24 (Anna's POV)

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He looked sad for a moment, and I got hopeful that he would stay with me. "Well, I won't be gone for too long. Want me to leave some music on for you?" The fact that he would do something like that for me, when I wasn't even sure that I was really here was almost overwhelming. I willed myself closer to him, almost touching him. "Oh yes, that would be bitchin'!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands in excitement. There was no sound from them and that disgruntled me. He started laughing, a sound that filled me with joy. "Bitchin'?" he asked, getting up and walking towards what I thought was a small stereo. "Yes, bitchin'! As in cool, awesome, happen'in," I explained, bewildered that he didn't know what it meant. "I know what it means Anna. I just don't think I've heard anyone say that in a long time." I really liked the way he said my name. "What would you like to listen too?" he asked. I thought for a second. "I don't know," I answered slowly. I remembered what music was but I didn't remember what I liked. "I don't remember what I like. Whatever your jams are, is fine." He paused for a moment with a thoughtful expression on his face, then started fiddling with the stereo. He turned back around, sort of looking around the room, everywhere except where I was, and I almost laughed. "Alright, I'm gonna go, but I'll be back soon," he replied. I groaned. "Okaaaayyy, you're so lame for leaving me here alone," I jokingly pouted. "Right," he answered with a grin on his handsome face. "Stay in here and don't scare the roommates, okay? Otherwise, they'll start trying to figure out how to cleanse the house and I'm not sure what may happen to you, if they do that." I rolled my eyes, knowing that he couldn't see me. "No, duh. I'm not stupid. Staying put. yes sir." He laughed again at my response and I smiled to myself, loving that I was the one who had caused that. "Alright, see ya," he said, throwing his hand up in a wave. He kind of looked around the room, confused, before he let his hand drop back down by his side and walked out the door. I giggled at his confusion, then looked around the room when he shut the door. The radio was playing something, but I didn't know what it was. I kind of like it though. I started swaying to the beat, and floated around his room. I had never been in a boy's room before. Wait, where did that thought come from? Was it a memory or just concrete knowledge that my subconscious just knew? I tried to think harder, to pull up anything, anything at all from my memory. I couldn't. Everything was black, gone, nonexistant. I knew that I had, had a life, that I had been human, but couldn't recall anything about that life. I got so frustrated with myself, that I let out a scream. I felt the wind from it, whip around me, causing the curtains over his window to flair up. Shit. I hoped the other roommates that he had mentioned hadn't heard me. I sighed, and willed myself down to the fall. Could I walk like a normal person? I didn't know, but I was going to try. First, I went to low and saw my feet slide through the floor. It was a strange sensation, but not unpleasant. Just different. I willed myself up a little, until my feet were directly on top of the floor. I couldn't feel the hardness underneath, but I could see that I was standing now. Would I be able to walk if I couldn't feel it? I thought about walking over to the cabinet that he had on the other side of the room, and tried to move my feet. They did move, but went through the floor again. "Damn it," I exclaimed, focusing on pulling back through. It seemed like every time I took my focus away from the simple act of walking, I could no longer do it. I sighed, and floated across the room instead. I reached my hand out, wondering if I would be able to open the cabinet or if my hand would just go right through the little golden ring. The first two times I tried, my hand slid through it. "UUGH," I groaned out in frustration. This whole being here but not being able to interact with anything was getting old really fast. I guess it was better than being in the emptiness though. At least I had someone to talk too now. I reached out again, focusing so hard on gripping that small golden ring to pull the cabinet door open, that when I heard someone yell right next to me, I screamed and jerked away. When I turned around I saw a dark haired guy, with a dangly cross earring in his ear. He was staring right at me. I stared back, not moving, scared that he was going to go postal any moment.  Finally, after a long moment, he looked towards Colby's closet and walked that way. I breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing I needed was for them to try and cleanse the house of spirits or whatever I was. I floated back across the room, up against the wall, just in case the cute guy walked around the room. I wondered what he was doing in Colby's room. It seemed like he was in the closet forever, then he finally walked out, carrying something under his arm. "A Ouiji board?!" I exclaimed, forgetting that I was supposed to be quiet. He froze and looked around the room, a guarded, inquisitorial expression on his face. I clapped my ghostly hand over my mouth quickly. His eyes flashed back to the spot I was at, and he stood there and stared for another moment. Could he see me? Hear me? He must've if he froze the way he did. He shook his head, shrugged, then walked out the bedroom door. 

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