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"This feels different," Corey whispered, glancing to the curio cabinet full of dolls. My eyes followed his until they landed on the dark haired one with the sorrowful green eyes. My stomach clenched in on itself, anxiety starting to build. I sighed and sat down in between Sam and Jake, forming a circle around the board. "Okay, let's get started, I guess," Sam said, rubbing his hands together, then placed his index and middle fingers on the planchette. Jake followed suit, while I just sat there, looking down at the board. I had a bad feeling but I sometimes did with these things. I let my nerves get the best of me. "Colby?" Sam said, causing me to look up at him. He nodded towards the board. "Yeah, sorry," I said, placing my fingers on the planchette with them. "Wait, who's asking the questions?" Jake asked. We usually all took turns but had recently found out that only one person was supposed to be the "medium." "I will," I answered, surprised by the words that came out of my mouth. I wasn't even thinking about doing it! Why the fuck would I say that? I glanced at the green eyed doll again, then back to the board. Guess it's now or never. "Um, if there are any spirits here that would like to talk to us, we're here to listen. Oh, only positive energy is welcome." A cold draft blew through the room, making the candle flames dance. Corey got off the couch, looking scared, and sat next to me. "Oh fuck, it's moving!" Sam exclaimed. "Jake, are you doing this?" Jake shook his head, smiling, but keeping his eyes on the now slowly  moving planchette. "This is one of you guys though, isn't it?" "Not me," I said, swallowing hard, as the wind in the room picked up. It almost felt menacing, icy, chilling to the bone. I knew it was probably my mind just overreacting, imagining things. Besides, the windows in this place were broken and the wind outside was blowing earlier. "L" Sam said, watching the board. "E," I added. "A," Corey said, his voice almost hoarse. "V," Jake said. "Leave," replied Sam. "They want us to leave." "Why do you want us to leave?" I asked, glancing at the doll case again. The wind picked up more, almost blowing out the candles, as it began to howl through the house. The green eyes of the doll seemed to be almost glowing. The planchette sped up, spelling it's next word fast. "D A N G E R," we all recited together. "Danger," I said, in a whisper. "Who's in danger? Are we in danger?" The planchette darted to the 'yes' in the top corner of the board. "Are you going to hurt us?" I asked, not even looking at the board this time. My eyes had found the doll's eyes again, and I couldn't look away. It felt like she were trying to tell me something...but that wasn't possible. It was just a doll. "No," Sam said, reading the answer that the spirit or whatever gave us. "Who's going to hurt us?" I asked, keeping my fingers on the planchette while I stared at the doll. "C O M I N G," they guys read out. "Guys, I think we should leave," Corey said, his wide brown eyes glancing all around the room. The wind was still howling throughout the house, and now the drapes were even lifting with the breeze. It was getting stronger. "When is it coming?" I asked. The doll's eyes almost seemed to move, to glance around the room. "N O W," Sam and Jake read out. The wind shot an icy hand through the room. The candles blew out at the same time that our camera and flashlights decided they wanted to die. We yelled, and jumped up, trying to feel our way around the room, to get out, but we kept running into things. I banged my flashlight against my leg, praying that it would come back on. "Run," I heard a soft voice, like a whisper against the howling of the wind, brush by my ear. I looked up, towards the sound, and my eyes, yet again, caught the green eyes of the doll. I'm not sure how I managed to see her eyes in the pitch black emptiness that surrounded me, but it felt like I was drawn to her. The wind didn't matter, the guys freaking out somewhere around me in the dark didn't matter, the fact that we were literally being told to get the fuck out of this house by some kind of spirit or demon didn't matter. I needed to get that doll. So, I did. I rushed to the curio cabinet, somehow managing to dart around every little thing that would've tripped me. I didn't see anything, but was able to sense where to put my feet. My eyes stayed on hers the entire time, like an emerald fire that was lighting my way. Once I reached the cabinet, I flipped the lock quickly and reached in to grab her. As soon as I did, my surroundings came back to me, and my flashlight flickered back on. "Colby, is that you?" I heard Sam's worried, scared voice from a few feet away. "Yeah," I said, sticking the doll inside my hoodie. "I guess I got power back somehow. Let's get the fuck out of here." I led the way, while Sam, Corey, and Jake, each locked onto one another so that we weren't lost. I had a feeling if we got lost in here again, we would end up like the others that were never found. Once we reached the window, I let the others go in front of me while I held the light for them. I knew that it would go out if I passed it to one of them. Not sure how I knew, but I knew. Once Sam was through the window, he offered to take the light, but I shook my head and maneuvered out the window. We all raced to the car, me unlocking it as we ran. "Get in, get the fuck in!" Corey yelled as we all tried to get in as fast as we could. "Drive!" he said, hitting the back of my seat.

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