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I continued to think about Liam and Callie as I laid propped up on my elbow while Malia was lying beside me on her stomach. I kept staring at the wall thinking about them until I heard Malia slam the math textbook closed, "Hey, we're not finished yet." I said as I looked over at her.

She ignored me, pushed me onto my back and then put herself on top of me, then said, "Yes we are." she pressed her lips to mine. I tried to speak through her moving lips but was unable to until she broke away for air, "Okay..." I stared to say but her lips were immediately pushed back onto mine. I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her up off of my chest, "I promised I'd help you study." I reminded her and gently moved her back onto the bed beside me, "Then we can go back to that. Lots of that. Like so much.." I grinned at her. She shook her head and smiled down at the book while she opened it. I stared down at the page she had turned open to, "What's with all the highlighters anyways?" I asked her as I observed the colorful paragraphs before us.

She held up the green highlighter, "Green is for the things I understand," she said and then picked up the yellow one, "Yellow is for 'I'm working on it', and..." she trailed off as she searched for the third color. She turned to the next page to find it resting in the book crease, "Red means I have no clue." she stared down at the page, "I'm mostly using red." she slightly shrugged her shoulders. I felt myself glance behind us towards my wall that still had some colored strings hanging from it, I smiled to myself, then turned back to Malia. She was reading from the textbook, but soon looked up at me, and I gave her a small kiss but she pushed me back, "Study first, remember?" she mocked me. I chuckled and rolled onto my stomach as she said, "So what's the secret?" my eyes went wide and I felt myself about to panic, "Why is math impossible for me and easy for you guys?"

I relaxed, "Because we use Lydia's notes."

"Then somebody needs to give me notes on Lydia's notes because I don't understand any of this." she pulled out a green composition notebook and handed me it.

"Okay." I smiled and looked at the pages, "Uh, Lydia wrote these?" I kept turning the pages.

"Yeah. What are they?"

"They're not math." I stared down at the random letters and numbers that covered the whole entire page.



Mrs. McCall showed me to a room and helped me up onto the small bed. She went through some questions that she had on the clipboard in her hands. I answered each one of them, then finally she was about to leave the room, but so I wouldn't get a random doctor I explained that my stepfather worked here. She quickly retreated to go get him while I sat in the hospital room, alone. I sighed as I stared at the white walls then reached for my phone. I felt a little less lonely once I saw a text on my lock screen from Callie.

Callie: Hey.. I'm sorry about your ankle and I hope everything turns out to be okay! Let me know!

I wasn't sure why she was apologizing, it wasn't her that did anything to me on that lacrosse field, but I still appreciated her text and smiled as I reread it. I only looked up from it when I heard my stepfather's voice, "Liam," he came and stood beside the hospital bed. I looked at him for a second but then looked down at my ankle, his eyes followed mine. He sighed and went to put his hand on it to check it out, but I jumped in pain, "Okay, just..." he held out his hand telling me to keep still for a moment.

"It's broken, isn't it?" I asked as I stared down at it.

My stepfather sighed, "It's definitely going to need an x-ray."

I leaned my head back, "It's broken and it's all my fault."

"You want to tell me what happened?" he asked me.

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