190 Anna's POV

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I screamed and screamed, until finally I just lie there, tears streaming down my face, as the pain rocked through my body. I wanted to die...but I was already dead. Finally, it stopped, leaving my body a throbbing mess. I took deep breaths, through the final sobs that followed. "Don't you understand, Anna? You are mine. I gave you this. I can take it away. I think it's time you remembered that." "Please, no-" I choked out, but then the bright blue sky turned to a familiar darkness. There was nothing and no one. Just the black emptiness that I had originally come from. My existence before Colby. "NO!" I screamed, falling to my knees. "Please. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't leave me here! Not again.." I sobbed. There was no answer, only my own voice echoing into the void. I wasn't sure how long I stayed there, on the floor, my arms wrapped around knees. Sometimes, I would hear other voices, or screams of pain. The familiarity of it was horrifying. It had been easier to deal with, when I thought that this was just my life. I didn't remember anything, or anyone. This was all I had, no matter how horrible it had been. But now...now, I remembered my life before this. My family. Colby. I held on to those memories, letting them keep me company, no matter how painful they were. My mother's arm around me when I was sad. The way that she lifted her hands in worship, as her sweet voice sang 'Amazing Grace.' The way Livvy's eyes lit up when I said that I would give her a makeover, or when I took her to go get ice cream. Holly and I laughing at some stupid joke one of us made, or gushing about celebrity guys that we saw in magazines. Even the laughs that I had with Katrina. The way Sam could light up any room when he smiled. Then there was Colby. The way his eyes would darken when he kissed me. That smile that took over his entire face, radiating happiness. The way his arms felt around my waist. The way his heartbeat sounded when I would rest my head against his chest. I sobbed, and held myself tighter, trying to hold the pieces together. Lilith was trying to break me. I knew that. I also knew that it was working. In this moment, I felt like I would do almost anything to get out of this nothingness. To get back to the people that I loved. Did they miss me? How long had I been gone? It felt like forever. Was Colby looking for me? I prayed that he would find me again. I wasn't sure that it would help, however. Lilith was right. I could never hide from her. We were connected somehow. I whimpered against the pain that was still coursing through my body, and held myself tighter. This was my punishment from Lilith. My punishment for disobeying her. For going against her. For wanting a life, or a spirit life, of my own. She wanted me to know that she was in control and could do anything she wanted to me. i sobbed again, and buried my head into my knees. I continued to let the memories keep me company, and tried to block out as much of the pain as I could. I guess it worked, because I barely noticed when it lessened a little. "Have you had enough?" I jumped at the sound of her voice in darkness. I had been in complete silence and solitude for so long, that it sounded like a booming thunder against my eardrums. A sharp pain racked my body, making me suck in a breath and hold myself tighter. "I said have you had enough, Anna? Answer me," she said, her voice going hard as stone. "Yes," I whispered, thankful when the pain lessened again. It didn't go completely away though. It was still there, throbbing through my bloodstream, letting me know that it could sear up at any time. "Good. Now, will you do as you're told? Or do I need to give you another reminder?" "No," I choked out, sitting up on the hard black surface of the darkness. "Please." "Will you do as you're told? I don't like repeating myself," she demanded, her voice booming again. I didn't want to agree. There was no way that I would let her control me to hurt Colby, my family, or friends. "Yes," I replied, knowing that I would fight as much as I could. I couldn't do anything to help them from in here though. This was my fault. I knew that Lilith wouldn't be after them, if it wasn't for me. There was a deadly silence, after I answered her. I couldn't see her in the darkness, but I could feel her. "You had better. Things will get much worse for you and your little boyfriend, Anna. Do NOT push me," she replied, belligerently. I nodded, and held back a sob. "Use your words, Anna," she demanded. "Yes," I replied, my voice cracking. "I'll do whatever you say." "Good," she cooed, satisfied with herself. "I'll see you soon." "Wha-?" I replied. Before I could finish the word, a bright light invaded my senses. I blocked my eyes with my hand, and closed them for a moment. I was scared to open them. Where had she sent me? When I felt like my eyes had adjusted against the burning brightness, I cracked them open. I was sitting in front of my mother's house. The same place that I had been all that time ago. Why would she drop me here? I looked in the window and saw Holly sitting on the couch next to Livvy and Aiden. Wait...was it still the same day? That was impossible. I had been in the Darkness for so long... Lilith had made me think that. Time apparently passed differently there. I hadn't been missing for months. My loved ones had no idea that I had even been gone. I guess that was for the better. Now, I had to figure out if I was going to tell them, or keep it to myself. I sighed, and floated back through the window so that I could hear what was going on inside. 

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