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Corey's pimp cane, or I guess it was Sam's now, was lying up against the couch, so I grabbed it to use as a weapon if I needed one. I crept into the entrance way, glancing around the corner of the wall, before stepping out. I swear if it was one of the guys fucking with me, I was going to beat them with this fucking cane. "Guys?" I called again. "If you guys are fucking with me, it isn't funny." I heard a light tinkling laugh, like I had heard last night, float through the air. Or maybe I heard it in my head. I turned around, looking behind me to see if one of the girls was there. They could be fucking with me too. Again, there was no one there. "I'm going fucking crazy, I swear to God," I muttered to myself, letting my grip on the cane go slack. "You're not," a soft female voice said. I jerked around again, expecting to see a woman standing there. Still nothing. "Yeah, right. Then how do you explain that I'm talking to a girl inside my own head?" I said, a little louder than before. Again, I got that tinkling laugh, but nothing else. "I'm too drunk for this shit," I said aloud, knowing full well, that all I had at this point was a slight buzz. Now that I thought about it, maybe being drunk would actually help. I went to the kitchen and found a case of White Claws in the fridge. I pulled one out, and popped the tab. Just as I raised it to my mouth, I heard it again. The woman's voice. "What is that? Is it beer? Yucky," it said...she said? I choked on the mouth full that I had just taken, and looked around. "Whoever is fucking with me, stop it. This shit is getting old," I said loudly. Now I knew it had to be one of the girls messing with me...or one of their friends. It didn't sound like anyone I knew. I texted Sam, telling him that someone was inside the house fucking with me, and did he know anything about it. I walked into the living room, waiting for him to text back. "Hey!" I said, catching a glimpse of the end of a dress or skirt whipping out of the room. I darted across the room, ready to catch whoever was messing with me. There was no one there. "Alright, you've had your fun. Come out," I said to the empty hallway. The tinkling laugh floated on the air again. "I'm serious. You're freaking me out. You got me good. I'll even say it for the camera." I walked slowly down the hallway, ducking my head into the various rooms that were off of it. There was no one anywhere. I checked Jake and Corey's room, the gym, the bathrooms, even went upstairs to check Sam's room and my own. I couldn't find anyone. The only thing I found was that damned doll when I checked to see if anyone had hid in my closet. She, IT, was no longer sitting on the stool. Now, she was sitting on the ground, in front of my floor length mirror that was in there. Her arm was raised like she had almost been checking her hair. "Fuck this," I said, grabbing her up roughly. I couldn't deal with this shit anymore. Before I made it back downstairs, Sam texted me back. I stopped about midways down the staircase, and stuck the doll under one arm to see what he had said. "No brother, I don't know anything. If you're that worried about it though, I can ask everyone. They'd probably tell me before they tell you, if they're trying to scare you or prank you." "Yeah, that'd be great. And tell whoever it is that I'm going to kick their ass," I texted back. I stuck my phone back in my pocket and grabbed the doll from under my arm. I didn't look at her until I was outside by the trashcan. I guess I could've put her in the trash inside, but then she would still be inside. I opened the large bin lid, then held her up to look at her one more time. Her green eyes stared into my soul again, and stopped me. I could almost swear that they were sad now, almost tearing up even. "I can't keep you with me. It's just too freaky. I'm a grown ass man. Why would I want a doll?" A faint sob floated on the air, lifting my hair with it. I shivered with the chills that went down my spine. "I'm sorry," I whispered, then closed my eyes and dropped her inside. The trashcan was pretty full, so she sort of just rested on top of the garbage bags. When I closed the lid, it wouldn't completely close, but I wasn't worried about it. Somehow the doll was laying sideways, her eyes peering out at me from under the lid. I swallowed hard, then turned my back and walked inside my home. I felt like I had just broken someone's heart and that hurt. I hated to cause anyone pain. "It's a fucking doll Colby, what the hell is wrong with you? It doesn't have feelings," I muttered, taking the stairs to get to my room. I flopped down on my bed and threw my arm over my eyes. "Damn it," I sighed, sitting up again. I felt restless, and unnerved by everything that had happened the last couple of days. Seeing as how I had slept until 6 pm, I wasn't the least bit tired, I didn't know what to do. I needed something to distract myself. I had left my laptop downstairs so I just grabbed my phone and pressed the little blue bird app. I wasn't very active on here, but I liked to scroll and see what the fans were saying without them knowing. I laughed at a few tweets, shook my head at a few more. Usually, there was always some kind of drama going on, but it seemed peaceful tonight. A text from Sam popped up, while I was scrolling. "Everyone said they aren't messing with you. No one is at the house. Colby, if someone is there, you need to call the cops right now, and leave. I'm coming home." 

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