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Day and night, I tried to get as much rest as I could, wanting, no, needing a clear mind. I didn't even bother getting out of bed until the day we were supposed to go see Ash. When that day came, I was again awake before the sun came up, lying in a pool of my own sweat, breathing deeply. "Damnit Anna," I muttered, punching my pillow and turning over onto my side. "Where the fuck are you?" I lay there, thinking, wondering what was going to happen later that day, until the sunlight peeked through my black out curtains. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my dreary eyes with the heels of my hands. A hot shower would make me feel better, but having the strength to actually get up and do that, was another story. After I dragged my tired body from my bed, and into the shower, I leaned my forehead against the wall and let the hot water cascade down over my drained muscles. Either a lot of coffee, or a lot of energy drinks would be necessary today...maybe both. I wasn't sure how long I stayed under the hot stream, but it was turning cold before I turned it off and got out. I felt a little better, I realized, stretching my muscles out before wrapping a towel around my waist. Our appointment was in a few more hours so I had plenty of time to actually get ready. I blow dried my hair, then threw on some clean joggers, before going downstairs. When I got there, Sam and Corey were in the kitchen, talking. Sam was at the stove, scrambling eggs, while Corey was leaning against the counter eating a bowl of cereal. "Good morning sunshine," Corey said, grinning at me when I walked in. I gave him a nod, then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "You want any?" Sam asked, referring to the eggs. I shook my head. "Nah, I'm gonna get coffee soon. Too early to eat." He nodded, and went back to putting bread in the toaster. Corey finished his cereal, then rinsed his bowl and put it in the sink. "Catch you boys later. Elton wanted to talk about some future videos so I'm headed over there." "See ya," Sam and I replied. I sat down at the kitchen island, and pulled out my phone. I wasn't sure if I felt like driving to Starbucks or if I wanted to just get the coffee Postmated. Sam sat down next to me, and started eating. "So, you ready for our visit with dream guy?" I cracked a smile at his description, and put my phone down. "Honestly, I don't know, but what other choice do I have?" He raised his eyebrows at me, then took a drink of his water. "You can walk away, Colby. No one is forcing you to play this story out. You're a good guy. I get you want to help her, but it isn't your responsibility unless you choose for it to be." I stayed quiet for a minute, looking down at the water bottle in my hands. My finger flicked against the loose label that was peeling off. "Then I choose it. I can't walk away Sam. I don't know what it is about her, but I've been in that place. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Especially not her." He looked at me for another moment, before he nodded. "Okay. That's all I needed to hear. It'll take us a while to get there, so I want to leave a little earlier than necessary. To leave room for error. We'll take my car since it's just the two of us, if you want." "Yeah, sounds good," I replied. "I think I'm going to go to Starbucks to get some coffee. Maybe the drive will clear my head." "Okay," he said, turning his attention to his food. I stood up and walked back upstairs to put a shirt and shoes on, then walked outside to my car. It was a beautiful day. One of those days where I might just up and drive along the coast with my windows down, or walk the beach. After my nightmares, the beach had become somewhere that I avoided. It was no longer my happy place.  Driving was second nature to me so I could be inside my head, while I paid attention to the road. I had tried to look into Dream Walkers and what they do, a little more the last few days. What I had told Sam about it being astral projection wasn't entirely true. With astral projection, it was said that the soul completely left the body to roam freely, tethered to it's body. With dream walking, it was lucid dreaming where one becomes able to "walk" through the different timelines and stations of reality. I wasn't really sure what that meant just yet, but it was actually pretty interesting, if it were true. I laughed aloud at myself for thinking that. "You should just believe everything until it's proven to not be real," I said, rolling my eyes. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get for you today?" The slightly distorted voice coming from the speaker said. I ordered my  coffee, and pulled up to wait a little longer. My mind went right back to where it had been without breaking stride. I had fallen in...well, I wasn't sure. I really liked Anna, but I wouldn't say that I loved her. Not yet anyway. "A ghost!" I yelled at myself. "She's a fucking ghost Colby!" I hit my steering wheel in frustration at myself, and noticed two teenager girls giving me weird looks. When they saw me watching them, they turned their faces and hurried away. "Oh for fuck's sake," I groaned, realizing that my windows were down and they probably thought that I had escaped a psychiatric hospital or something. The car in front of me moved, so I pulled up to the window, my card ready so I could pay them. A pretty girl told me price, flashed me a smile, and took my card. Why couldn't I just be normal like everyone else and fall for someone like her.

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