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I opened my eyes, my body hurt, and I could taste blood on my lips. I blinked several times, trying to see where I was. I was still in Derek's loft, I stared at the dangling lightbulbs I had set up for Kira. My eyes went wide, Kira. Before my mind could comprehend what was happening, I felt my body being thrown into the air, and slamming into Derek's loft door. I didn't get up, I laid where I had landed, and turned my head to see if Kira was still here. My eyes wandered until they landed on Kate sending Kira into a wall. I quickly got onto my knees and held myself up with my hands, then I kicked my feet towards Kate. She fought back, and she wasn't giving up. Kate pushed me off of my feet and held me up against a post, and repeatedly hit me. When she released me, I didn't move, I stayed sitting against the post. My eyes automatically found Kira again, in the hands of a Berserker. 

I took several deep breaths then looked back at Kate, "What do you want from us?"

"I want a little bit of inside, Scott."

My eyebrows furrowed, "To what?"

"My family." she stated, "The Argent family has been around for over four hundred years. A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of werewolf hunters." she tilted her head as she stared at me, "But yet somehow, in less than a year, this great family is decimated by a teenage boy." she paused and then leaned down towards me, "So my question is simple. What the hell is so special about Scott McCall?" 

"You want me?" I asked, "Take me. Just me."

Kate shook her head at me, "Oh no, we're all going." she turned to look at the Berserker, "We're all going to church." she turned back towards me and let out a long growl. I didn't have to know what she was doing to know that it was going to be good. 



I followed Stiles into the boys' locker room, in shock at the news he had just told me about Scott, "Everything's fine." Stiles said again, "I got a text from him this morning and he said he might be a little late."

"Well, how late is late? Is he always late?" I questioned Stiles as he turned to face me, "We're playing Davenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. He shouldn't be late." 

I stared at Stiles until another voice joined our conversation, "Who shouldn't be late?" Coach asked as he turned towards us.

Stiles bit his lip and turned to look at me. I let out a deep breath and said, "Scott and Kira." I winced, ready for him to yell.

"They might be slightly late." Stiles added for me.

Coach held out his hand and stammered over his words and then remarked, "Slightly late is still late. What are they doing?" he asked.

I stared at Coach, waiting for Stiles to take over. Stiles' hand came up to his neck and he scratched the back of his head as he mumbled, "They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late." 

Coach held out both of his hands now, trying to understand what we were saying, "What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?" he asked again. 

Stiles and I didn't say anything, we just looked at each other, and then Coach made his own assumptions as to why the lacrosse couple was going to be late, "Oh, Coach." Stiles shook his head and moved towards his gym locker. I followed after him, "Liam, it's fine." he said again but I still stood beside him. He spun away from his locker to look at me, "Do I need to get Callie so she can calm you down?"


Stiles and I were sitting on the players bench as we got the rest of our gear on. I looked around for Scott and Kira but the only person I managed to find was Callie in my white lacrosse jersey. She had walked up with Sheriff Stilinski and Malia and had sat down in one of the front rows of the bleachers. I took a deep breath and felt myself relaxing a little when her brown eyes met mine. She smiled and waved at me, and I sent her a small smile back, then turned back to Stiles, "They're still not here." my relaxed feeling was slowly leaving my body the second I looked away from Callie. 

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