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I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

I looked down at the sweater and shoes Lydia pulled out of her locker and forced me to put on, "I'm going to fall in these heels." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror again. I mean, I did like the outfit; a red sweater with white stars all over it, jean shorts, that I already had on that were now barley showing, and a pair of black boots that cut off at my ankle. Lydia shook her head as her eyes darted towards the bun on top of my head, but allowed me to keep it there.

"You won't fall." Lydia smiled at me as she stood beside me to look into the mirror as well, then she handed me a black purse that was also in the back of her locker. I stared at her and shook my head, "Callie, please."

"I have a backpack in my locker, I'm not carrying a purse." I crossed my arms over my chest. Lydia groaned and then grabbed my shoulders so she could usher me into the hallway, "But seriously, what if I fall?" I glanced over at her.

She rolled her eyes, "You won't. You're a werewolf." she smiled at me and then looked down at the dainty little watch on her wrist, "Better get going, don't want to miss the new beta." she smirked and then gave me a push down the hallway.

I took one more glance at her as she stood there smiling, "I hate you." I smiled at her and then walked away and towards the set of stairs that led right in front of the classroom Liam would be coming from.

"Love you too!" she called back to me. I shook my head and continued down the hallway.

The bell rang as I got to the top of the stairs, I took a deep breath when I saw Liam and Mason walking out of the classroom; I couldn't move from the top step. I watched as Liam looked up at me and stopped walking causing his best friend to stop and look at him. Mason gave him a confused look and then his eyes followed Liam's. I took another deep breath and began to walk down the stairs, and I gave him a small smile as I did. He let his eyebrows rise as he watched me walk down the stairs, I smiled and glanced down at my feet when I felt myself losing my balance. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, flat on my stomach.

I laid my forehead on the ground in embarrassment but looked up when I heard footsteps next to me, "You okay?" I looked up to see Liam kneeling down beside me.

Might as well make the most of this.

I smiled at him and blew the few strands that had fallen from my bun out of my face. I rested my cheek onto my hand and looked up at him, "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him again, "I was wondering something though..." I said and he nodded his head at me, "You want to go to a party tonight?"

His eyes widened a little, obviously not expecting that to come out of my mouth, "With you?" he asked and I nodded slowly, I felt my smile slowly fading a bit, "Of course." he held out his hand for me as he began to stand up, I grabbed it, and got to my feet. He held out his arms, pointing them down the hallways, "Shall we?" he asked. I nodded my head and began to walk beside him down the hallway. When we turned a corner I felt myself losing balance again, out of instinct I grabbed onto his arm to stay on my feet, "Callie, why are you wearing those?" he looked down at my feet.

"Why not?" I said awkwardly as I looked down at them as well, "I mean, they are cute, right?" I asked him and he nodded his head and then let out a chuckle when my grip on him tightened.

He rested his hand on my back until I stopped wobbling, "Do you have another pair of shoes in your locker?" I looked up at him and saw that he was still staring down at Lydia's ridiculous boots, then he brought his eyes up to meet mine. I felt my cheeks turn red as I grabbed onto him again, "Not that I don't love this, but I also don't want you to break your ankle." I nodded my head still holding onto his forearm and then led him down to my locker to retrieve my pair of black Vans.

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