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I winced as Coach blew into his, very loved, whistle. Due to this lovely power of being able to hear anything so well, Coach could blow that whistle all the way down the field and it would still feel like he was doing it right into my ear, "Hustle!" he yelled as the boys circled up around him, "McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks! You're covering goal for two-on-ones." the two boys looked at each other, but didn't move right away until Coach was screaming at them again, "Let's go! Line it up!" After being at Beacon Hills High School I've learned that Coach only has one volume, loud, and at least now I knew why he yelled and ranted so much; the boys running around on the field.

Scott and Stiles both jumped then ran over to the long sticks to do as they were told. They stood close together and began to put on their helmets as they watched the other boys get in line, "We still don't know if he's a werewolf too." Stiles mumbled as they stared at Liam again, "And if he is, he'd just be cheating. And we'd just be cheating the cheater." I perked my eyebrows up at his words. If looks could kill, well Stiles would already be dead. I glanced over at Malia who was staring attentively down at her textbook, the red highlighter still in her hand.

I listened as Scott sigh, "But he's not. I'd know and Callie would've too." Scott said and I instantly felt both eyes on me but I continued to look at down at what Malia was doing, "We'd both be able to catch a scent."

"What if Callie just didn't tell you?"

I looked up but Scott's eyes moved to Stiles, "You know she doesn't keep things like that to herself, Stiles. She tells me everything."

Stiles nodded his head, "Maybe you need to get closer."

Scott looked back towards the line, "I think I'm about to get my chance."

My eyes followed theirs towards Liam again, he stood there towards the front staring at them, and then he put his helmet back on. My eyes traveled to the front of the line where Garrett stood to face Scott and Stiles. He began to run towards them and the two other boys began to run as well. Stiles and Scott closed the space between themselves as Garrett got closer, I secretly crossed my fingers for them as I watched Garrett turn the other way to avoid them both. I put my hands on my face out of nervousness as Scott swung his stick around as he jumped up into the air, I held my breath but then released it when the ball was knocked from Garrett's stick. I silently cheered for Scott while Coach screamed, "That's my boys!" he pointed at both of them.

Kira bounced slightly in her seat, "Yes!" she smiled as she held on tightly to the lacrosse stick. Malia looked up in confusion at Kira but gave a small smile when she saw that Stiles was involved.

Stiles held his arms out to Scott and gave him a high five before the got back into position, "Those two are like sons to me." Coach told some boys that were standing near him on the side lines. The next boy in line who was wearing an obnoxious green shirt took off towards them, Scott and Stiles used both of their bodies to send him onto the grass below them. Kira smiled again and cheered quietly as she watched Scott. I shook my head as Stiles came up and headed butted Scott's helmet, I could tell by the look on his face that he immediately regretted his decisions as he shook his head slightly at the pain he caused on himself. A boy in a blue Nike shirt was up next, his fate ended the same as the boy in green, "That's how you do it! That's how it's done!" Coached yelled as Stiles and Scott jumped up to give each other a chest bump, Scott landing swiftly on his feet while Stiles ended up on the ground, but quickly jumped up. The twos boys were laughing with each other until they turned to see who was next up, Liam. He swung his stick back and forth while staring at them, then smacked it into his glove. I tilted my head as I watched the three of them as Coach blew the whistle. Once he was closer to Scott and Stiles, Stiles lunged for him, Liam carefully lifted his stick up and avoided the spastic boy. Scott swung his stick down hoping to hit Liam's but Liam ducked and switched directions, transferring his stick to the other hand from behind his back and then he shot a goal. I felt myself smile a little, I wanted him to make the team, but I also wanted Scott and Stiles to not suck. Everyone cheered besides Kira, Malia, and I, I listened as Kira let out a small groan.

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