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"Hey," he said, then picked the grape up off of the couch, and popped it into his mouth. "Thanks." I chuckled and shook my head. He was such a fucking dork sometimes. Corey was watching us with narrowed eyes, his eyebrows furrowed under his short brown hair. "What's going on? Seriously? I know when you're up to something. We've known each other for too long." "Nothing brother. Really. Jake wanted Colby to put food coloring in your milk, then dump it on you when you where in the kitchen. No one wants to clean that up though so we decided against it." Corey still looked a little suspicious but seemed to accept the story. "I guess I need to watch my back huh? Cuz I'm not sure that I believe any of y'all." "We're just messing with you man. We were talking about what to do for Halloween. Actually, I kind of want to go camping. It's been like over a year since we've been," I said, grinning as I caught Sam's eye. He raised his eyebrows, questioning if I was saying what he thought I was saying. I gave him a little nod and continued. "Come on, don't you guys want to experience all the fun we had last time?" Corey scoffed. "Yea, sure, so much fun. Seeing swinging babies in the trees, the shadow man, crazy rituals, a haunted witches house, and oh, let's not forget almost losing Colby. Why am I friends with you guys again? Remind me because I'm having a hard time remembering right now." We laughed and I leaned back onto Corey's legs, staring up at him. "Because you loooove us," I said, batting my eyes at him. He laughed, and shoved me off with his legs. "Shhh Colby, you've gonna give us away. Sam is gonna get jealous." The tension was eased, and we didn't discuss it anymore. At least, not around Corey. Sam and I made sure that we had everything we needed, and everything that Corey would need. I even packed all of his protection pieces when I packed his bag. I was such a good friend. I laughed to myself, as I stuff the wooden cross necklace into his overnight bag. He was out with his friends, Tavan and Chazz, and probably a few others, leaving us to do what we needed to do. We would be leaving tomorrow evening, just in time to be there before midnight, and ring in Halloween with the ghosties of the place. I stopped for a minute, my hand frozen on top of Corey's Bible. "What in the actual fuck is wrong with us? Normal don't do this," I muttered to myself. "But we're not normal Colby. We never have been, remember? We don't want to be. Normal is overrated." I jumped, hearing Sam's voice behind me. "What the fuck bro! Don't sneak up on me like that, shit." He laughed, and nodded his head towards Corey's bag. "You need finish up and get that in your car. Corey just called and said he's on the way back. He stopped at Taco Bell to grab a few Nacho Bell Grande's for all of us." "Shit, that won't take long. Help me so we can be finished before he gets home." I grabbed the Bible and shoved it in under the clothes that I had already packed. "You know he's going to miss that, maybe even automatically," Sam said, indicating the Bible. I shrugged. "He'll kill us for real if we don't pack it. I have a feeling that this may be an eventful trip." He clapped his hands together, and rubbed them. "That's what I'm hoping for." I laughed and shook my head. "You're weird sometimes, Sam, you know that?" He cocked his eyebrow at me, humor in his eyes. "Guess that's why we make such good friends brother." "You're probably right," I laughed out. We finished up, and by the time Corey called out out to us, we were all chilling in the game room, playing darts and listening to music. We ate, and talked about upcoming projects, keeping the subject away from tomorrow's activities. "You guys got plans for Halloween?" Corey asked, in between bites. "Um, yeah. We're gonna go hang out at a friend's place. You down?" Sam said, glaring at Jake when he opened his mouth. "Which friend? I don't know, I was thinking about going over to Tavan's place. They're having a party. Should be lit." "No, you gotta go with us," Jake said forcefully. I cut my eyes to him, begging him to shut the fuck up. "I mean, come on. We're the Trap Boys. People expect us to be at the major parties together," Jake covered. "Is it a party? You didn't say that. Maybe I'll go for a while then just catch Tavan's later. They usually party pretty late anyway. Okay, I'm down. What time are we going to leave?" "Probably pretty late. It's Rug's party. You know he lives like an hour from here, but he wants to be partying when it turns into Halloween," Sam said, trying to come up with a good reason for why we would be leaving so late. "Oh...well damn," Corey replied, then shrugged. "Whatever, he's having one the next night too so I'll just catch that one." With everything planned out to the last detail, we finished up our night, and went to bed. I tossed and turned, excitement and a little fear coursing through my veins. I loved this kind of stuff, but it also scared the fuck out of me sometimes. When I finally fell asleep, the sun was already peeking through the window. Sam woke me up a few hours later. "Colby, get up brother." I groaned, and buried my face in my pillow. "Don't wanna," I said, my voice muffled by my pillow. "Come on man, we need to leave in a couple of hours. I know how long it takes you to get ready, especially if we're going to be filming. So, get up, before I dump a glass of ice water on your head." 

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