Chapter 44

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Next Night

"Can I lay her down?" I asked Monica.

"Yeah. Just be careful. Okay?" She said.


She put Ariah in my arms and stood up.  She yawned.

"I'm finna go to sleep. Good night, Tray." She said.

"Good night." I stood up and made my way to Ariah's room. I closed the door. I sat her in her crib and  waited like thirty minutes to make sure Monica would be sleep.

I took out her carseat quietly and grabbed Ariah. I put her in there then picked it up. I quietly opened the door and slipped downstairs. I went through the back door to the van. I put Ariah in the car then got in myself. I drove off and exhaled. It felt like I was holding my breath the whole time.

I took out my phone and called Uncle B.

"You got her?" He asked.


"Get over here as soon as possible." He said.


End Called.

Next Day
Sunday, Dec. 25th

I wake up earlier than usual and decide to get ready for the day. Once I was done, I go to Ariah's room to check on her. I quietly open the door and go to the crib. My heart dropped. She wasn't there. I run over to where Tray was sleeping, and he wasn't there either.

I grabbed my phone and tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. I ran to Rah's room and woke Destiny and him up.

"Wake up! Get up! We gotta go!" I yelled with tears forming in my eyes.

"What? Why? What happened?!" Rah asked.

"My baby! He took her! We gotta go get her back! I tried calling him, and he ain't answer!"

"What? Who took her?!" He asked.

"Tray! He took her! I let him put her to bed and now they're both gone!"

"We gotta go get her back!" I said walking out the room. Go put my shoes and my coat on and grabbed my keys.

Rah came down stairs.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" He said.

"Wait? Wait for what?! We gotta go, nigga! We gotta get my baby. Rashawn I need my baby back. I need my ba-." He cut me off.

"I know. We gon get her back." He said.

"But you need to calm down. You need to take a minute and breathe. We don't know where he took her. We'll find out. Okay?" He said.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down like he said to. "Okay. O-okay."

I sat down on the couch. I started crying.

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