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We figured out a plan and were headed over to Derek's loft, I was in Derek's camaro with him, while Argent drove Allison and himself, and Sheriff Stilinski drove his own car, "What if he hurts someone?"

"I don't think you have to worry about him hurting you, if the nogitsune wanted him to do any serious harm to you, he would've done it earlier today when you were in Stiles' room." Derek said as he made a turn.

"Okay, point taken." I nodded my head, "But what if he hurts someone who can't heal?"

"We take them to a hospital."

"So helpful." I shook my head at him and looked out the window, "Stiles always says you're a sour-wolf,"

"Stiles has no room to talk right now." Derek glanced over at me, I looked down at my hands, "I didn't mean to hit a soft spot, Callie." Derek put his large hand on mine that rested in my lap.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Derek gave my hands a squeeze then lifted his hand back up to the steering wheel, "I don't know," he shrugged beside me, "When I met you I just felt this need to protect you." I nodded my head at him as he parked the camaro in front of his building, "Let's go,"

"Callie, you stay out of the loft until Sheriff Stilinski says it's clear. Then you can come in with the handcuffs. But only when Sheriff Stilinski says to." Argent said as we walked up the steps towards Derek's loft, "From what you've told us, he won't hurt you, but you never know now that the nogitsune has taken over fully. "

I didn't answer them, I only kept walking until I was right in front of the double sliding doors, "Careful, Sheriff," Derek said as he slid open one of the doors, Sheriff Stilinski walked into the loft, gun up and ready.

I stayed out of the opening of the door, and close to Derek. I waited to hear any sign that either Stiles wasn't there or that he was. It was silent until I heard a familiar voice say, "Hi, Dad."

"Stiles," I said quietly and stepped into the doorway making myself visible to Stiles, the handcuffs dangling in my hand.

"Callie, what are you doing?" Derek hissed at me as I stepped into the loft.

"You want to handcuff me?" Stiles raised an eyebrow at me, giving me an evil smirk.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll let Callie put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." Sheriff Stilinski nodded for me to go ahead and put on the cuffs as Stiles held out his hands for me and a sad look on his face as he looked down.

I grabbed onto his hand so I could get the cuff around his wrist, "Aren't you a pretty one," he said loud enough for only me to hear as I cuffed one hand, "You know, we think about you a lot, Callie." he continued. I stopped moving and looked up at him, "The things we would think of while we were in Eichen House, great images come to my mind now as you and I stand here." he smirked, raising an eyebrow at me as he looked me up and down, I locked the last cuff and stepped away from him.

He stared down at the cuffs, then gave the sheriff and I a hallow, evil glare, "You're not my son." Sheriff Stilinski said, Stiles gave us a slight shake of his head, and snapped off the handcuffs.

I heard Allison, Argent, and Derek walk into the loft. Stiles eyed each one of them as the all made a semi-circle behind the sheriff and I. Allison held up her tazer and shot it, Stiles casually grabbed the string of electricity and yanked on the wire to send the whole tazer to the other side of the room. Derek let out a loud growl and stepped forward, he swung his arm at Stiles, but Stiles grabbed onto it, slammed Derek's head against the metal table, and then threw him off to the side. I heard a click of a gun, I watched Stiles glance over at its owner, he slowly took one step towards me, grabbed my wrist gently and had me stand in front of him, facing him instead of Argent.

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