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I cannot believe I just blurted that out to her. 

I ran my fingers through my hair as I stood with my back against the front door. I mean sure I had been thinking about it since we had started to talk in my room today, but I wasn't planning on telling her it until we had been dating for a little. I don't even know if we are dating, for that matter. I groaned and hit my head against the door, then made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed two sodas and then went back up into my room to find Mason looking through the different video games. 

"You and Callie seem to be doing good?" he said once he saw I was back in the room, I slowly nodded as my mind still was on that fact that I just blurted out that I loved her in the middle of a stupid ramble. I handed him his soda, "Can't believe you have such a hot girlfriend." Mason shook his head, "I mean don't get me wrong, you've like some pretty and okay girls, but Callie is by far the best you've had, and she's totally into you as much as you are into her."

"You think?" I asked as I sat down on the floor beside him.

"Dude, she lights up when you enter a room, and you should see her face when I just mention you." Mason looked back at the games, "I mean I'd believe if she tells you she loves you."

"She hasn't though," I stared at him, "And I don't even know if she's my girlfriend or not," Mason's attention moved back towards me and I shrugged, "We haven't talked about it." 

"Well everyone thinks she's your girlfriend," I smiled at his words and began to think of her again, "I can tell that you love her too." I nodded my head at him, "What? You do?"

"I mean, yeah. I've been thinking about it and just now, when she was leaving, I totally blurted it out in the middle of a sentence."

"You did?" Mason had his body turned towards me, "What did she say?"

"She said, 'You what?' And I panicked and couldn't get any words out." I put my face into my hands, "I'm an idiot, I probably just scared her away especially since we just..." I trailed off before I finished my sentence. I wasn't sure if Callie wanted me to share what we had just done to Mason, especially after the story I heard from when I wasn't in class. 

"Since you just what?" Mason's eyebrows raised and he glanced towards my bed, "I spy nail marks on your sheets... You and Callie had sex!?" he grabbed onto me, "How was it?"

"I mean, good, but-" I tried to explain that having sex wasn't the issue but he cut me off.

"Finally, my best friend, Liam Dunbar, no longer a virgin." he patted me on the back, "So proud." I sighed, waiting for him to finish, "Don't worry about the 'I love you' thing. We can all see how she is with you and around you," I nodded my head at him again then he turned back towards the video games and placed one into the counsel. 


"When did you get so good?" Mason asked me as the game ended, "You been practicing? Or did you just suddenly get superhuman reflexes?" 

I felt my heartbeat increase, "Uh... Practicing." I looked away from him, "Yeah, I've been practicing." 

"And I should be studying." I looked up at Mason set down his controller down.

"Where are you going?" 

"Home?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me, "I got a history test tomorrow."

I sighed, "Come on, one more game." I nodded  my head towards the T.V.

"Yeah, you said that four games ago." he said and got up from the ground.

"Study here." I said as he walked towards the door, "You can stay over." I didn't want to be by myself, "Come on, one more game. Just one."

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