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The torn wire on the roof came loose and began to fling everywhere, I had ran downstairs to find Kira and to make sure she was okay when the wire came down to the parking lot level. It flung about everywhere, I kept avoiding it not wanting to get electrocuted any time soon, "Oh, god." Kira said quietly.

"Callie!" I turned around only to have Derek picking me up and moving us away from the ambulance that had been coming straight for me, "Pay attention!" he yelled but his face wasn't angry.

"Thank you, Derek." he nodded his head at. I looked past him to see that the ambulance had hit the fire hydrant, "Derek, look." I pointed to the wire resting in the now flooded area, "Scott!" I yelled and he saw what I did.

"Get back! Everyone, get back!" Kira yelled, "Everyone, get back!"

"Allison!" I heard Isaac's voice and found him throwing Allison out of harms way right as his foot met the water.

"Isaac, no!" Allison yelled as he fell face first into the water. I stood beside Derek when Scott appeared by our side, but my eyes never left Kira as she jumped onto a car, flipped, and landed in the water. She grabbed onto the wire and held onto it tightly and put her other hand over the sparks, distinguishing it.

As soon as we knew the water was okay to walk in, Derek and I ran to Isaac, "Isaac?" Derek put his hand on Isaac's neck, "He's not breathing." he looked up, "Scott, he's not breathing!" he yelled.


They took Isaac away on a stretcher into the hospital, I watched as the wheeled him past some door and into a different area. I standing by the front desk when I heard a woman say, "I saw what you did." I turned to look at the door and saw Kira with some woman, I figured it was her mother, "Now's not the time for anybody else to see." she grabbed a hold of Kira and walked her out of the hospital.

I focused my hearing on something else when I saw Scott concentrating, finally I heard Parrish's voice, "Two people said they saw Stiles' jeep leave the hospital."

"Someone needs to find him. Now." Sheriff Stilinski said.

Another voice filled my ears, "Is it me or was this cut?" Agent McCall asked someone, "Tell the others to keep an eye out for signs of sabotage."

I looked up and saw Derek staring at me, "Come on, I'll take you home." he said, I nodded my head, and watched as he walked over to Scott, "You have to tell Stilinski. You have to tell him what's really wrong with Stiles."


I sat down in front of Sheriff Stilinski's desk as he stared at his cell phone, "Did text you too?" I asked as I pulled out my own phone and reread the text.

Stiles: I'm okay. Don't come looking for me. I'll be back soon. I love you.

When I looked up at Sheriff Stilinski he was already looking at me, "Yeah," he said quietly as Parrish walked into his office.

"Sheriff," Parrish said as another man walked in behind him carrying a box. Sheriff Stilinski didn't say anything, just looked up at the deputy, "He just needs your signature." they both walked into the room, and I moved out of the way, "It's just printer cartridges and stuff. Batteries for the next blackout. Not a bad idea considering the number of electrical problems in this town." Sheriff Stilinski looked up from the clipboard nodding as he signed his name.

I watched his sad expression until a knock filled the room, "I know you're a bit preoccupied at the moment." Agent McCall walked into the room.

"What is it?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, motioning for him to come in.

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