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I had slipped up again, calling 'the ghost' a girl. I kept my head turned away from Addy, and tried to wait out her silence. "Yeah, I think you're right," she said, after a few moments. "It feels like she's Regina George from Mean Girls. I swear she's out to get me." I laughed quietly to myself. I had the same feeling when it came to how she felt about Addy, but I knew that she wouldn't actually hurt her. Not after what happened last time. "Who is Regina George?" I heard a faint whisper in my right ear, and froze for a moment. "Stop that," I muttered. "What?" Sam asked. I looked at him and shook my head. "Nothing." "I don't know about that," I replied to Addy. "I don't think she's mean. Just a prankster." Addy's face kind of fell. "But she's always picking on meee," she whined. "Maybe it's because she likes you," Jake replied. "Not likely," I heard Anna whisper in my ear again. "Shh," I said quietly. "Maybe you remind her of someone in her past," I suggested, turning to look at Addy. She shook her head and stood up. "I think I'm gonna go. I wish I could say that it's been fun, but honestly, this place scares the shit out of me. Not in a fun way. I'll see you guys later." She walked out of the room, with Tara yelling after her. "Addy! Wait! Damn it," she huffed out, before jumping up and following her. Jake sat up and leaned forwards to tap my arm. "It is kinda weird how the ghost keeps fucking with Addy. Like it's jealous of her or something," he said, when I looked at him. I heard a quiet scoff, then "yeah, right," whispered into my ear. I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. I thought the ghost was pretty funny tonight. We all love a good prank, and we all got scared. Not just Addy." Jake tilted his head, then nodded. "You're right," he replied, with a grin. "Best scare we've had in a while. I thought it was the fun kind. Definitely not the bad kind, like it was in that freaky house." I kept my mouth shut and nodded. Same cleared his throat and got our attention. "Jake, maybe you should go see what's going on, so that we can start the movie. I kind of want to see the ending." Jake nodded, and stood up. "Gotcha. I'll be right baaack," he said, walking out of the room backwards, with his arms waving in front of him. "Dork," I chuckled. "Oh shit, I forgot my drink in the kitchen. Don't start the movie without me!" Corey exclaimed, He hopped up off of the floor, and darted out of the room. "Alright, now that we're alone, do you two know what's  been happening here? I feel like there's a solby secret and I'm left on the outside. I thought we were past all of that," Katrina said, folding her arms across her chest. "No babe, we don't know anything. Just that we're pretty sure this house is haunted. There have been a few incidents, but nothing serious. A couple of broken glasses, the weird answers that the Ouija board gave, the incident in the pool, and, of course, what happened tonight. See?" he replied, kissing her nose. "Nothing serious." She looked doubtful. "Okay, but I know you guys went to that weird house that was supposed to be haunted. I watched the video, ya know. I saw some of the weird stuff that happened. Then YOU," she said, smacking Sam in the arm. "Ooww," he groaned. "YOU wouldn't let me be with you and watch it as you edited your half. I know something is up. Did something follow you guys from that house? And DON'T lie to me, Samuel," she continued. Sam snapped his mouth shut, and looked at me. I shrugged. I didn't know what to do. We couldn't tell her...could we? I mean, this was Kat. My best friend and Sam's girlfriend, of like a hundred years. I loved her like she was my sister. I could always count on her to help me out with my girl problems, or tell me when I was being a dick. I had never intentionally kept anything from her. I knew Sam hated keeping things from her. He was all about the honesty, in a relationship. Best way to be, apparently. "Okay," I breathed out. "What?" Sam asked, his eyes going wide. "No. You shut it," Kat said, clamping her hand over his mouth. "Spill, Colby. What is going on with you two?" Sam pulled her hand away from his mouth, and caught my eye again. "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. "Yea. I've never liked keeping it from everyone. It just seemed necessary. Plus, it makes me sound like I should be committed. But Kat knows us. She knows when we're lying, or goofing around." Except for that one time. When you pulled the cheating prank on me, with each other. I wasn't sure about that," she chimed in. "Oh, shut up," I laughed. "Before I 'forget' that I wanted to let you in on the secret." "Okay, okay, I take it back!" she exclaimed, then clamped her mouth shut. "Okay. Sam, do you want to do the honors?" I asked. He shook his head. Of course he didn't. "Nope. This is your story," he replied. I sighed. "Okay," I replied, then dragged my hand through my hair. "But not right now. The others will be back soon, and this is kind of a long story. I'm not sure that I should tell everyone. Not all of them are great at keeping secrets, and it's also just kind of personal." Kat shook her head. "No, because you'll find some kind of way to back out of it," she replied. "I promise that I won't. I will tell you. We can all go outside or up to Sam's room, or my room, when the movie is over. I'll tell you then. Swear," I replied, then held my fingers up in the Boy Scout oath. She still looked skeptical. "Fine," she pouted. "But, I'm holding you to it. And you." She jabbed Sam in the chest with her finger. "You don't get any sexy time until I know." His mouth dropped open, and I laughed. "That's not fair though! It's Colby's story! Brother, you will fucking tell her tonight!" he exclaimed, looking at me. I laughed again. "I don't know. That's actually a good incentive for me to not tell her. Just to torture you." He started to retort but Kat cut him off. "Cole Robert Brock, I will personally make sure that you do not have an iota of peace until you tell me. There's your incentive." 

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