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"You smell different, Stiles," Scott whispered as I sat down beside him in class as the bell rang. Callie was in our English class because she was crazy good at writing, but her desk was up a few rows to my left, perfect place for me to just watch her.

I gave Scott a weird look and shook my head, "No, I don't,"

"Yes you do,"

"What do I smell like?"

"Lust," I turned to face him, he was smirking at me, "Is Stiles no longer a virgin?" he teased and nudged me as he looked towards Callie, who was focused on class. I smiled at her focused face, then gave Scott a facial expression to confirm his answer. He reached his hand out to give me a high five, "How was it?"

"Great," I glanced towards Callie, "Scott, I really like her," I whispered quietly.

"She likes you too," he responded.

"How do you know," I put my eyes back on Callie.

"Seriously?" Scott raised his eyebrow, "Hmm.. Maybe the fact that you're her anchor, the fact that she kissed you, or I don't know, the fact that you two had sex,"

"Shhh," I smacked him.

"McCall! Stilinski!" our eyes shot up to the front to Mrs. Lind, "Seperate now!"

"How? There are no open seats," I spoke even thought I knew I would make her even more angry.

"Mr. McCall, switch with your cousin, please," Scott grunted as he stood up and walked towards Callie's seat, Callie grabbed her things and walked over towards Scott's old seat.

"Hey," I whispered to her.

She looked up from her notebook and smiled at me, "Hi," she began to write again, "Don't get us yelled at," she laughed quietly. I couldn't concentrate now that she was right next to me, she was paying attention to class, so she wouldn't notice me taking this opportunity to stare at her.


"McCall! Stilinski!" I jumped and quickly looked up to make sure Mrs. Lind wasn't yelling at me for anything. My eyes followed hers as she stared at Stiles and Scott, Stiles tried to keep a straight face as he looked over at me, "Separate now!"

"How? There are no open seats," Stiles sarcastic tone spoke up, I glanced back towards Mrs. Lind who eyes glared holes into Stiles and Scott.

"Mr. McCall switch seats with your cousin, please," Scott grunted as he stood up then I realized he was coming to switch seats with me, I gathered my things, smiling at Scott as we passed each other.

Mrs. Lind carried on with the notes once I was seated beside Stiles, "Hey," he whispered.

"Hi," I smiled at him, "Don't get us yelled at," I laughed a little. I began to start writing down the notes again, I could feel Stiles staring at me, and I could hear his heartbeat speed up as he did. He thought I was clueless to him watching me, but I wasn't, though I did decide to let him think he was right.

Towards the end of the class, all of us began to pack away our notebooks, except Stiles and Scott, "Cal," Stiles said quietly.

"Yeah?" I pushed my hair out of my face.

"Can I copy your notes tonight at home?" he gave me a big smile.

I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes, "If you paid attention in class we could just hang out, but no, you have to copy my notes," I smiled at him as we walked out of the classroom.

"It's okay guys, leave me behind," Scott said once caught up to us, "And coping her notes are going to have to wait, we have to meet up with Derek,"

"Hate that guy," Stiles groaned, "Fine, meet me at my Jeep after school, I'll call my dad to pick up Callie,"

"He wants Callie to come too," Scott said, Stiles heartbeat rose rapidly, he smelled like anger, "He just wants to talk about her first full moon, how she controlled herself, and all that,"

"Still hate him," Stiles says and then doesn't say another word as Scott continues to talk.

"He's not going to hurt her, Stiles," Scott said. I felt how tense Stiles was when my shoulder brushed his arm, I automatically reached my hand over to his, and gave it a tight squeeze. I felt Stiles look down at me, but then he squeezed my hand back.

"He looked at her weird the first time he met her,"

"He did, didn't he?" Scott agreed, "He almost looked like he had seen her or knew her,"

"Well that was the first time I had ever met him so how could he have seen me before?" I asked as we stopped at Stiles' locker.

"Because he's a weird dude," Stiles searched his locker.

Scott looked at me and rolled his eyes, "He is a werewolf, he was born one, Stiles, he has his senses under control,"

"What, so Callie smelled familiar to him?" Stiles gave Scott a weird look.

Scott shrugged, "It's possible,"

"Fine, I'll meet you at the Jeep, and I'll meet you right here," Stiles smiled at me.

"Okay, sounds good," Scott said as he walked away with Isaac who had been walking by.

"I'll see you after class then," I smiled at him and started to turn around to head to Coach Finstock's room for the second time for study hall.

"Hey, hey, hey," Stiles grabbed onto my hand and pulled me into him, "Can I have a kiss goodbye," he smiled like a child. I let out a laugh, "I mean, come on, you kissed me the other night, you just held my hand, and not to mention after the kiss we-"

"Stiles!" she screeched, "Stop it," she laughed even harder now. Once she had herself under control, she stood up on her tip-toes, and pressed her lips to mine, "Bye," she smiled and walked away down the hallway. I leaned against my locker and continued to watch her until her petite body disappeared among the people.

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