105 Anna's POV

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No, they sang along just as loudly as the girls, knowing every word. It was very entertaining. Colby actually had a really good voice, and it blended well with Kat and Addy, as much as I hated to include her in anything. Their pool was amazing with the built in rock slide, and the table inside the pool to play beer pong or something. Which is exactly what they ended up doing. I cringed inwardly as Addy paired herself off with Colby as a partner. I moved closer to the group so that I could hear what was being said, trying to keep myself from being as jealous as I was. "Hey, you're really good!" Colby exclaimed, flashing Addy a smile. One of those heart stopping smiles that made my chest ache. Addy froze, her cup half way to her mouth, her eyes trained on his smile. I knew that reaction. I had had that reaction. Seeing her affected by his smile so strongly pissed me off. It pissed me off so badly, that I didn't even see the water churning around her. I didn't realize that my hands were curled into fists, as I glared at her. This girl had done nothing to me. Nothing at all...but I hated her with everything in me. I wanted her out of this house and away from Colby. I hated Tara just a little for inviting her here in the first place. I hated the others for just accepting her, and including her in their fun. Last but not least, I hated Colby. The water churned around them, waves pushing against the sides of the pool. They were so involved in their fun and their music that they didn't even notice. I didn't notice until a particularly large wave crashed against the back of Colby, shoving him into the concrete table in front of him. His breath huffed out, and I heard something crack as his head slammed against it. "OH!" I exclaimed, rushing towards him. Fear crawled up my spine, and churned in my belly. Was he badly hurt? I didn't even care that Addy was right by his side, her hand on his bare shoulder. Did I do that? I would never, ever hurt Colby. Not for anything in the world. I started panting, my breaths coming in short gasps, his name coming from everyone's mouth fading into the background. I would go back to the Darkness right now and tell her to end me, if I had hurt him. I waited with everyone else, waited to see if he were okay. In reality, it was only a few seconds but it seemed like an hour for how slow it went. Sam had rushed to his side, by the time Colby lifted his head. I saw blood smeared across his bottom lip and gasped again. His eyes shot up, staring right into mine, and for an instant I thought that I had accidently became solid again. Thankfully, I was still totally invisible when I looked down. "I'm okay," Colby said, drawing my attention back to him. He pushed the girl's hands off of him in annoyance, then wiped the red from his bottom lip. "Where the fuck did that wave come from?" Sam mused, looking around at the now calm pool. Colby shrugged, and pushed past him to get out of the pool. "Doesn't matter. It's gone now. I'm going to go take care of this." He stalked away, without looking back, his hand to his lip. I didn't follow. I admitted to myself that I was scared. I didn't know if I was the one who had caused the water to slam into Colby, but it wouldn't be the first time that things had happened when I got upset. I didn't want him to ask me about it. I couldn't bear to see the look in his eyes when I told him it was probably my fault. He would hate me. I had to leave, to get ahold of myself, to learn to control my anger, my jealousy. But where could I go? I was stuck here, or in the Darkness. I sighed, and moved away from the people who went back to having fun as soon as they were sure that Colby was okay. I was by the other side of the house, about to move around front when Colby walked back outside. I couldn't see his face that well from where I was but his bottom lip looked a little swollen. Otherwise, he looked fine. Who was I kidding? He looked more than fine. His tattoos stood out against his tan skin under the security lights, as he made his way back to the pool. He slid back into the water, and caught the can that Sam tossed him. The girls were in the middle of some kind of beach ball game, so all the guys just stayed close together against the side of the pool and watched. They would cheer occasionally, and clap their hands, then go back to watching the girls, and talking. I sighed, and floated up to Colby's balcony, where I passed through the glass doors to his room. The doll, my doll, was still in his room, but she was sitting on the floor by the head of his bed. I didn't want to be surrounded by him, his scent, his things, right now. He was already in my head too much. So, I went downstairs and just floated around the rooms, resisting the urge to just walk. I was telling myself that the more I acted like a ghost, and not a human, then the less connection I would have with the human world. I wasn't sure how well it would work, but it seemed logical. For good measure, I made the lights flicker a few times in the kitchen, before clicking them off. Haunting wasn't fun if there was no one to haunt. What was a ghost supposed to do to keep her mind off of the human man that she was almost positive that she was in love with? "Uuurggh" I groaned loudly, putting my head in my hands as I floated up to the ceiling. "Um, hello?" My head shot up at the girl's voice. She was peering down the hallway from the kitchen, nervousness all over her face. 

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