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I was still sitting in the same hospital chair beside Braeden's bed for the past several hours as I just watched her sleep. My eyes only looked away from her motionless body when Melissa McCall burst into the room with a needle. I watched as she walked towards the I.V. bags that were connected to Braeden, "What's that?" I asked her.

"Naloxone," she replied, "We need to wake her up."

I quickly stood up with furrowed eyebrows as I stood closer to Melissa, "I thought you said she needed to rest?"

Melissa continued to look at Braeden, "That was before I found out the CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in there." she finally looked up at me. Our eyes met for only mere seconds and then darted back to Braeden who sat straight up in her bed. Her eyes taking in all of her surroundings and then to the needles in her arms, she let out a small groan of pain, "Braeden, look at me. You were shot, but you in the hospital now and you're fine." Melissa said, "Do you understand?" she asked her, Braeden's eyes came to mine and then she slowly nodded, "Good, okay. Last night you were in the woods and you came across another pack. Do you know what happened to them?"

I furrowed my eyebrows again as I stared at Melissa, "I told you, they were poisoned."

"No," Braeden shook her head, "No, they were infected." she spoke slowly, "It was a virus designed to kill werewolves. It did." she finally looked up at the two of us, "It killed them all."


"Is Callie at the school?" I asked Melissa as soon as we were in the empty hospital hallway.

Melissa shook her head, "No, only the juniors are there today. Sheriff Stilinski said he spoke with her a few hours ago,"

"She knows that Stiles is in there, right?" Melissa nodded her head, "So she's probably standing outside of that damn school waiting for him to come out safely." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, "I need to call her," I said, and as soon as I did my phone lit up with Callie's name across the screen. I quickly slide the green button over to answer it, "Callie, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah... Why?" she asked in a confused tone.

"Are you at the school? Are you with the sheriff?" I asked completely ignore her own question.

"No, I'm Liam's house," I felt my forehead furrow, "That's actually one of the reasons why I'm calling you, his mom wants me to stay for dinner."

"You should call the sheriff, you live under his roof most days."

"I know, and I am going to call him," she said, "But I called you first because I totally forgot to call you this morning when I woke up like Stiles had told me to,"

"That's okay," I said as I glanced back at Braeden's door, "Listen, whatever you do, don't go near the school, got it?"

"Why not?"

I sighed, "The virus that they are trying to quarantine, it's a virus that is made to kill werewolves, Callie." I said harshly, "Do not go near the school."

She was quiet for a moment, "Scott, Malia, and Kira are in there, Derek." she said, clearly the whole situation finally settling, "So is Stiles, but he can last through the virus, the others can't, right?"

"Callie, for the love of God, do not go to the school." I yelled into the receiver but soon realized that she had hung up before I even got the first word out, "God dammit, Callie."



I walked back into the living room where Liam was lying on the couch, "We need to go to the school," I said only loud enough for him to hear as I shoved my phone back into my pocket, "Like, now."

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