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After hearing what we needed to hear Scott, Callie, and I walked out towards my jeep, but stopped short when I saw my dad's patrol car, "Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here because I could use some help," he said and then looked towards Callie and Scott, "Actually, your help," he pointed at Scott and Callie.

"Why me?" Scott asked while Callie just nodded her head without a question.

"Because eight years ago, almost an entire family died in a car accident. One of the bodies, a young girl named Malia, was never found. There's enough evidence to have me thinking that a werewolf could have cause the accident, and then dragged her body away. If you could somehow get a lock on her scent if you could somehow help me find her body, it might provide the missing clue." my dad answered.

"But what if it was a werewolf?" Scott asked.

"Well, there's somebody out there who murdered an entire family. Someone who still needs to be caught." My dad said with a serious face.



We walked across the back porch, carefully stepping over a rat trap. Stiles turned the doorknob and thankfully it wasn't locked, he began to push it open as it creaked loudly. I put my hand on my face, Stiles continuing to creak the door until he just pushed it quickly. He turned to look at Scott and I as we both could hear if Mr. Tate had heard us breaking into his house.

"New evidence?" I heard Mr. Tate ask a few rooms away.

"Possibly," Sheriff Stilinski said.

I gave Stiles a thumbs up as he began to hand Scott and I things to smell, I couldn't smell anything special except another animal, but I figured Scott would get something, since he was more experienced than I was, until he said, "All I'm getting is some animal smell," Scott said.

Stiles looked at me, "Me too," I shrugged and looked for something else I could smell.

"What kind of animal?" Stiles asked as he joined me to look around.

I turned around to answer him, but I was cut off by a growling, "Dog," Scott answered for the both of us.

Stiles hid the stuffed animal in his hand in his jacket as he hid behind me, "Hi puppy." he said quietly, "Get rid of it," Stiles said as he stared at Scott.


"Yes, you. Glow your eyes at it, something, be the Alpha," Stiles encouraged, but his grip tightened on my arm as the dog continued to stare at us.

"I can't," Scott said as the dog let out a small growl, "I don't have control,"

"Okay, buddy, you're going to have to try something," Stiles said, both of us watching the dog closely.

Scott stuck his hand out and took a step towards the dog, "Nice doggy," I rolled my eyes at Scott's attempt.

Immediately the dog started to bark at us, I felt Stiles jump beside me as the dog continued to bark and show us his teeth, "Apollo! Apollo, shut up!" we heard Mr. Tate yell, "Shut the hell up!" the dog let out a small whine before giving us one more look, then turning around, and walked into a different room.

I relaxed and watched Stiles walk over to another area of the room shaking his head, "Here, try that," he handed a little book to Scott and search for something else for me to smell, "Anything?"

"All I'm getting is that dog," Scott sighed.

I watched as he pulled his phone out to snap a picture of the picture that was held in a small pink picture frame.

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