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Liam pulled his maroon jersey over his head as I stood in front of him by the lacrosse field. He shoved the jersey into his Beacon Hills High lacrosse bag that he had put under the bench at the start of the game, then he pulled out a dark blue shirt to put on his bare chest. He looked up at me once he was covered, I quickly blinked away to try and play off like I wasn't staring at him. I took his white jersey off of my body to reveal my black tank top, I handed him the jersey so he could put it into his bag with the other various amounts of clothing. He dug through his bag, then handed me a grey V-neck t-shirt. I smiled at him but I was hesitant to put it on, first I held it up to my nose, it smelled cleaner than the majority of the things in the rest of the bag, so I pulled it over my head. I watched Liam zip up the bag; this kid has way too many options of shirts in this one bag. He pulled the bag up onto his shoulder then gave me a small smile as we began to walk towards the school. I followed behind Liam though the double doors as he opened both of them to reveal a sea of lacrosse players all begging Coach Finstock to let them into the locker room so they could retrieve their things, "Guys, back off. You can get your gear tomorrow." he yelled over the clatter, "If anybody sees Garrett, you notify the police immediately. Then tell him he's off the damn team." Coach barked at the group of boys hovering in front of him as Liam gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me through them.

"Dad, really. I'm okay." I heard Scott say as Liam and I rounded the corner to reveal him and his father.

"I should've been here. I said I would be at the games." Agent McCall said quietly, his voice was full of guilt as he stared down at his son.

"Well, I mean this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it." Scott tried to help his father feel less bad about not being here earlier.

Liam leaned against the wall as he watched Scott and Agent McCall converse, "But I promise your mom I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here." Agent McCall said, ignoring Scott's attempts to make him feel better.

Scott opened his mouth to speak but closed it again before he finally thought of what to say, "You're here now." Agent McCall stared down at his son, neither of them saying anything else on the topic because Deputy Parrish came walking out of the boys' locker room with Violet in his tight grip.

I leaned forward more so I could see more than just Liam's face, I watched Deputy Parrish usher Violet down the hallway towards the four of us. Violet looked at Deputy Parrish, then I watched as she almost did a double take. She furrowed her eyebrows and then asked, "Jordan Parrish?"

"Deputy Parrish." he responded without even looking at her.

Violet and Deputy Parrish passed Scott and Agent McCall first, Violet sending Scott an entertained and evil stare as she slowly walked past him. Liam and I leaned up against the wall to avoid being ran into and earning a glare from Violet's dark eyes. It felt like slow motion as Deputy Parrish kept his hold on her as they walked towards the exit of the building. She stared at me as she walked by, sending me a small smirk as she looked between Liam and I. Once she and Parrish were passed us, I turned back towards Scott and Agent McCall only to see that Sheriff Stilinski was now approaching them, "Sheriff, what is it? Is that the weapon?"

"Yeah," Sheriff Stilinski held up the evidence bag, "It's a thermo-cut wire," the two men looked at each other for a moment before they both started to move towards where Deputy Parrish was standing with Violet, just before the exit.

"Parrish, hold up." Agent McCall said without taking a glance at Liam or myself.

I stepped around Liam and almost ran into Scott's chest. He looked from me and then to Liam, then his eyes came back to mine, "Where's Kira?"

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