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I walked around the parked school buses, then stopped when I saw Garrett leaning up against one of the buses, hidden in between the two. I stared at him and slowly walked towards him, "Okay, what do you want? You want me to go to Stilinski? I can do that. Or I can talk to my father, he's an FBI agent." I held out my hands, desperate for him to tell me where Callie and Liam were.

"You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge? I'm not getting help from a werewolf because I want him to talk to someone." he said dryly.

I shook my head, "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Garrett looked away from me as he spoke, "They are transferring Violet to a federal facility." his head snapped back towards me, holding the end of his lacrosse stick to my chest, "You're not going to let that happen."


"They're going to put her in a car. We're going to follow it. We get ahead of it. You stop it." Garrett explained.

"You want me to attack a car? That's your plan?" my jaw was clenched.

"You're an Alpha." he said, "If you can't stop one little car, then two little Betas are going to die." I glared at him, he held up the dagger at the end of his lacrosse stick so it was in between us at eye level, "I stabbed them both with a blade dipped in wolfs band. Once it gets to the heart..." he smirked at me, "Bad things happen." with that he pushed past me and walked away.


"Help!" Liam yelled again. I leaned against the brick wall around us and watched him, "Scott! Is anybody there?" he continued, "Somebody help us, please! Answer me! Help us!" he held onto the wound on his chest, "Help! Scott! Scott, help us, please! Help!"

"Liam!" I yelled over him. He brought his attention away from the top of the well so he could look at me, "You've been screaming for ten minutes now, and no one has answered. Give it a rest." I stared at him.

"Give it a rest?" he questioned, "Give it a rest? Callie, we're going to die if we don't get out of here. Do you not get that?"

I perked my eyebrow up at him, "Do I not get that?" I repeated him, annoyance all over my voice, "Liam, how long have you been a werewolf now? Oh right, like a week." I stared at him.

"What else am I supposed to do beside yell for help?" he asked, "I don't want to die down here." I heard the water moving indicating that he was making his towards me.

"I don't know," I sighed, "But obviously screaming is not working." I finally tuned to look at him, "Scott will find us."

"How can you be so sure?"

I sighed loudly, "He's our Alpha, it's his job to take care of his pack. And right now, I'm one hundred percent positive that he's doing everything in his power to find us." Liam opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again, "What were you going to say?"

He shook his head, "I was just wondering stuff," I stared at him and played with the water, "How is Scott your Alpha if you were born a werewolf? Would Derek or someone be your Alpha?" he asked.

"Derek doesn't have the eye color of an Alpha, did you notice that?" he shook his head, "Scott told me that Derek used to be an Alpha, not like Scott, he had to kill to become one. But he lost his red eyes trying to save my sister, Cora. Scott didn't have the entire story though, just bits and pieces." I explained, "Just because I wasn't made into a werewolf by Scott doesn't mean he can't still be my Alpha. An Alpha is basically is denoting the dominant animal or human in a particular group." Liam just stared at me, so I went on, "He just has to show dominance with our group of friends, he has the characteristic of a leader, and we all look to him when we need help or answers." he slowly nodded, "So he's my Alpha without biting me, same with Kira, Malia, and even Lydia. He's your Alpha by the bite."

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