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After a couple of hours of lounging by the water, Lydia wandered off back towards the lake house, she wouldn't tell me why though. All she mentioned was that it was something important and had to do with her being a Banshee, and she told me not to worry since it was her lake house. I stayed sitting on the towel that Liam had brought for me while I watched him float around in the cool water, every now and then he attempted to do some flips under the water. I would watched him from behind my sunglasses, I'd watch how whenever he came to the surface he would casually glance over at me to see if I was watching, and frankly I was.

As I continued to watch him, my mind wandered around the question of 'what are we'. We never had established anything after the several times we had kissed each other, there was no follow up talk like Stiles and I had done when we were in this position. I shook my head as I compared this to my past relationship with Stiles. I sighed and glanced down at my vibrating iPhone beside me, I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that the sheriff was calling me. I stared at his name for a second and then pressed the green button, "Hello?"

"Callie? It's the sheriff, you probably already knew that though," he mumbled.

I glanced over at Liam who had his back to me as he leaned back in the water, "Yeah, I know," I let out a small laugh, "Is everything okay?"

"Depends, where are you?" he asked, his tone became a bit more urgent now that he was back on the subject he originally called me for.

"I'm at Lydia's family's lake house with her and Liam since everyone else I hang out with is at the school today." I answered him, curiosity began to eat me inside. He was quiet for a second, "Because the juniors have their big test today..." I said.

"That's right," he sighed.

I cleared my throat, "Sheriff, what's wrong?" I heard other voices behind him, "Sheriff?" I sat up straight on the towel as I tried to get Sheriff Stilinski's attention. I could see Liam getting out of the water and began to walk over to me.

"Sorry, Cal... Uh, yeah, there's some kind of virus in the school." he started to say, "No one's allowed in or out, they don't have any service either. They don't want the kids texting and posting on the internet and causing a panic." I stared at the rocks in front of me, "I have no way of knowing if Stiles is okay or not since I'm not allowed in the building either," he sighed, "They're trying to find a way for us to do so, but as of right now, there's nothing."

I felt my heart beginning to pound in my chest, "Stiles has to be okay, right? I mean, if something was really wrong they would find some way to inform you, right?"

"I'm sure they would, Callie." he agreed, "From that, I'm going to assume he's okay, and so should you."

"Are you at the school?" I asked, "Should I come?"

I heard him sigh on his end of the line, "There's nothing you could do even if you did come, enjoy your Saturday, honey." he said, "I just needed to make sure you weren't here, that way I only have one kid to worry about now,"

I smiled to myself, "Well that's what Derek's for now too,"

"I know, but as far as I'm concerned I'm your guardian and you live in my house, so I'm going to worry about you like my own child too." he said quietly, "Once the papers get sent out to your adoptive parents, they sign them, send them back here, then Derek can worry all about you." I smiled at his words, "But let's be honest, I'll still worry then." I stayed quiet and then he spoke again, "Callie, you may not be my child, or be dating my son anymore, but I'm still going to protect you like my own until I physically can't anymore. Okay?"

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