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I waited outside of the school with Liam and Kira, my eyes continuously darting towards the door that led to the locker rooms every time I heard a noise coming from the vicinity. I felt as if I were holding my breath from the second Stiles released my hand and ran into the school. I stared at the doors as I felt my heart pounding in my chest, and then a voice brought me out of my trance, "Callie?" I blinked a couple of times and then turned to face Liam, "You okay?" he asked in a concerned voice. I nodded my head then looked back towards the doors, "Are you sure?" he asked as he moved to stand in front of me, blocking my sight of the doors.  

I breathed out the word, "Yeah," and then looked him in the eyes, "I'm just worried about Stiles," I said, one of his eyebrows perked up, "And, uh.. Scott." I added as I cleared my throat.

He nodded slowly as he stepped over to stand beside me, "I'm sure they're fine, Callie." he said, I didn't say anything, "Scott can hold his own right?"

I nodded, "I know he can." I sighed as the doors still remained closed, "Stiles just thinks he can, he's the one who would get hurt." Liam didn't say anything else after I spoke. I took a deep breath and tilted my head down so I could try to focus on hearing Stiles. Gradually, his heartbeat filled my eardrums, I let out a sigh of relief because it was beating at its normal pace. I knew he was okay, I felt my body relax a little and I began to look around where I was standing, Kira was sitting on the bench with her lacrosse stick in her hand, fiddling away at the netting with her fingers. My eyes carried over to Liam who was still beside me, his eyes darted away once I made eye contact with him. I listened closely to his heart beat, it was quick in his chest. My eyes shot over to the doors as I heard them squeak open, Scott came walking out of them and made his way towards the field. My heart started to pound again when Stiles didn't follow him out the doors, even though I knew he was okay. I felt a rush of relief when Liam's hand grabbed mine as we both kept waiting for Stiles to walk out the door. I squeezed Liam's hand when I finally saw the boy with the number twenty-four jersey stroll out of the doors with his phone to ear, "Thank God." I breathed out.

"Okay, see you soon, Dad." he said before he hung up the phone. My fingers untangled themselves as I began to walk towards Stiles' direction as he took one of his hands and ran it through his spike hair. He gave me a small smile as I stopped right in front of him, I examined him, looking him up and down to make sure he was in one piece, "I'm okay, Cal, promise." he put his hand on my shoulder then pulled me into him, and he held onto me tightly. It took me a second to realize that I was actually in Stiles' embrace, I slowly moved my arms up so that they could rest on his back as I hugged him back, "Why don't you worry about anyone else?" he asked quietly before he released me.

"I do," I defended as we began to walk towards Liam, Kira, and Scott.

"You don't voice it to them," he pointed out as he shortened his strides so he could stay beside me. I looked over at him, he was right.. I never told Scott or any other of the pack members not to do something because I was worried. I didn't know how to answer him without embarrassing myself, so I responded with a  small shrug, "Oh, okay, Cal.." he nudged me lightly and laughed a little.

"Would you like me to voice it to them?"

He shook his head at me, "No, I like when you tell me." he said, "Then I know you still care." he said quietly, almost like he didn't want me to hear him but I did. I smiled as I looked down at my shoes and Liam's lacrosse jersey. Once we got closer to everyone, Stiles cleared his throat, "My dad's on his way, Scott." Scott nodded his head at Stiles and then he turned back to Coach to finish telling him what it looked like in the locker room right now.

My attention was drawn from them when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I slipped it out, cringed at who it was, and then answered it, "Hey, Derek." I said as I stepped away from Liam and Stiles.

"Why would you go to that game knowing that the people who are murdering supernatural beins were going to be there?" he said in an angry voice, I could tell he was pacing as I listened to his boots hitting the cement floor of the loft loudly. I sighed instead of answering him, "Calliana Talia Hale. Answer me."

"I don't know, Derek." I rolled my eyes, "I wanted to support the team, I-"

"You wanted to support the new Beta." Derek corrected me.

I clicked my tongue as my eyes travelled to Liam's, he smiled at me, obviously listening to my brother's lecture, "Possibly." I heard Derek sigh loudly with annoyance, "I'm not on either of the lists yet. Neither is Liam."

"Yet, Callie. There's still another third to go, and both of you will be on that one." Derek responded quickly. I stayed quiet, I knew he was right so I knew there was no point of arguing with him, "How was the game before it was interrupted?"

I looked towards the scoreboard, "We were losing two to one,"

"How'd your little Beta do?" I could hear the humor in his voice as he taunted me.

"After Scott though that Garrett was after Liam, he told Coach that his leg hurt." I stared back down at my Vans as I kicked the dead grass that surrounded the lacrosse field, "I mean, he was playing fine but he didn't want to, you know, get murdered."

"Everyone else is okay?" Derek asked, "Besides the Beta from the other team?"

"Yup," I said, "Brett just got pricked with Garrett's dagger, Scott said it was laced with wolfs bane." my eyes trailed to a pair of cleats that were a few steps in front of me, my eyes travelled up to see the identical jersey as the one on my body, the only difference was that it was the opposite colors of mine. I smiled up at Liam as I continued to talk to Derek and kick the grass, "We're going to take him to Deaton, he said he could help."

"He can," Derek stated, "Where are you right now?" he changed the subject.

"The school, by the lacrosse field," once I kicked my foot forward again, Liam hit it with his cleat, I looked up and let out a quiet chuckle, "Uh, we're waiting for Sheriff Stilinski and Agent McCall."

"Why are you laughing?"

I cleared my throat and gently pushed Liam, "Nothing, just a lacrosse player messing with me."

"Let me guess," Derek said, "Liam?"

I let out another chuckle as I glanced up at Liam again, "I'll call you later."

"Okay, be smart, Callie." Derek said loudly as I hung up with phone, my cheeks becoming warm as I shook my head.

"You know, you look pretty good in my jersey." Liam grinned at me.

I laughed and shook my head, "Is that so, Dunbar?" he nodded his head at me, "I mean, I guess I do pull it off better than you do." I taunted.

He looked up at me with a semi-shocked look, "Oh really, Callie?" I crossed my arms over my chest and nodded at him with a smirk playing on my face. He hummed an answered at me as I turned to walk away, but I felt a pair of hands grab onto my hips.

Liam lifted me up as he ticked my sides and gradually spun us around, "Liam," I laughed as I grabbed onto his forearms and his hands, "Stop it," I tried to say in a serious voice, but I couldn't control my laughter as he continued to tickle my sides.

"Dunbar! McCall!" Coached yelled as he walked towards us, "Can you set aside your teenage sexual desires, there are people murdering people on the lacrosse field!" Liam set me down quickly, I then adjusted his jersey so it was covering my stomach again, then adjusted my hair. I sent a smile at Coach and he rolled his eyes at me, "Have sex on your own time, McCall."

"Will do, Coach." I saluted him as he walked past Liam and I and went towards the school with a few teachers that had been in the crowd tonight. I blew a few fly-away hairs out of my face and I turned back to face Liam.

"Will do, Coach?" he licked his lips and raised his eyebrows at me.

I watched as he bit his lip as he took a step towards me so he was only a few inches away. I felt my cheeks getting warm so, I responded with what a Hale would say, "If you're lucky." I smirked at him, then stepped up on my tip-toes, then pecked his cheek before I walked towards Stiles and Kira. I glanced back to see Liam standing in the same spot, jaw slightly dropped, and by the sound of his heart, I knew his mind was running around thoughts of him and I.

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