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I woke to the sound of someone banging on my door. I groaned loudly before opening my eyes. "WHAT?" I yelled to whoever was being so fucking annoying. "Bro, are you okay?!" I heard Sam yell back through my door. "Yea," I answered. He was quiet for a minute, so I thought he left. "You sure?" he said finally. "YES!" I yelled. "Okay damn," he said, then I heard him walk away. I sighed heavily, and threw my arm over my eyes. I felt like shit. When I knew I couldn't lay there anymore, because he would probably come back to check on me again, I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. I swear, he knew I like to sleep late. I didn't know why he was waking me up this time. When I glanced at the time, I was almost dropped my phone. It was 6 pm. How in the actual FUCK was it 6 pm? I hadn't slept much but I mean, I've had restless nights before. This shouldn't have been any different. I sat up, feeling my body ache as I moved it. "Ugh," I said, noticing that my mouth tasted like ass. I stood and stretched, enjoying the feeling of my muscles loosening, before I unlocked my door and went to the bathroom. My teeth needed to be brushed asap. It almost felt like it did after I had been binge drinking the night before. I glanced up at the mirror and noticed the dark shadows under my eyes. I really looked like I hadn't slept at all. I went ahead and took a shower while I was at it, hoping it would make me feel better. By the time I got out, the nightmares were just a distant, fuzzy memory. When I opened my closet door, I jerked back in surprise...maybe a little fear. I had forgotten that I put that damn doll in here. "You scared the shit out of me," I said, bending over to pick her up. Her eyes seemed to start glowing a little as I looked at them. "Freaky," I muttered. There had to be some sort of battery or something inside of it that made it do that. I flipped the doll upside down haphazardly, lifting her skirt so that I could look for a battery opening or something. I thought I heard a little gasp when I did, but I pushed it away. It was just my overactive imagination. I shoved her shirt up, searching her back when I didn't see any opening anywhere else. Still nothing. I flipped her back right side up, and fixed her clothes. It just seemed...respectful? I don't know. I kind of felt like I may have violated her a little bit but that was stupid. It was just a doll, for fuck's sake. I shook my head at myself in annoyance and set her back down, before I found my outfit of the day...night? Whatever. I was thinking that I might go see Brennen or something. I knew that Sam had plans with Kat, Jake had plans with Tara, and Corey was supposed to go to Tavan's party. Brennen and I would probably drop by there as well. Tavan usually threw pretty good parties and I needed a distraction from going crazy. I kept my eyes away from her, no, IT. I kept my eyes away from it while I grabbed my clothes and took them to my room to change. Once I was finished, I grabbed my hat, and threw it on my head while I headed to the stairs. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, over by Sam's office that was at the end of the hallway. When I turned my head, there seemed to be a white wisp disappearing. It was strange and I wasn't even sure I saw it. I shook my head again, pushed it out of my mind and headed downstairs. I had a feeling that we were haunted again, but fuck, I hoped not. The guys were nowhere to be found once I went downstairs, so I decided to go to the backyard. I saw them through the glass door before I even reached it. We had a lounge area with multiple seats under an awning when you walked out our backdoor. That's where they were. Talking to each other while scrolling their phones. The usual, acting like last night didn't exist. That was fine with me. I thought back to what I had heard last night on the footage. Ugh, I didn't want to relive that again, but I knew I would have too Sam and I had an editor but we liked to go over the footage before sending it in. I opened the door, and walked out onto the concrete slab of the lounge area. Sam and Corey looked up, but Jake was still in his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend, Tara. "Nice of you to join the living," Corey joked. "How you feeling man?" Sam asked, watching me with a little worry in his eyes. I sat down in the seat that was next to him, sighed, and leaned back. "Tired," I answered. "I didn't sleep well." "How is that possible? You stayed in the bed until 6 pm brother. What the fuck were you doing if you wren't sleeping?" Jake asked, finally looking up from his phone. "Trying to sleep dumbass," I answered wryly. "I fell asleep eventually but it was a restless one. Anyone else have a problem sleeping last night?" One by one, they each nodded. "Yeah, I didn't get too much sleep. Kept having these crazy nightmares that something was chasing me, but I couldn't see it. It freaked me out so bad," Corey said, rubbing his arms like he had gotten chills. "Wait, what?" Sam asked, astonishment in his eyes. "I had the same dream. It was all black, and we were together, and we couldn't see what was chasing us." "No way," I breathed out, looking at him with wide eyes. "You guys are joking right?" Jake asked smiling. "You heard me talked to Tara, or heard me talking my sleep." "You too?" I asked. 

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