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The only way to get in touch with her was through a phone number at the bottom of the page. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and dialed it. I stared at the number for a moment, wondering what I was even going to tell this woman or if she was real. Would I get my hopes up, just to lose my money, as well as Anna? I realized that I didn't care. It was my only option right now. I hit send and listened to the ring. I was about to hang up, defeated, when a woman's voice answered the phone. I couldn't tell her age. It was weird. She had the tilted sound of a young girl, maybe 20's, but her voice was also gravelly, like she smoked, or was much older. "Hello, this is Amethyst," she replied. "Um hi. I mean hello. My name is Colby. Colby Brock. I was wondering, uh, I need your help with something. It's kind or weird though. I don't know-" "Okay, Colby Brock," she said, her voice having a ring of young laughter to it. "I can tell that you're upset. Maybe this would be better to talk about in person. I'm not too fond of discussing things on the phone. Not many things stay personal that way, not in today's world. Can you meet me?" I was dumbfounded for a second. "Uh yeah. Yes. Where?" She rattled off an address that I didn't recognize, so I put it into my phone. "When?" I asked, my mind whirring with how fast everything was happening. "Now. I'll be there in five minutes. Come in the side door." "Okay, what-" I was cut off by the click of her ending the call. I stared at the phone in my hand, just for a second, before I stuck it in my pocket, and started gathering my things. Anna's doll, keys, wallet, phone was in my pocket, what else did I need? I slipped a hoodie on over my head, not worried about which one it was or if my clothes even matched. I held the doll to my side, as I exited my room and walked quickly to Sam's door. I knocked, shifting my weight from side to side, impatient for him to answer me. "Yeah?" he called out. I opened the door to find him kicked back on his bed, Katrina lying beside him. "Hey Colby, what's up brother?" he asked, his face already turning worried, as he sat up, and swung his legs to the floor. "Anna's gone," I replied, not even thinking about the fact that Kat was in the room. "I'm going to meet someone to talk to them about the...situation. I just wanted to let you know." "What happened to Anna?" Kat asked, sitting up. "Is she okay?" Any other time, I would have loved the fact that my best friend's girlfriend already thought so fondly of the girl I liked...only the girl in question was technically dead, and she had disappeared into a void where an evil dark mass was probably torturing her. No, I couldn't think like that. I would never be able to get through all of this, if I even gave myself a minute to think about what might be happening to her right now. "Yeah, she's fine," Sam said, his eyes turning stern as he met my gaze. "Chill," he mouthed silently. "Do you need me to come with you?" I shook my head. "No, I'll be back soon. I'll call you." He nodded, worry still present in his eyes. "You do that. Let me know if you need me." I nodded and turned to walk out. "And Colby," he said, as I reached his door. "Yeah?" I asked, turning back. "Just be careful." "Always," I answered, then walked out and closed his door behind me. "Why does he have that doll?" I heard Kat ask just before I closed it. I needed to hurry. Amethyst said that she would be there in 5 minutes. She was probably already there by now, and I didn't even know where I was going. I rushed to my car, set the doll in the passenger seat, and jammed my keys into the ignition. I set the address into the map and set my phone up on the dash. According to it, I should be there in 20 minutes, depending on traffic. I hit the gas once I pulled onto the road, and tried to rush through traffic the best that I could. Thirty minutes later, I pulled up to the curb in front of a run down shop with neon lights in the window. It wasn't what I would call "eye catching" at all, and it wasn't exactly in the best part of town either. Honestly, I was kind of scared to get out, as I watched a few shady characters staring at me as they walked past on the dark sidewalk. My stomach churned with nervousness, so I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. I had to do this. For Anna. Besides, I was sure it was fine. I just wasn't used to being in these situations that led me to the darker parts of town. Praying my car would be okay, I grabbed the doll, got out and locked the doors. I turned back to the front of the store, staring at the beads hanging down in the window, obscuring most of my vision. The neon sign simply read "OPEN" and flashed at me in a purple light. She had said to come to the side entrance. That made me uncomfortable because there was a sign directing me down the dark alleyway beside the store. "Shit," I mumbled to myself. "Stop being a bitch Colby." I forced myself to take the first few steps forward, as I thought about why I was doing this. Anna. I was doing this for her. She needed me. My feet moved faster, my eyes adjusting to the darkness in alley. I almost took out my phone for a flashlight, but decided against it. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself out here. There was a small doorway, just barely taller than I was, and narrow. It was dark metal, almost blending into the darkness. I reached towards the silver, circle door knob and twisted, my heart sinking a little when I realized that it was locked. So I knocked. Just three quick raps, and waited, my heart pounding a little harder every time someone walked past me. I heard footsteps stop behind me, so I knocked again quickly, then turned to look over my shoulder. There was someone there, in the darkness of the wall across from where I was standing. I could tell that they were about my height, wearing a dark hoodie, but that was it. They took a step towards me, and my heart slammed against my chest even harder. Was I about to have to run for my life? To fight for my life? Was I going to be robbed? I swallowed the lump that was in my throat, then raised my fist to knock again. The metal door swung open, and I didn't even wait to be invited it. 

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