43 Anna's POV

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 The kind of spirit that got angry with the living for being allowed something that was snatched away from them. I really hoped not. I'd rather not exist at all. Eventually, maybe I did sleep, if you could call it that. I was no longer in Colby's room, on his couch. I think maybe that I was back inside the doll. There was darkness, but it was peaceful, not the painful, cold darkness that was a living nightmare. I stayed there for a while, contemplating what my life, or non life, actually was. If Colby was able to help me, what was after this world? Did I want to know? If I were dead, then why did I still feel such strong living human emotions? These questions and more, bounced around in my head like the ping pong game I had witnessed downstairs. I was tired. So tired. I didn't know how long I had stayed in the darkness, but eventually, I saw light again. It was a dull glow, that I recognized as moonlight. Colby must've taken the doll out of the closet again. I drifted towards the light, willing myself out of the darkness. I found myself beside Colby's window, the silver moonlight streaming into the dark room, casting shadows from the furniture. I turned around and saw the doll, my doll, seated at the foot of Colby's bed. Why had he put her there? I saw his sleeping form in his bed, the blanket covering his bottom half. He was rolled over onto his stomach, his bare back catching my eye. His arms were folded under the pillow, where his head rested. The side of his face that I could see was relaxed in sleep, though his forehead was a little creased, like maybe he was having an interesting dream. I watched his eyelids flutter, his dark lashes moving a little. He really was a beautiful man, even if he was a bat caver. I didn't remember ever seeing someone as good looking as him from my life. Of course, I didn't remember anyone from my life so that wasn't really saying anything. I decided to roam around the house, while everyone was asleep. I wasn't sure what time it was, but the house was quiet when I floated down the stairs. The lights were out, and there wasn't a sound coming from anywhere except Jake's room. Sounded like rain or something. I wasn't sure. How was it raining inside his room? I shook my head and tried to make a mental note to ask Colby about these things that I didn't understand. Everything was just so bogus and weird. I thought about how heinous and heavy my situation was while I floated around the quiet house. I stopped in the kitchen and looked at the sink full of dirty dishes. I shook my head surveying the scene. I guess boys were still boys. "Gag me with a spoon, this is fucking disgusting," I muttered. Instinctively, I reached out and picked up one of the glasses from the sink to clear it out. While I planned on washing dishes for them (I'm not sure why I thought that I could in the first place) I realized that I had no problem grabbing the glass in my hand at all. It was natural, and I didn't even think about it. The shock caused me to start thinking about it consciously, desperately trying to keep my will strong enough to hold it. I watched as it quite literally slid through my hand and hit the floor. "UUGGHH" I screamed in frustration, forgetting that others could hear me. The glass smashed onto the floor loudly, just as I screamed, sending glass shards everywhere. I heard someone getting up, and a door opening. I had just barely made myself go invisible, as someone walked into the room. I thought that he may have seen me, because he stared at the spot where I was standing. He just shook his head, then saw the mess on the floor. "What the fuck," Jake muttered, flicking on the light switch before padding over to the outside of the mess. "How the hell did this happen?" The one they called Corey walked in shortly after. "Brother, what the fuck are you doing? It's the middle of the night. Why are you making all that noise?" He looked down at the floor where Jake was crouched. "What did you break Jake?" he asked, sighing before grabbing the broom. Jake stood up and held his hands up. "I didn't do this. It was like this when I walked in here. The noise woke me up too." Corey rolled his eyes as Sam walked in, fixing his hair. It was dark but I could see the lighter shade growing out in his roots. The dark hair looked so natural on him, I never would've guess that he had a dye job. "We know you break shit Jake. Stop frontin'." "I didn't do this!" Jake exclaimed again, a little louder. "What is going on in here?" Sam asked, yawning. "Jake broke a glass and is blaming it on a non-existent ghost apparently." I felt bad that they were blaming him, but I couldn't let myself be known. They would try to get rid of me and I couldn't let that happen. "Jake," Sam sighed. "Not again. Just like you didn't do the Ouija board thing with Tara, right?" "Sam, I didn't do this and I didn't do that! I really didn't! Why don't you guys believe me?" Corey laughed as he swept up the mess. "Because you always do this. If something breaks, you did it, then you lie about it. It's what you do brother. Move over so I can get that side." Jake sidestepped, letting Corey sweep where he had just been. "Where's Colby? He'll believe me. Hell, he's been acting weird anyway. Have you guys noticed how he's been talking to himself? And I walked in on him, holding that creepy looking doll talking to it the other day. He didn't see me, so I just walked back out. Something's not right with him. Ever since we went to that damn house." "He sleeps through anything. You know that. Now stop exaggerating. Colby is fine. He's just going through a hard time with what happened at the house. He'll be fine. Now, can we go back to bed without you destroying the rest of the house?" "Whatever. Do what you want...but when we're all possessed and serving Satan, maybe you'll think back to this night and know you should've listened to me." I almost laughed at his words but managed to hold it in. I still felt bad but that was just funny. Serving Satan? Drama queen, wasn't he. "Well, that's right up your alley then, isn't it? Goodnight Jake," Corey said, putting the broom up and walking out. Sam just shook his head, yawned, and waved, before walking out as well. Jake stayed where he was, surveying the kitchen like he was trying to catch something moving. 

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