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I wanted to hear her tinkling laugh that brought a smile to my face, wanted to see if I might have another chance to actually see her. As crazy as it was, I just wanted to be with her. Ghost or not, she was one of the most amazing people that I had ever met. Sam left the kitchen to head back to his room to get ready for his beach trip. I finished my plate, still glancing around for any sign that Anna might be around. I never saw or smelled anything, and it kind of made me sad. I sighed and put my empty plate in the sink. I didn't like it when I felt like she wasn't near because I didn't know where she went. My first thought was that she was back in the darkness that she hated so much. I felt a chill go down my spine thinking about the darkness that I had encountered myself. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Corey met me in the entryway before I managed to go to my room. "Hey, I'm gonna film a video later today. Probably just react to some Tiktoks or something. You in?" "Yeah, sure man," I answered, starting up the stairs. "Just let me know when." He nodded. "Thanks brother. I'm gonna go out for a little while with Trill. Probably stop by Trader Joes. Want me to pick you up anything?" I thought about it as I took another step up the staircase. "Um no, I don't think so. I'll just Post Mates something in if I need anything. See ya brother." I turned to keep walking up the stairs when Jake's voice rang out. "Yo Colby! Wanna ride with me to pick up Tara and her friend? We're gonna hang out by the pool today." I didn't stop or turn around. "Nah, I'm good bro. Just gonna hang out in my room today. Thanks though," I replied, waving my hand behind me. Once I reached my room, I closed the door and leaned back against it, letting out a heavy sigh. I hated bailing on my friends but they knew that I liked to stay by myself sometimes. "Are you okay?" I heard her soft voice drift over to me, just as the fruity scent hit my nose. I opened my eyes and looked around my room. At first, I didn't see anything but a slight shimmer caught my eye on the other side of my bed. "Yeah, I'm okay. Where have you been?" I asked. The shimmer got stronger, and then the outline of her body came into view. "I don't know actually. I was...somewhere. It was dark, but it wasn't cold and painful like before. I tried to touch things without my hand going through them last night, while you were sleeping. Then I got very tired, and weak. Before I knew it, everything was dark and I was just drifting there. Maybe it's where I got to recharge or something. I'm not sure. This whole ghost thing is new to me too. It's frustrating," she said, her voice getting a little stressed. I watched as the outline started to fill in and her features came into view. "I can see you again," I whispered. Her eyes widened as she looked down at herself. "Can you? I always look the same to myself." She looked back up and met my gaze, her emerald eyes sparkling again. "Yeah, I can. You're still just as beautiful as before." Don't ask me why I felt the need to flirt with a ghost, but I couldn't seem to help myself. I was more messed up than I thought. She smiled at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Stop that!" I told myself. There was no way that anything good could come from me falling for a fucking ghost. Only heartache and I had, had enough of that for a lifetime. "Thank you," she replied shyly, tucking a lock of shiny, chestnut hair behind her ear. A knock on my door drew my attention away from her. I turned and opened it, seeing Sam standing on the other side. "What's up?" I asked, keeping the door closed enough so that he couldn't see inside. I didn't know if they would be able to see her or not, but I wasn't risking it. Not yet. He looked at me suspiciously, peering around my shoulder into my room. "Why are you acting like that?" he asked. "Like what?" I asked, leaning against the door jam in a relaxed pose. "Like you're hiding something," he replied. I laughed, rolled my eyes. "What could I possibly be hiding Sam?" "I don't know. That's why I was asking. Whatever, be weird. If it's a prank, you better not touch my room Colby. Anyway, I'm about to head out, but my car won't start. I don't know what's up with it. I called Triple A, but they said they can't be here for another couple of hours. Can I use your car?" "For real? That's bunk dude. Yeah, I don't care. You know where the keys are. Just be careful with my baby," I answered, looking at him sternly. He looked confused for some reason. "Bunk? What the fuck does that mean?" I almost laughed at his expression. "Oh, it's like that's fucked up or something. I came across it in this book I'm reading. Guess it just stuck in my head." I was starting to use her outdated phrases without even realizing it. Great. "Okaaay...thanks for the car. I'll bring her back good as new." I nodded, and grinned. "You better. That's my baby. Don't fuck with my Corolla Sam." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Yeah, yeah. You really need to update your car Colby. Thanks again. I left my keys in my car for Triple A. You shouldn't have to do anything because I already gave them all of the instructions, but I'm telling you just in case." "Gotcha," I replied. "Have a good time at the beach. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I heard his laughter as he headed back down the stairs. "That's not much brother," he yelled back, throwing his hand up in a wave. I laughed, and closed my door. "Anna, you still here?" I asked, looking around for her. 

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