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"Oh fuck that," I said, pausing in my reading. "Ghost children are terrifying." "If I hear a little girl giggle, I'm out. I'm leaving. I don't give a fuck about this video," Kian replied, laughing. I noticed that he and JC did that a lot when they would get nervous or scared. I took a deep breath and moved on to the last story that I was going to read. The worst story. "Last story is very important. In room B474, a horrendous murder took place. A young girl named Dana, along with her two sisters and her mother, were brutally murdered in this room. The two sisters and her mother their mother were found strangled and lying on their bed. Dana, however, was found, bloodied, in the bathroom. Her father had shot her, then shot himself." We were all quiet, taking the story in as we stood in the hallway of the ship. There weren't many people here tonight, so it was quiet, except for random creaks and groans of the old ship. "I saved that story for last, because that's the room Sam and I will be staying in. You guys will be in the room next to us," I said, looking at Kian and JC. "Holy shit," JC muttered, staring at me, then looking around the hallway. "We should get to our rooms," I said quietly, then started to lead the way. I had stuffed Anna's doll in my backpack without Kian and JC seeing me somehow. I knew they were going to freak when I pulled it out. We talked a little more about what we going to do, the games we wanted to play, while Kian and JC argued that they weren't going to do it. We knew that they would so we weren't really worried about it. I kept checking the room numbers as we walked down the corridor, then stopped short when we came upon our room. Sam, who was holding the camera, ran into me. The camera dug into my shoulder blade just above where my backpack strap was. "Oww," I groaned, stepping forwards and turning around to glare at him. He just shrugged. "Sorry. You stopped without warning." "This is it," I said, nodding and rubbing my shoulder blade. Kian and JC stared at the room quietly. "Um, maybe this isn't a good idea. Something doesn't feel right here," JC whispered, his eyes never leaving the room door. "Well, it's a good thing this isn't your room," I joked, taking the camera from Sam. I zoomed in on Kian and JC's frightened expressions before filming the door. "Here we go," Sam said, putting in the key card, then opening it. It was like any of the other rooms on the ship, maybe slightly bigger because it was a family cabin. Two beds, a bathroom, a narrow walking area, then a small sitting area attacked to it. "Am I tripping or do you guys feel that?" Sam asked, turning to face us after we all walked inside. "What?" I asked, although I did feel it. "The temperature change," he answered, rubbing his arms for warmth. "Yea, it's fucking freezing in here," Kian said, his eyes darting around the room. "Maybe it's just because the heat is messed up or something?" I suggested. "Maybe," Sam replied, but he didn't look convinced. We filmed the room, showing that it was pretty basic, but stopped on the bed that was on the right side of the room. "This is where the mother and two daughters were found," I said softly. "It's not the same bed though," JC spoke up, his voice a little shaky. It seemed like the room, or the story of what happened in this room was getting to all of us. "It can't be, right? They would've threw that away." We were silent for a moment, staring at the bed. "Guess there's only one way to find out," I said, setting the camera down so that it was pointed at the bed. I motioned to Sam to help me pull the sheets off of it. We all breathed a sigh of relief when the bed was as clean as it could be, with no rust colored stains. "What if they just flipped it?" Kian said, chewing his bottom lip. I checked out the mattress and sighed again. "It's not the kind you can flip. See?" I said, knocking on the bottom of the mattress. "It's a pillowtop with the bottom being hard. It's definitely not the same bed." His eyes darted towards the other mattress. "What if..." he let his voice trail off with the unfinished question. JC stepped towards the other bed and started stripping it. All of us helped and saw that the mattress was the same kind as the other one. "Okay. We're good. Why did we think it would be the same anyway? 

I know this chapter is super short. I was trying a new thing on my phone to post it to insta and it didn't let me post as much. Going back to normal next chapter

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