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Sam and I looked at each other and nodded. I let up on holding the door, then Sam and I slammed it over and over on the thing's wrist. It screamed every time, a mixture of pain and rage. I watched as the glove became blood soaked, until it finally yanked it back out of the door. We yanked it closed one last time, then Ash came forwards with a thick metal pole and stuck it in the handle so that the door wouldn't come back open. Outside we heard the clown moaning in pain, but still letting out peals of disturbed laughter. "That might be the single scariest sound that I've ever heard in my life," Sam murmured, staring at the door. I nodded in agreement, and hoped like hell that the bar would hold. "What do we do now?" I asked Ash, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. "We find a way around them. If I'm right about the layout, then this should circle back around to the exit. Now, with an extreme amount of luck, we may be able to bypass them completely, and make it safely out the exit with no trouble." He smiled at me, and I shook my head. "But we don't have an extreme amount of luck," I replied. "Probably  not. So, we should get going," he said, shrugging. He turned to walk into the dimly lit area, so Sam and I followed close behind. It was strange, walking through this back area, hearing the joyful shouts and peals of laughter, mixed with the sound effects of the fair. It seemed so fun and carefree except for the fact that we were being chased by clown demons and a creepy little boy. "Whoever this nightmare belongs too, can kiss my ass," I whispered, as we turned sideways to go through a very narrow part of the back wall. Sam chuckled lightly. The narrow hallway opened up into a large room that defied the laws of science. It was huge and definitely couldn't fit in the back of the small haunted house. There were random tools lying on a nearby rickety table, a drop cloth on the floor, a few long boards, and a..."no way," I muttered. "That can't be good," Sam said, seeing what I was seeing. There was a chainsaw lying on the floor, about 10 feet away from us. Ash walked towards it and picked it up. "I wonder if it works," he mused, his hand going to a switch on the side. I heard the little boy's faint giggle, coming from the other side of the wall. "Maybe don't start it up!" I said, in a quiet rush. "It'll be too loud." He frowned at me, and nodded. "You're probably right, but I think I'll hold onto it. It might come in handy." "Isn't that going to be too heavy to run with?" Sam asked, setting a hammer back down on the table. Ash looked at Sam thoughtfully. "Hmm, good point. However, I don't want to leave it here for the demons to use. Of course, they don't actually need it. They could slice us apart with their bare hands, but this is a nightmare and it has to be here for some reason. There's nothing within a dream that doesn't have some kind of purpose." "Can we hide it then?" I asked, looking around the room. "Maybe," Ash replied, his gaze going to the drop cloth. "Here, help me with it." Sam and I followed him over to the corner of the room, where he set the chain saw down in the middle of the cloth. We helped wrap it up, then he looked around again. "Hold on," he said, and closed his eyes. Sam and I stood there awkwardly, listening to the sounds of clown and the kid getting closer and closer. Ash opened his eyes, then smiled at us. "Okay, let's put it in the hidden hatch, and find our way out of this nightmare. "What hatch?" I asked, holding my hands out. "Over here," he replied. He shoved the table with the tools over, causing it to scrape the floor loudly. "Shhh!" I said, lifting the table up so that it didn't keep scrubbing. "Jesus, are you trying to get us caught?" He just laughed and flipped open a large panel on the wall, that I hadn't noticed before. Sam picked the hammer back up and twirled it around, as Ash set the chainsaw inside the wall. "I think I'll keep this though. It might come in handy since they can be hurt," he said. I nodded, and looked at the tools that were left. A large screwdriver, a handsaw, a bucket of nails, and a tape measurer. "The screwdriver it is," I sighed, and slipped it into my pocket. The clown laughed again, sending chills down my spine at  how close it sounded. "We should keep moving," Ash whispered, then crooked his finger at us to follow him into the dark hallway. There was very little light here, so I kept my hand on the wall just for comfort. "Sam, you still there?" I whispered, turning my head. I could just barely make out his form. "Yeah, all good," he answered back, just as quietly. "Anybody else notice how it just got real quiet?" I asked. The silence was almost deafening, blaring in my ears. "That can't be a good sign," Sam whispered. "It means we're getting close and it won't be easy to get through. This has to be the exit to the next realm or they wouldn't be determined to stop us," Ash said, in a hushed tone. "I can feel it. The exit is just beyond this door somewhere, but I'm not sure how far away it actually is. Or what may be waiting for us on the other side." "I can't see anything but since you said 'beyond this door' I'm guessing that we reached the end of this dark ass hallway?" I retorted, just as I bumped into his back. I held my hand behind me to stop Sam from walking into me. "We're at the end?" he asked. "Yeah," I answered. "What do we do now? What if we open that door and the kid and the clown are right there waiting for us?" "That's a risk we'll have to take," Ash answered. 

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