulled back and gave me a sad little smile. "You're right. I think I need to take a break." I smiled at her and nodded, before looking at the others. "You guys wanna go get ice cream or something?" "Um, actually, Colby," I heard Anna reply, softly. "I think I want to go see my mom and my sister. I know they can't see me, but I'd like to see them, even if they can't see me. Please." I met her sad gaze and noticed that she was chewing her bottom lip, with worry in every expression of her face. "You don't think that will upset you even more?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. I'll be okay. I just need to see them. I have too," she answered, glancing at Christina. "Would it be weird if you were to just drop by and see them?" she asked her. "Oh," Christina said, surprised. "No, not really. I sometimes drop by just to see how they are doing. Not so much lately, because work has kept me busy. It shouldn't be a problem though. Are you sure?" Anna nodded. "Yes. I can go in with you to see them. I'll just stay invisible." "Okay then. Let's go," I said, standing up. Sam stood with me, and we looked at the girls. "Actually, is it okay if you guys maybe just drop us off? It would be weird to bring two young guys, that they don't know, showing up with me. I have no way of explaining who you are and why I would be bringing you to their homes," Christina said. "Yeah, I'm sure that we can find something to do to occupy our time," Sam replied, smiling at her. "Maybe we'll go find another ghost to keep us company." Anna threw him a dirty look, and he just laughed. "Not funny, Sam," she replied, keeping a straight face. "Sure it is, Anna!" he said, laughing. "Who else would be able to actually befriend a ghost?" This made us all laugh. "I guess you got me there," Anna replied, a smile forming on her beautiful, tear streaked face. "I'm glad that it was you guys though. You really have saved me, even though I'm still a ghost roaming the earth for whatever reason. Even though Lilith still has control, when she wants it. All of that doesn't matter, because you've saved me by giving me my memories." She looked at Christine again, and took her hand. "And my best friend. I couldn't ask for anything more." Christine smiled at her, and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. "I love you, Stacia," she whispered. "I love you too, Holly," Anna replied, squeezing her hand. "Okay," she said, standing up next to me. "Let's go before I change my mind." I took her hand and brought it to my lips, just for a second, and met her gaze. I had only said the words once, when I was almost asleep. I couldn't say them right now. So, I tried to show everything in my eyes. I don't know if she saw it or not, but she smiled and leaned up to press her lips to mine. As soon they touched, a spark flew between us, like electricity that buzzed through my entire body. Instead of pulling back, I put my hand on the small of her back and pressed her body closer to mine. A hunger built up inside of me, making me want to take her right then and there. I didn't have any other thought in my mind, except how her lips felt against mine. How she opened to me, letting my tongue take control of hers. How her skin felt touching mine. The way her arms were hanging around my neck, with her fingers tangled in my hair. It was Heaven. I was in Heaven. I let out a low growl, and pressed her even closer, feeling her melt against me. My hands trailed down to her hips, where I dug my fingertips into her, just wanting her as close as possible. "Um, eh ehm," I heard from somewhere far away. Then there was a light giggle in the same instance. I didn't care. Whatever that was about didn't concern me. All that I cared about, in this moment, was feeling Anna against me in every way possible. I needed to feel her skin, so I let my hands travel up her shirt. When I caressed her sides, she shivered against me. "COLBY!" I growled again, but this time from anger, and held Anna tightly. "Oh my God, Anna!" Christine said, laughter in her voice. "For fuck's sake, Colby! We need to go! You can't do what you want to do, in front of us. Thanks, but no thanks," Sam said, loudly. Then, suddenly, where I was and what I was doing crashed down on me. I pulled back from Anna, breathing hard from the intensity of what had just happened. Her eyes were hooded, giving her the look of almost being drugged. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were slightly swollen, giving them that full appearance that made me want to just start kissing her again. "Nope," Sam said, yanking me away from her. "Hey!" I exclaimed, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "Bro, you are NOT going to start that again. I saw the look in your eyes and I know you. Stop it. We need to go." Then he leaned in closer, and whispered in my ear. "You told me that she was a virgin, by choice. Maybe you need to chill. Ghost or not, she had her morals." I sighed deeply and ran my fingers through my hair. "Yeah," I breathed out, nodding at him. "You're right." I turned towards Anna, and saw Christine standing next to her, speaking in hushed tones. Anna looked up and met my gaze. Her cheeks flushed again, and she licked her lips, making parts of me get a little excited again, so I looked away from her and situated my clothes. Sam was right. Now was not the time and there needed to be a discussion before I got anything else into my mind. I couldn't help myself and glanced back over to her. She wasn't looking at me this time. 

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