139 (Anna's POV)

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I was drifting, in and out of consciousness. Sometimes, I was in the dark place. Other times, I was sure that I heard Colby's voice, but I could never place where he was. I had been pulled along with him, Sam, and the witch dude, to the other realm. It was weird, being inside Colby's dreams, playing the actual part that he had imagined. It was nice, at first, but it quickly turned dark. When the Darkness got me, I felt that indescribable pain just rip through my entire body. It was excruciating. Then, I was sitting on the sidelines, watching as they almost got killed by a killer clown, and a freaky little boy. I couldn't move. I couldn't call out to them. I couldn't do anything but stare at the scene unfolding in front of me, and send up a silent prayer for them all. Then I was in that house. That horrible, horrible house. I hated it. It was the site of my death, but somehow, it felt like there was more to it than that. I couldn't quite figure it out. I knew that I was inside a coffin, but I could still everything that was going on with them. Like it was my own personal movie that was playing inside my head. I saw Colby get his arm ripped open, and I sent out a silent scream for him to just leave. Forget about me. But he didn't. The coffin opened, and my eyes and mouth opened on their own, begging him for help. It was like I wasn't in control of myself at all. But why would the Darkness want me to ask him for help? The only thing that I could come up with, was that she wanted him for herself. She wanted his soul, just like she had mine. "NOOOO," I screamed silently. "YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" I heard her laughter inside my head. "Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot have? I am SUPREME! I can have whatever I wish." I blacked out for a few moments, and then felt Colby picking me up. I knew it was him. I would know his touch anywhere. Why wouldn't he just leave me, and go? I needed him to get himself out of danger and stay far away from this place! Fear surged through my body when I heard her speaking to him. Telling him to take me. "Don't do it, Colby. You'll be trading your soul for mine. Please, don't do it," I silently begged. I don't know how I knew it, but I did. I had to stay with her. There was no escape. He almost left with me, but then she stopped him. Told him that I would cease to exist, if he took me from this realm. I had no clue if she were telling the truth, but I wasn't thinking of that. She wanted him. I could feel it. So, why wouldn't she urge him to take me, instead of giving him reasons to leave me behind. I didn't understand what her plan was, but it scared me to my very core of existence. There had to be a reason. He was hesitant to put me down, but I eventually felt myself being lowered back into the coffin. Then his warm breath was next to my ear, speaking softy. "I'll come back for you. I promise. I won't leave you here. I WILL help you, Anna. I promise. Wait for me." I wanted to cry with the force of emotions that slammed into me. "Please don't," I tried to tell him. "Please, just leave here and forget about me." Of course, I couldn't say it. Then, he was gone, and I was left alone with her and her demons. "Don't you worry," she said, giggling. "You'll be with him soon enough. Yes. I think I like him very much. He'll be a nice addition to my collection. So full of life, that one is." She let out another horrid laugh. It washed over me, freezing my body with the fear inside my chest. The paralysis that I was experiencing, broke. I sat up as fast as I could, and found myself face to face with her. She may have been beautiful, but she was the scariest thing that I had ever seen. She was a thing, now. Not human. Behind her eyes, it was like I could see her warped and twisted soul. "Now, I worked up quiet an appetite, with all of the commotion. It's time for me to refill my energy." I watched her eyes turn black, and her face twist and contort. I knew that I was about to experience that pain again. The pain that was unlike anything that I had ever experienced. The pain that felt like pieces of me were being torn away, shred by shred, leaving me empty. Sure enough, it ripped through my body, starting in my chest, and spreading out to every extremity, every nerve ending. I screamed, and felt the tears start pouring down my face. As much as I would've like to remain silent, and not give her the satisfaction of knowing how much she hurt me, I couldn't stop it. The pain was too much. I screamed until my throat was raw, making it impossible for me to scream at all. Groans and whimpers left my mouth, and I hated myself for it. I felt like she was just flaying me open, taking everything that made me, me. I eventually blacked out, but it only lessened the pain. I knew that I wasn't conscious, but the pain was still there. Not as bad, but still excruciating. I wasn't sure how long it lasted, or how long I was floating in the Darkness, praying for the end. When it stopped, I felt empty and bare, unable to move or speak. So, I slept. "Oh, I took a good bit that time," I heard her girly voice say. "I almost lost control. That wouldn't have been good for either of us. You have more life than any of the other ones. Well, not at this moment." She laughed at her own words. 

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