92 Anna's POV

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There was only one chair, but standing didn't bother me. I didn't get tired like that. "Urh, do you want the-" he asked, pointing to the chair. I grinned and shook my head. "No. You go ahead. I just want to stand here a while," I replied, staring up at the sky. The darkness was littered with stars. Usually we couldn't see them. It was beautiful. Colby stood next to me, instead of sitting down. "So, you don't remember anything from while you were gone?" he asked, staring up at the sky with me. I shook my head. "Not really. I remember Her. She came to me, and was the only thing that I could see in the Darkness. I didn't have a body, but when she wanted to hurt me, I suddenly did. You said her name was Lilith?" He nodded. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's her. It has to be. Nothing else makes sense." I chuckled a little sadly. "None of this makes sense," I replied. "You're standing on your balcony talking to a ghost." "Good point," he said, laughing quietly. We were quiet for a while, watching as the first signs of daylight broke through the darkness of the night sky. Soon, the sky was filled with different shades of orange, yellow, and pink. "It's gorgeous," Colby whispered. I nodded, and felt an unreasonable urge to cry. "Yeah," I agreed. It felt awkward with him now, standing side by side. I knew that I felt very strongly for him, but I couldn't show it. It didn't make sense anyway. He was human, alive. I was...not. I shook it off, and glanced up at him. "I'm going to go inside." I turned and walked through the glass doors, before he could say anything. Maybe me acting more like a ghost, instead of a human would help both of us. I heard a light knock on the door, then someone opened it without waiting for a reply. Colby was just walking through the glass door, when Kat walked into his room. "Kat? Is something wrong?" he asked, concern automatically on his face. "Is Sam okay?" She didn't look at him, or answer him. Her eyes were trained on me. On my transparent form. "Anna?" she asked, then rubbed her eyes. I willed myself to become solid, before she looked again. "Hey Katrina," I replied, smiling and holding up my hand in a small wave. "I just thought I saw...never mind. I clearly need more sleep. It's nice to see you Anna," she replied, then walked over to hug me. I clung to her for a couple of seconds then, pulled away, seeing the look that she was giving Colby, almost smug, before she turned her gaze back to me. "So, is there a reason that you're walking into my bedroom at 7 in the morning?" Colby asked. "I could've been sleeping in the nude." Kat rolled her eyes at him. "Whatever. I needed to talk to you before Sam got up. His birthday is coming up, and I wanted to see if you had anything planned. You know, so we don't interfere with each other's plans." "Oh shit," he groaned. "You forgot?" Kat asked, her eyes going wide. He bit his lip and nodded. "I've just been so busy that I forgot what day it was," he said. It wasn't exactly a lie. "Okay, that's fine. Want to help me throw him a surprise party?" He grinned at her, and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great." I was jealous of the look and comradery that they shared. I could see that she was one of his best friends. I would never be able to have that, or anything with him. In that moment, just for a moment, I felt a surge of anger towards a girl who had done nothing wrong, except live her life. I sighed, and walked around them to sit on the couch. If I had looked behind me, I would've seen a look that I didn't understand pass between the two, before they walked around to sit on the couch. Katrina sat next to me, with Colby on her other side. "Hey Anna, have you ever helped plan a party?" she asked me, pulling Colby's laptop to her. "Hold on," he said, taking it from her. She leaned over towards him to see what he was doing, but he turned the laptop away. "What are you hiding Brock? Been watching furry porn?" His face burned bright red, as he finished closing out the open tabs. "Shut up Kat," he replied, then handed the laptop back to her. "Well?" Kat asked me again. "Oh, not really. I mean I helped plan my younger sister's parties a few times, but they were usually just sleepovers with snacks, scary movies, make up, and corny board games." "Actually?" she asked, looking surprised. "Wait, that actually sounds amazing. Okay, Sam's party first, but then you're helping me plan a sleepover with the girls. Deal?" I smiled, and nodded enthusiastically. "Deal." The thought that I may not be around to enjoy it, or to attend crossed my mind, but I pushed it away. I'd deal with that later. "So, should we throw the party here at the house, or go for something different." "Different," Colby replied. "You know Sam. Never normal and all that. How about we set up a few different activities, then end up here at the house for the actual party part?" Katrina tapped her phone against her chin, and looked at him. "Okay, I like that. We want to make the entire day special but we don't want to exhaust him so that he can't enjoy the party. So, only a couple of exerting activities." "Good idea," Colby agreed. I sat back and listened to them suggest and decide on different activities for the day. After about half an hour, they had most of the day planned. "Okay, we start with brunch and mimosa's, then the little music festival that's going on in the park. Follow that up with an intense game of paint ball, followed up by an escape room. All of that should put us at the VR experience around sundown. 

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