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"Are you sure you're okay?" Liam asked me again for what seemed like the tenth time since we had gotten to Scott's house. I sat myself up and looked him straight in the eyes and nodded my head, again, "You're positive?" 

"Yes, Liam." I breathed out and smiled at him, "I promise." I watched as he finally let himself relax a bit beside me, "Are you okay?" I asked him and placed my hand on his.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I mean, yeah I guess I am but..." he trailed off and stared at our hands. I didn't say anything, I just waited for him to gather his thoughts, "But we almost died tonight and all I had been worried about was getting drunk." 

My eyes fell to our hands as well, "You probably had a good reason to try and get drunk," I said quietly, "You haven't been a werewolf for that long and you already have to worry about people coming after you... I'd get drunk too, I mean if we could." Liam looked up at me with a confused look on his face, "We technically can't get drunk, Scott says that it's something to do with our healing." 

"Did you know that at the bonfire?" he asked and I nodded head at him, "Why didn't you stop me from drinking then?"

"Because I knew that you thought you'd feel better, so I just joined you."

Liam smiled at me and began to lean towards me until his lips pressed against mine. The moment was short lived because mere seconds later Scott's boots were stomping down the stairs, "Kira found Brett," he said as he handed Liam the other helmet for his bike, "They're fine but we've got to go." he said as he walked towards the door. 

Liam quickly got up and followed him, "More assassins?" he asked as he held out his arms.

"Maybe a lot more," 

Liam began to slow his pace, "Different than the ones who just tried to set us on fire?" he came to a stop as Scott continued to the door and I began to follow Scott, but stopped when I heard Liam's heartbeat.

"I think so, yeah." Scott said, he must have heard the lack of footsteps behind him because he turned around to look at Liam, my eyes followed. Liam's eyes darted between the two of us and then down towards the red helmet in his hand and then set it down on the table beside him. Scott looked at me but I didn't know what was wrong with Liam, so I barely shrugged my shoulders before I brought my eyes back to Liam. Scott closed the front door and walked back over to Liam, "How about I take you home?" Scott offered. 

Liam looked up, his eyes meeting mine first and then they drifted to Scott, "I'm not like you."

"Not yet,"

Liam's head slightly shook, "I don't mean I'm not strong or I'm never going to learn control," he began, "I mean everything else. You and your friends try to protect everyone." he said, "Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?" he asked.

"Not all of us are," I quietly said as my thoughts went to Allison and Aiden. I didn't let my eyes meet either of them, I kept them glued to my shoes. 

I could feel Liam's stare on me so I finally let myself look back up at the two boys. When I did I saw Scott holding up the helmet again towards Liam, "Let me at least take you home." Scott suggested again.

Liam stared at the helmet for a moment and then took it from Scott's hands. Scott turned back towards the door, gave me a small smile, and then continued out his front door. Liam began to follow in his footsteps and I waited for him to pass me so I could follow but instead I felt his hand intertwining our fingers together. I looked up at him, he gave me a quick and small half smile and then lead us out to the McCall's front yard. 

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